理性事实,rational fact
1)rational fact理性事实
1.In this disquisition,I will discuss two important questions that are named self-conscious and principle-conscious by Kant,the later is also named rational fact.在这篇论文中我将讨论两个分别被康德称为自身意识和法则意识的重要问题,后者也被康德称为理性事实
2)real rationality事实合理性
3)The fact of reason理性的事实

1.A Treatise on "the Fact of Reason" of Kant s Practical Philosophy;论康德实践哲学中的“理性的事实
2.Analysis of Logical Truth and Actual Truth from the Standpoint of Essential Characteristics;从真理的本质特性看逻辑真理与事实真理
3.a grim reality [truth]严酷的事实 [真理]
4.the logic of events [facts]事件[事实]的必然性
5.The act or fact of grasping the meaning, nature, or importance of; understanding.理解理解…的意思、性质或重要性的行为或事实;理解
6.Aristotle was struck by the fact that human beings are equipped by nature to pursue intellectual activities.亚里士多德从这一事实得到启发:人类具有从事理性活动的本性。
7.[C] In a post office.第二节考查考生理解简单的事实性信息的能力
8.Dualism of “Fact” and “Value” in Karl Popper’s Critical Reason波普尔的批判理性主义的“事实”与“价值”二元论
10.In our practical affairs the rational path usually lies between two irrational extremes.在我们的实际事务中,理性的道路通常位于两个非理性的极端之间。
11.Of course, when engaging in criticism we should present facts, reason things out and guard against being one-sided.当然,批判的时候要摆事实,讲道理,防止片面性。
12.6. Rational persuasion: using logical arguments and facts to persuade others.6. 理性的劝服:使用逻辑论辩和事实说服他人。
13.Theoretical and Experimental Study on Dynamics Process for Accident of Release事故性泄漏动力学过程的理论与实验研究
14.Rational Thinking and Realistic Research on Criminal Non-indictment in Social Harmony;和谐视野下刑事不起诉的理性思考和现实研究
15.The Research and Implement of Product Configuration Management Based on Tabular Layouts of Article Characteristics;基于事物特性表的产品配置管理研究与实现
16.A Brief Discussion on Constructing Curriculum System for Public Affairs Management;浅议公共事业管理实用性课程体系的构建
17.Interpretation of the Pre-structuralism to Increase the consciousness of "Seeking Truth from Facts";理解前结构:增强“实事求是”自觉性的新视角
18.On the Rationality of the Proving Requirement of "Valid Truth" in Civil Actions;民事诉讼确立以"法律真实"为证明要求的合理性

real rationality事实合理性
3)The fact of reason理性的事实
4)factual truth事实真理
1.This article analyzes and discusses the features of logical truth from the differences between logical truth and factual truth,and puts forward that logical truth is different from factual truth but is closely related to factual truth.从逻辑真理、事实真理的区别入手,分析探讨逻辑真理的特性,提出逻辑真理虽不等同于事实真理,但又同事实真理有着密切的关系。
2.In the history of western philosophy,Leibniz drew a distinction between logical truth and factual truth.在西方哲学史上,莱布尼茨对逻辑真理和事实真理作了明确的区分。
3.In the works of Leibniz, a lot of thoughts about linguistic philosophy spread widely over his many important studying fields, such as his analysis to concept and proposition, his distinguishing between logical truth and factual truth, his trying to construct an ideal language of philosophy, and so on.在莱布尼茨的著作中,大量的语言哲学思想贯穿其诸多重要的研究领域,如他对概念和命题的分析、对逻辑真理和事实真理的区分、试图构建一种理想的哲学语言等。
5)matter-of-fact reasoning事实推理
1.In these methods,matter-of-fact reasoning and matter-of-fact inference are the most important ones,while the applying of the two methods rely on logic methodology guidance.裁判者运用证据认定案情时会采用多种方法,其中事实推理与事实推定是最为重要的两种,而这两种方法的运用,从根本上讲都离不开逻辑学的方法论指导。
6)truth of fact事实真理
1.All the truthful recognition on a thing can be relatively divided into the truth of fact and the truth of value.对于一事物的全部真理性认识可以相对地区分为事实真理和价值真理。

《宋朝事实类苑》  宋代史料辑集。原名《事实类苑》。宋代江少虞辑。生卒年不详。江少虞字虞仲,常山(今属浙江)人。徽宗政和进士。调天台(今属浙江)学官,为建州(今福建建瓯)、饶州(今江西波阳)、吉州(今江西吉安)太守,俱有治绩。此书成于高宗绍兴十五年(1145)任吉州时。江少虞的著述除此书外,有杂著经说奏议百余卷,已佚。    《宋朝事实类苑》78卷,记录了北宋太祖至神宗120多年间的史实,分"祖宗圣训"、"君臣知遇"等24门。其中以诗文为内容的,有"诗歌赋咏"、"文章四六"2门。其他各门,涉及诗文的地方也不少。引用的诸家记录约50种,其中半数以上已失传或残缺。失传的书中属于诗话的,即有《名贤诗话》和《三山居士诗话》两种。残缺的书中,有的与诗文关系密切,如记载杨亿平生见闻的《扬文公谈苑》和张师正的《倦游杂录》二书,《说郛》和《类说》都曾选辑。此书引用《杨文公谈苑》达一百几十条,引用《倦游杂录》亦近百条,比《说郛》和《类说》所辑多了一些。所引之书,现虽有传本,但江氏所据者为原本或接近原本的版本,而又全录原文,不加增损,往往可以订补今传本的讹脱。    通行本有上海古籍出版社1981年排印本。又有63卷本。