年发病率,Incidence rate by year
1)Incidence rate by year年发病率
2)Annual morbidity年均发病率

1.There were more than 3000 cases during 1990-1998, with an annual incidence of 0.5/100,000 and annual fatality rate of around 5%.1998年共发生3000多例钩体病,年均发病率在0.5/10万左右,而病死率年均为5%。
2.Absence seizures began at age (10.0±3.3) years.伴失神发作平均起病年龄(10.0±3.3)岁。
3.The age of onset ranged from 1 to 74 years (mean 28.98 13.43 years).发病年龄从1岁到74岁,平均为28.98±13.43岁。
4.(3) The mean age of onset is about 9.8 years old.(3)患者平均发病年龄为9.8岁;
5.Mean age was 40.3 years(17-70).患者的发病年龄17岁~70岁,平均40.3岁。
6.Diseases,whose RIR and FRR are relatively high ,are Measles,Dysentery and Viral Hepatities.发现率和漏报率均较高的病种是麻疹、痢疾、病毒性肝炎。
7.The incidence of this disease has dropped considerably in the past few years.近几年这种病的发病率大大降低了。
8.The local incidence of infectious diseases dropped by 11.53 percent from that of the previous year.传染病发病率在过去一年里下降了11.53%。
9.the well water AIRs were the lowest.而饮用井水的上述5种癌症的平均发病率最低。
10.Results The mean age at oneset was 44.63±10.27 years , earlier than in the west country.结果平均发病年龄44.63±10.27岁,比西方国家发病年龄早。
11.The rate of incidence of a disease.发病率发生疾病的概率
12.Results Seven patients with DRD(1male and6female)whose onset ages were6to29years,averaged(13.43±7.93)years.结果7例患者均无家族史,发病年龄为6~29岁,平均(13.43±7.93)岁;
13.The average length of employment and age of the occurrence of the silicosis in those exposed only to uranium dust showed and younger.只有铀矿粉尘接尘史的矽肺病例平均发病工龄短,平均发病年龄较轻。
14.③ the loss of average expected life-span seemed to be less as the incidental age for pneumoconiosis getting older.③平均预期寿命损失随发病年龄增大而减少。
15.Unemployment rate, Average annual pay,Weekly earnings失业率,平均年薪,周薪,
16.The incidence of gallstones increases progressively with age.胆石症的发病率随年龄而逐渐增高。
17.An Analysis of Cancer Incidence in 2005 in Wuwei City,Gansu Province武威市2005年恶性肿瘤发病率分析
18.An Analysis of Cancer Incidence in 2005 in Lanzhou,Gansu Province兰州市2005年恶性肿瘤发病率分析

Annual morbidity年均发病率
3)Person-year incidence人年发病率
4)age incidence年龄发病率
5)The incidence rate in an average annual平均年发病率
6)Annual parasite incidence年带虫发病率
