客观理性,Objective Reason
1)Objective Reason客观理性
2)objectivity and rationality客观合理性
1.Therefore,based on the analysis of current situation,this article surveys the objectivity and rationality of printing content of medicinal damp-proof bag,to help all drug manufactories put it in practice exactly and reasonably.本文在分析现状的基础上,审视防潮袋印刷内容的客观合理性,以便各药品生产企业能够准确合理地实施。

1.Discussion of Objectivity and Rationality of Printing Content of Medicinal Damp-proof Bag;药品防潮袋印刷内容的客观合理性探讨
2.The test is one of reasonable foreseeability.对合理的可预见性的测试是客观的。
3.Objective Reality of China English as an English Language Variety;从国别语体看“中国英语”客观存在的合理性
4.objectivity and detachment.客观超脱的心理特性。
5.Objective reason or outer authority is considered as the rationality base of educational pre-modernity.教育前现代性以客观理性或外在世俗权威为合理性基础。
6."Reality" is the premise of the reasonable confirmation of objectivity as well as the key of grasping the principles of objectivity.“实在”的观念是确认客观原则合理性的前提,亦是深入把握客观的关键。
7.Objectivity or Uniformity on Richard Rorty s view of truth;客观性还是一致性——谈罗蒂的真理观
8.Commercial Reasonableness: Objective Standard of Good Faith Performance;商业合理性:善意履行之客观标准——以美国法为视角
9.The Search for Objectivity: Classical Ethical Theories追求客观性:古典伦理理论
10.The Generalized Distinction Theorem of Objectivity Quantum in Rational Mechanics理性力学中客观性量的广义判别方法
11.The rational allocation of human resources has its objective standard.人力资源的合理配置有其客观标准。
12.In order to determine their merit or validity, such conventional wisdoms must be related to real world conditions.为了确定它们的合理性或正确性,一般必须结合客观实际情况进行分析。
13.The Objectivity Principle on Level of the News Criterion;新闻规范层面的新闻客观性原理研究
14.On the Sociological Turn in Popper s Theory about Objectivity in Science;波普尔科学客观性理论的“社会学转向”
15.Gadamer's Understanding and Interpretation of Dialectical Objectivity伽达默尔理解与解释的辩证的客观性
16.The condition or quality of being external or externalized.客观性客观的或使客观化的条件或性质
17.Understanding the Objectivity of Cognition From the Perspective of the Inter-subjectivity;主体间性·客观性·历史认识的客观性
18.Wandering between Subjective and Objective--the judge s subjective initiative in the explaining of contract;在主观与客观之间徘徊——论合同解释中法官的主观能动性

objectivity and rationality客观合理性
1.Therefore,based on the analysis of current situation,this article surveys the objectivity and rationality of printing content of medicinal damp-proof bag,to help all drug manufactories put it in practice exactly and reasonably.本文在分析现状的基础上,审视防潮袋印刷内容的客观合理性,以便各药品生产企业能够准确合理地实施。
3)objectivity of truths真理客观性
1.Platonic philosophers take universal cognition of inevitability as authoritative cognition; other philosophers aim solely at the objectivity of truths.这种对真理客观性的追问与哲学史上为认识立法的认识主题相一致。
4)Reason and objectivity理性与客观
6)objectivity and reasonability客观性与合理性

2007年考研数学必做客观题1500题精析(文都教育考研精品系列)图书作者: 蔡子华出版社: 现代出版社isbn: 7801882156出版时间: 2006-7第1版印刷时间: 2006-7第1次印刷开 本:价 格(元): 30书籍介绍:本书就是针对上述情况,专门为报考硕士研究生的考生编写的。全书精选1500道考研数学客观题,分为客观题集和客观题解两部分;内容包括高等数学、线性代数、概率论与数理统计,适合选考数学一至数学四各卷种的考生备考使用。客观题集中,历年研究生入学考试真题占有相当大的比例,其余题目亦都且有很强的代表性,且内容全面。遴选该部分题目的原则是:紧扣硕士研究生入学统一考试数学考试大纲,重视基础,摒弃偏题、怪题,难度贴近历年考试真题。客观题解中,答案详尽,重视解析过程,对不同题型、知识点、解题思路与方法、答题技巧都有不同程度的揭示。考生可先尝试求解本书第一部分的题例,再在第二部分的帮助下找出自己在理解数学基本概念、基本原理及运用基本方法诸方面的差距,在实战中增强个人发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力,从而大幅度提高应试水平。