不可言说,the expressible
1)the expressible不可言说
1.It expounds three series of relations which are important for the understanding of the thoughts of Chinese sages of the past: 1) the relation between the wisdom of life and the knowledge of experience; 2) the relation between the expressible character of thought and the inexpressible character of thought; 3) the relation between the personal practice and the realm of spirit.作者认为,理解中国先圣的思想,应当注意三个问题:一、生命智慧与经验知识;二、不可言说与可以言说;三、个性体验与心灵境界。

1.The Speech to not be Spoken--the description in word to musical esthetic experience不可言说的言说——对音乐感性体验的语言描述
2.Uttering the unutterable modern western poets endeavors to solve the problem of language impotence;不可言说的言说——试论西方现代诗人对语言乏力的反应
3.The pleasure it offers is meant for the heart, not for the lips, as words from the lips would miss it.画给人的一种心灵上的享受,不可言说,说便不着。
4.On Wittgenstein s Things Cannot be Said;论维特根斯坦之“不可言说的东西”
5.The Thought Pattern And Its Manifestation In Zen;不可言说中的言说——禅的意会思维特征及其表达方式
6.An indescribable sorrow filled his heart and he automatically turned his head round.心头怅仍到不可言说,只是无意识地把身子乱转。
7."Sayable","Unsaybale" and Language Non-instrumental Features“可说”、“不可说”与语言非工具性
8.Between Speakable and Unspeakable ──On Heiddeger s Thinking of Language;在可说与不可说之间──论海德格尔的语言之思
9.Music is well said to be the speech of angels.--Thomas Carlyle有人说音乐是天使的语言,真是妙不可言。——卡莱尔
10.Patriotic Enthusiasm and Language Refinement;爱国激情与语言文明─—评《中国可以说不》的语言
11."That's impossible," she thought aloud."那不可能",她自言自语地说。
12."My dog can speak seven languages." "No, you're putting me on!"我的狗会说7种语言" "不可能,你在骗我!"
13.Believe not all you hear, tell not all you Believe.言不可尽信,信不可尽言。
14.Speak the unspeakable--Reaffirming the relation between poetry and language in aesthetic context;说不可说——重申审美语境中的诗与言之关系
15.Prophesy ye not, say they to them that prophesy: they shall not prophesy to them, that they shall not take shame.他们(作假先知),你们不可说预言,不可向这些人说预言,不住地羞辱我们。
16.The Application of Logic in Language--On the Thought of "What Can Be Said and What Cannot Be Said"of Wittgenstein;论逻辑在语言中的应用——评维特根斯坦的“可说”与“不可说”思想
17.He say he will pay next week, but he never keep his promise.他说他下星期还钱,可他从来不遵守诺言。
18.R: "E" is used all over computer language.R:在电脑语言中"E"的用法可以说是无处不在。

the speakable and unspeakable言说与不可言说
3)non-speakable nature不可言说性
1.Such "Taoism" to create "something" out of "nothing" exactly suggests the mysterious idea, which also specifically embodies the non-speakable nature of Laozi s Taoism to create human beings.这样的“无”中生“有”的过程正是“道”的玄妙之所在,也是作为创生本源之“道”不可言说性的具体体现。
4)What we cannot speak about不可言说者
5)things cannot be said不可言说的东西
6)speak the unspeakable说不可说

不可说不可说【不可说不可说】  谓从不可说、不可说为一不可说转,不可说转、不可说转为一不可说不可说也。