地外文明,out-earth civilization
1)out-earth civilization地外文明
1.Performance of remote sensing images in the research of out-earth civilization;遥感影像在地外文明探索中发挥作用

1.Several points on extraterrestrial life and extraterrestrial civilization exploration关于地外生命与地外文明探索的几点讨论
2.Discovering just one extraterrestrial civilization would have profound significance.仅仅发现一个地外文明世界就会具有很深的意义。
3.SETI is a scientific experiment that uses Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence( SETI).SETI 是一项利用全球联网的计算机共同搜寻地外文明的科学实验计划。
4.The foreigners view the local people as uncivilized beings.这些外国人将当地人看作是不文明的人。
5.On the Historic Position of Hunan s Civil Antiforeignism in the Movement of Reform;论维新时期湖南“文明排外”思想的历史地位
6.where no generally accepted translation in Chinese can be found for a foreign name or scientific or technical term, the one in the original language shall be also indicated.外国人名、地名和科技术语没有统一中文译文的,应当注明原文。
7.It will also inexorably bring information about the world outside along with the gadgets of modern civilization.与现代文明的新发明一道,它也将无情地带来有关外部世界的信息。
8.Uncivilized phenomenon is in nonlocal tourist eye, those who reflected local citizen quality is low!不文明现象在外地游人眼里,体现了当地市民素质的低下!
9.Reflection on Civilization History Research文明地对待文明的历史——关于文明史研究的思考
10.In addition to the ordinary shipping document , please also submit certificate of origin of each shipment .除一般装运文件外,还应提交每批货物的原产地证明书。
11.XXPrefecture Office of Spiritual Civilization Construction××地区精神文明建设办公室(文明办)
12.On the Core Place of the Central Plains Civilization in the Chinese Nation Civilization;论中原文明在华夏文明中的核心地位
13.On The Position Of Political Civilization In The Structure Of Social Civilization;论政治文明在社会文明结构中的地位
14.In addition, Soul Link's tooltip has been clarified to indicate it only works with your imp, voidwalker, succubus, or felhunter.另外,灵魂链接的说明文字也已更新,明确了它只对小鬼、虚空行者、魅魔或地狱犬有效。
15.On the Similarities of the Civilization of Yinshang and the Early Civilization Abroad殷商文明和早期域外文明相似性的若干问题
16.Located far from civilized areas.偏僻的远离文明地区的
17.documentary proof of his ownership of the land证明他领有该地的文件.
18.Civilization was cradled somewhere in Asia.文明起源于亚洲某地。

exploration of extra-terrestrial intelligence地外文明探索
4)search for extraterrestrial in telligence,SETI地外文明搜索
6)extraterrestrial civilization外星文明
