残毁性掌跖角皮症,Vohwinkel syndrome
1)Vohwinkel syndrome残毁性掌跖角皮症

1.Study of Gene Mutation of Loricrin in a Chinese Patient with Vohwinkel Syndrome and a Patient with Olmsted Syndrome;残毁性掌跖角皮症与Olmsted综合征兜甲蛋白(Loricrin)基因突变研究
2.Mutation Analysis of KRT9 Gene in a Chinese Family with Epidermolytic Palmoplantar Keratoderma;表皮松解性掌跖角化症一家系的基因突变研究
3.Screening and Analysis of Keratin 9 Gene (KRT9) Mutation in 4 Chinese Families with Epidermolytic Palmoplantar Keratoderma;4个中国人表皮松解性掌跖角化症家系KRT9基因突变的研究
4.Identification the Loci for Porokeratosis Palmaris Plantaris et Disseminata and Disseminated Superficial Porokeratosis and Cloning the Gene of Disseminated Superficial Porokeratosis;掌跖合并播散性汗孔角化症基因定位和播散性浅表性汗孔角化症基因定位克隆研究
5.syndrome of hyperkeratosis palmoplan and periodontosis掌跖角化牙周病综合征
6.Therapeutic Efficacy on Palmoplantar Chronic Keratotic Eczema Treated with Abamectin阿维A治疗掌跖部慢性角化性湿疹疗效观察
7.Localization of the Punctate Palmoplantar Keratodermasis Gene by a Genome-wide Scan and Searching for the Disease Gene in a Large Chinese Family;一例中国点状掌跖角皮病家系致病基因定位及搜寻
8.Clinical Research on Low Dose Actretin Combining Herbs Soaking Treatment Plam-sole Herperkeratotic Eczema小剂量阿维A联合中药浸泡治疗掌跖角化性湿疹的临床研究
9.The Curative Effect of Narrow-band UVB Combined with Halometasone Cream in Treatment on Palmoplantar Keratodermia Eczema窄谱中波紫外线联合卤米松乳膏治疗掌跖角化性湿疹疗效观察
10.Compound betamethasone in the treatment of progressive keratodermia palmaris and fingers复方倍他米松治疗进行性指掌角皮症90例疗效观察
11.The Regression Analysis of Metacarpals and Metatarsals' Incomplete Specimen of Macaca mulatta Living in the Taihang Mountains太行山猕猴掌(跖)骨残损标本复原回归分析
12.Research on Sexual Dimorphism in Tooth Size and Metapodials of Macaca Mulatta in the Taihang Mountains;太行山猕猴牙齿和掌(跖)骨性差研究
13.Sex Differences in the Weight Ratios of Metapodials in Macaca Mulatta from the Taihang Mountains太行山猕猴掌骨和跖骨重量比率性别差异
14.Therapeutic Observation of the Effect of Combining Halometasone Cream with 20% Urea Ointment on Chronic Eczema in Palm or Sole0.05%卤米松乳膏联合20%尿素软膏治疗掌跖部慢性湿疹疗效观察
15.Observation of the effect of tow dose of isotretinoic acid combined with Xinfubirun ointment on chronic eczema in palm or sole异维A酸联合新肤必润软膏治疗掌跖部慢性湿疹疗效观察
16.Treatment of recurrent plantar fasciitis with percutaneous plantar fasciotomy guided by real-time B-ultrasound-a report of 472 cases实时B超引导下经皮跖腱膜切断术治疗顽固性跖腱膜炎(附472例报道)
17.Mutational Analyses of the Cathepsin C Gene (CTSC) in the Han Nationality Families with Papillon Lefèvre Syndrome;一个掌跖角化牙周病变综合征患者家系组织蛋白酶C基因突变分析
18.Cancer destroyed her body but not her spirit.癌症摧残了她的身体, 却摧毁不了她的精神。

epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma表皮松解性掌跖角化症
1.Present status of the molecular genetics in epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma;表皮松解性掌跖角化症的分子遗传学研究进展
3)iepidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma (EPPK)表皮松懈性掌跖角化症
4)keratosis palmaris et plantaris掌跖角化症
5)palmoplantar keratoderma掌跖角皮病
1.Refined localization of a punctate palmoplantar keratoderma gene in a Chinese family;一例点状掌跖角皮病大家系致病基因精细定位
6)epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma表皮松解性掌跖角化病
1.Mutation analysis of keratin 9 gene in a pedigree with epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma;一个表皮松解性掌跖角化病家系的KRT9基因突变分析

角皮角皮|英语解释:Cuticle 指指甲根部的硬皮。为了在途指甲油时不构成障碍,需要进行定期的处理。