恶动力说,theory of evil power
1)theory of evil power恶动力说
1.People who constantly question Hegel s theory of evil power have lots of misunderstandings,because they don t carefully study it from the historical and philosophical perspectives.黑格尔的“恶动力说”受到了种种质疑 ,其中存在着诸多误解。

1.Engles and Evil-Motive-Force Theory;恩格斯与“恶动力说”——“恶是历史发展的动力的表现形式”论析
2.attempts to eradicate crime力图根除罪恶的行动.
3.Study on Laser Radiation Time after Photofrin Injection in Malignant Tumor Photodynamic Therapy;光动力治疗恶性肿瘤光照时间的研究
4.Primary Research for Photodynamic Therapy in Malignant Melanoma Treatment;光动力学治疗恶性黑素瘤的初步研究
5.I heard there are vicious killers operating out of the Bitch's Brew Tavern!我听说有许多邪恶的杀手在恶妇的酿造馆外活动!
6.They were of those dwarfed natures which, if a dull fire chances to warm them up, easily become monstrous.这些小人,一旦受到恶毒的煽动就很容易变成凶恶的力量。
7.Dialectics of "Wickedness"--About "Wickedness" is a Manifestation of the Motive Force of Historical Development;“恶”的辩证法——关于“恶是历史发展的动力借以表现出来的形式”解读
8.The Creation of Animated Characters Desgin for Miao Oral Literature "Chu E Jie"苗族传统文学“除恶节的传说”动画角色创作设计
9.The game is introduced: The false supermans in the legend have set out, eh kindness, in the legend, let's go to even evilness out.游戏介绍:传说中的假面超人出动了,恩恩,是传说中的,去铲平邪恶吧。
10.Studies on the Toxicity of Clomazone in Water and Its Hydrolysis;异恶草酮的水环境毒理学及其水解动力学研究
11.A Historical Motive Force That Should not Be Neglected: on the Historical Role Played by "Evil";一种不可遗忘的历史动力——关于“恶”的历史作用
12.Clinical observation and nursing care of malignant tumor patients treated with light dynamia光动力治疗恶性肿瘤的临床观察与护理
13.Photodynamic Therapy with Nanoparticles for Cancer Treatment:a Review纳米技术在光动力治疗恶性肿瘤中的应用前景
14.The Effect and Mechanism Study on ALA Photodynamic Disgnosis and Photodynamic Therapy the Malignant Brain TumorALA光动力诊断与光动力治疗恶性脑肿瘤的疗效及机制研究
15.Laplace's hydrodynamical theory拉普拉斯流体动力学说
16.He says it "thinketh no evil". It doesn't judge others and attach bad motives to their actions.他说: "爱是不计算人的恶"。就是不论断人, 不臆想别人的行为中有恶意的动机。
17.-- History, Stephen said, is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake.“历史,”斯蒂芬说,“是我正努力从中醒过来的一场恶梦L76]。”
18.The convincing proof that smoking causes cancer has failed to convince hundreds of millions of people to abandon the vile habit.抽烟致癌的有力证据没能说服数百万人改掉这一恶习。

the theory of man's evil nature性恶说
3)novels punlishing wickedness审恶小说
4)take... asa taboo subject讳恶说
5)evil human nature theory人性恶说
6)hydrodynamic theory流体动力学说
1.The progress study on the hydrodynamic theory of tooth hypersensitivity;牙齿感觉过敏症流体动力学说研究进展

不说善恶【不说善恶】  谓菩萨行慧施时,以平等慈,于善不善,各随所愿,普皆饶益,是名不说善恶。