范畴直观,Categorial Intuition
1)Categorial Intuition范畴直观

1.Categorical Intuition and General Intuition in Husserl s Logical Investigations;胡塞尔《逻辑研究》中的范畴直观和普遍直观
2.Kant s Meditation on the Relations of Pure Intuition to Pure category;康德关于纯直观和纯粹范畴之关系的思考
3.An Argument Concerning the Aesthetic Category of “Character(Qiyun)” --And Comment on the Zhang Xikun s Category of “Character (Qiyun)”;“气韵”审美范畴辨——兼评张锡坤的“气韵”范畴观
4.The Basic Category of Macroeconomic Regulation Law--Research on Macroeconomic Regulation Power;宏观调控法基本范畴——宏观调控权研究
5.Understanding Language with Reference to the Classical Category Theory----Arguments Against the Linguistic View Based on the Prototypical Theory经典范畴理论关照下的语言观——对典型范畴理论下语言观的反诘
6.the category of nouns serving as the direct object of a verb.作为一个动词的直接宾语的名词范畴。
7.The Kantian categories differ from those of Aristotle in being subjective.康德哲学的范畴与亚里士多德哲学的范畴的不同在于其主观性。
8.the number of observations in a given statistical category.特定统计范畴内的观察值。
9.These decisions are within the area of study of micro-economics.这些决定属于微观经济学的研究范畴。
10.On the Methodology of the Category of "View" in Ancient Chinese Theories of Literature;中国古代文论“观”范畴的方法论研究
11.An Analysis Concerning the Connotation of Interests Category as well as the Structure of Historical Materialism;论唯物史观利益范畴内涵及利益结构
12.Qi and the Characteristics of Ancient Chinese Literary Criticism;从“气”范畴看中国古代文论观念特色
13.The Categorial Concept of Translating Unit;系统论观照下的“翻译单位”概念范畴
14.The Meaning of Realistic Person as Category of Materialistic Conception of History;“现实的个人”作为唯物史观范畴的意义
15.A Jurisprudential Analysis on Several Basic Categories of Macro - regulation Law;宏观调控法若干基本范畴的法理分析
16.A New Material Category-Supramicro-material World;一个新的物质范畴——超微观物质世界
17.Intellectuality and rationality can not directly deal with these ultra logical categories.知性、理性无法直接面对这些超逻辑的范畴。
18.By Division of Labor Category in Historical Materialism Methodology Significance;论分工范畴在唯物史观中的方法论意义

subjective categories主观范畴
3)category observation范畴观察
4)Perpendicular category垂直范畴
5)subjective quantity category主观量范畴
1.In Chengdu dialect,there is a subjective quantity category which is expressed by particle "da" or "ba".成都话有主观量范畴的特殊表达形式 ,主要用助词“打”和“把”表示。
6)cognitively relevant semantic categorization认知语义范畴观

模象直观模象直观simulational imaginal intuition  模象直观(5 imulational imaginar intuit;on)直观教学类型之一,指通过对实际事物的模拟性形象的感知提供感性材料的直观方式。如观看图片、图表、模型、幻灯、录像、电影等。模象直观的优点是:(l)它能通过人为的手段消除或减弱实物的非本质因素对本质因素的掩蔽作用。如在图片或模型中,用着色、放大、对比等手段改变非本质因素的强度以突出本质因素。(2)它可以突破时间和空间的限制,来扩大感性材料的来源。如利用地图或模型表现某一地区的地形,通过示意图展示某些不能直接观察的事物的内部结构,运用影视形式重演历史事件等。由于上述优点,使模象直观成为现代化教学的重要手段。因模象与它所标志的实物之间还存在着一定的差趴,容易造成知识理解土的障碍,与实物直观结合可在定程度上消除这-缺陷。 (戚立夫撰匣亘国审)