老年瘙痒症,pruritus senilis
1)pruritus senilis老年瘙痒症
1.Objective:To observe the clinical curative effect of Garter Snake Eliminating Wind to Tonify Blood Decoction combined with external use of lightyellow sophora root lotion to treat pruritus senilis.目的:观察乌蛇祛风养血汤配合外用苦参洗剂治疗老年瘙痒症的临床疗效。

1.Itch and quality of life score of male senile pruritus patients男性老年瘙痒症患者瘙痒与生活质量关系的评价研究
3.Causes analysis and countermeasure of senile skin pruritus老年性皮肤瘙痒症的诱因分析与对策
4.Factors associated with pruritus in elderly diabetic patients老年糖尿病伴瘙痒症的相关因素分析
5.Senile Cutaneous Pruritus by Using the Yangxue Qufeng Decoction Clinical Observation养血祛风汤治疗老年性皮肤瘙痒症的临床观察
6.The Clinical Observation of Dang Gui Yin Zi on Treating Prutitus Senilis当归饮子对老年性皮肤瘙痒症的疗效观察
7.The evaluation of clinical nursing efficacy of Ziyinrunfu softening prescriptions in patients with pruritus senilis滋阴润肤方治疗老年性皮肤瘙痒症的疗效评价
8.Curative effects of Zihong Xiaofeng formula on senile cutaneous pruritus紫红消风散治疗老年性皮肤瘙痒症的临床观察
9.The Clinical Effect Observation on Senile Pruritus Treated with the Bleeding and Cupping Therapy;刺血拔罐疗法治疗老年皮肤瘙痒症的临床疗效观察
10.Investigation of Cytokines and IgE in Patients with Sinile Pruritus;老年皮肤瘙痒症患者血清中细胞因子及IgE水平检测
11.Efficacy of Psychological Intervention and Combined Medicine in Treatment of Senils Skin Pruritus心理干预与药物联合治疗老年性皮肤瘙痒症的疗效观察
12.Effect of Guishen Zhiyang Recipe for Treatment of Patients with Senile Pruritus of Blood-Deficiency and Gan-Hyperactive Syndrome Type and Its Impact on Stem Cell Factor and Dynorphin中药归参止痒方治疗血虚肝旺型老年皮肤瘙痒症的疗效及对干细胞因子与强啡肽的影响
13.The Gerontism Itch of Skin Treated with Method of Providing Blood and Smoothing Liver and Eliminating Wind养血柔肝祛风法治疗老年性皮肤瘙痒
14.The Clinical Observation of the Treatment of the Senile Cutaneous Pruritus of Xue Xu Feng Zao with Dang Gui Yin Zi Combined with Qu Feng Lotion当归饮子联合祛风洗剂治疗血虚风燥型老年性皮肤瘙痒症临床观察
15.Clinical Study of "Yao Xue Zhi Yang Pian" and "Xiao Yan Zhi Yang Shuang" in the Treatment of Senile Pruritus;养血止痒片及消炎止痒霜治疗血虚风燥型老年性皮肤瘙痒病临床研究
16.Pruritus is one of the commonest symptoms.瘙痒是最常见的症状之一。
17.It can obviously improve the skin pruritus and bone-arthrosis pain.对皮肤瘙痒或骨关节疼痛症状均有明显改善;
18.Application of HDF in relieving skin iches of uremic pruritus.血液透析滤过在缓解尿毒症皮肤瘙痒中的应用

Senile Pruritus老年皮肤瘙痒症
1.The Clinical Effect Observation on Senile Pruritus Treated with the Bleeding and Cupping Therapy;刺血拔罐疗法治疗老年皮肤瘙痒症的临床疗效观察
3)Simple senile pruritus单纯性老年瘙痒症
4)senile cutaneous pruritus老年性皮肤瘙痒症
1.Curative effects of Zihong Xiaofeng formula on senile cutaneous pruritus紫红消风散治疗老年性皮肤瘙痒症的临床观察
2.We use the treatment of Dang Gui Yin Zi joint Qu Feng Lotion to senile cutaneous pruritus which have obtained very good effect.1目的老年性皮肤瘙痒症是皮肤科的常见病和多发病,随着社会人均寿命的增加和人口老龄化,该病的发病率也不断升高,该病病因复杂,且经久反复,严重影响老年患者的身体健康及生活质量。
1.Preparation of compound radix glycyrrhizae ointment and its curative effects on allergic dermatitis and pruritus;复方甘草软膏的制备及在治疗过敏性皮炎和皮肤瘙痒症的疗效观察
2.Treatment and nursing care of pruritus in toxuria patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis;维持性血液透析尿毒症病人瘙痒症的治疗与护理
3.Acupoint Injection Combined with Chinese Angelica Liquid on Senile Skin Pruritus;当归饮子联合穴位注射治疗老年皮肤瘙痒症疗效观察
6)Senile pruritus老年性皮肤瘙痒病
1.To explore the therapeutic effect of "Yao Xue Zhi Yang Pian" and "Xiao Yan Zhi Yang Shuang" to treat senile pruritus in clinical trail.一 研究目的 老年性皮肤瘙痒病为临床上老年人的常见病、多发病,是一种无原发性皮损,仅见瘙痒,或伴继发性抓痕、结痂、色素沉着和苔藓样变等的皮肤病。

瘙痒  一种令人不愉快、引起强烈搔抓欲望的皮肤感觉。是皮肤病最常见的症状之一,可由多种内外刺激引起。    皮肤中含有丰富的神经末梢,但没有一种是专门接受痒觉的。痒的冲动主要经皮肤中直径为 5~10μm的脊髓神经纤维传递到同侧的脊神经节,穿越到对侧,经脊髓丘脑束到丘脑,最后通过内囊到皮质感觉区。忧虑、烦恼、精神障碍或其他皮肤感觉可以加强或减弱到达皮质感觉区的痒感。痒与疼痛在特点及传导途径上有许多相似之处。有的学者认为,较轻的刺激引起痒感,而较强的刺激则引起疼痛。但目前多数认为痒是不同于疼痛的一种独特感觉。引起痒的介质尚不清楚,组织胺是已经弄清的介质之一。    引起皮肤痒感的原因多种多样,外界因素如皮肤受化学性或机械性刺激(包括玻璃纤维、毛发、仙人掌刺、蛲虫、某些昆虫叮咬、白带),气候干燥使皮肤角质层变干或气候潮湿排汗不畅等,都可引起痒感。一些内脏疾病如糖尿病、阻塞性的肝胆疾病、慢性肾功能衰竭、内脏恶性肿瘤(特别是淋巴系统的肿瘤如霍奇金氏病)、寄生虫病及有些精神障碍,患者常有程度不等的瘙痒。许多老人有全身性皮肤瘙痒,可由于皮肤干燥或上述疾病所致,也有的原因不明。痒是许多变态反应性皮肤病(如接触过敏性皮炎、异位性皮炎、湿疹、荨麻疹等)的主要症状,也可见于其他一些皮肤病,如银屑病、扁平苔藓、疱疹样皮炎等。    首先应针对引起痒的原因进行处理,尽可能去除引起痒的外界因素。若由其他疾病引起,应治疗有关疾病。局限于一定部位的痒多是局部原因引起,广泛对称的痒应考虑身体内部的原因。为减轻痒感,服用抗组胺药或其他镇静药有效。局部外用止痒药,如薄荷、酚、樟脑或皮质类固醇等,均有止痒效果。