北京山地,Beijing Mountainous Area
1)Beijing Mountainous Area北京山地
1.Kinetic and thermodynamic properties of urease in different coniferous forest soils in Beijing Mountainous Area;北京山地不同针叶林型下土壤脲酶动力学和热力学特征研究

1.Priority area assessment for plant biodiversity conservation in Beijing北京山地植物多样性优先保护地区评价
2.Study on Quantitative Simulation of Growth Process for Chinese Pine Stand in Mountain Areas of Beijing;北京山地油松林分生长过程数量化模拟研究
3.Establishment and Application of the Synthetic Assessment System of Forest Ecosystem Health in Beijing Area;北京山地森林健康综合评价体系的构建与应用
4.The products are sold well on Hebei, Shanxi, Beijing, Xian, Wuhan market, etc.产品畅销河北、山西、北京、西安、武汉等地。
5.A Research on the Development of the Mountain Quest in Colleges and Universities of Beijing北京地区高校山地户外运动发展研究
6.Beijing, whence the land of splendor and magtificence?北京这片山川形胜地是如何形成的?
7.How Do Today s Peasants in Beijing Mountainous Area Think About the Land Value﹖;北京山区农民土地价值观念变化分析
8.Soil infiltration characteristics of typical plantations in mountainous area of Miyun,Beijing北京密云山区典型林地土壤入渗特性
9.On Beijing s Standing and Role on the Basis of Analysis of Beijing as Capitals Throughout the Jin and Yuan Dynasties;山河形胜之地,应运而兴之都——从金、元定都北京看北京的地位与作用
10.The piedmont alluvial fans widespread on the east side of Xishan and the south side of Beishan.北京西山东麓和北山南麓广泛分布着山麓洪积扇地形.
12.Unified Land Use Planning in the Mountainous Area of Beijing;山区土地利用统筹的途径研究——以北京山区为例
13.Geologic Information Management System of Abandoned Mines in Beijing Based on GIS基于GIS的北京地区废弃矿山地质信息管理系统
14.The Relationship Between Mining-induced Earthquake and Geological Disaster in Jurassic Coalfield of Western Hill,Beijing北京西山侏罗纪煤田矿震与地质灾害的关系
15.Tidal Sedimentation Model for the Carbonatite of the Wumishan Formation in Beijing Area北京地区雾迷山组碳酸盐岩潮汐沉积模式
16.On the Recharge of Ground-water in Beijing by the Yongdin River through Western Hills论永定河水通过西山对北京市地下水的补给
17.Studies on Species Diversity of Cork oak Forest in Mount Miaofeng of Beijing北京妙峰山地区栓皮栎林物种多样性的研究
18.Preliminary Study on the Vegetation Resumes Technology of Discard Mines in Beijing;北京矿山废弃地植被恢复技术定额初步研究

the west mountain area of Beijing City北京西山地区
1.Eco-environment of the main road was investigated,including G108 national road,G109 national road,and the road connecting to Miaofeng Mountain,Dongling Mountain,Baihua Mountain,Tanzhe Temple,and Jietai Temple in the west mountain area of Beijing City.对道路边坡进行了科学评价,提出了适合北京市西山地区道路边坡生态修复对策及技术方案,可以为北京西山地区公路边坡的治理与生态恢复提供必要的科学指导。
3)Yanshan area of Beijing北京燕山地区
4)Beijing mountain area北京山区
1.A Preliminary Discussion on the Urbanization in Beijing Mountain Areas;北京山区城镇化道路初探
2.Changes of land use structure in Beijing mountain area based on spatial Lorrenze curves;基于空间洛伦茨曲线的北京山区土地利用结构变化
3.A study on sap flow of Juglans mandshurica of growth season in deciduous broad leaf forest Beijing Mountain area;北京山区落叶阔叶林中核桃楸在生长中期的树干液流研究
5)Xishan Beijing北京西山
1.Theory and Technology of Scenic and Recreational Forest Tending in Xishan Beijing;北京西山风景游憩林抚育理论与技术研究
6)Western Hills of Beijing北京西山
1.Late Mesozoic thrust tectonics framework in the western part of the Yanshan orogenic belt and the Western Hills of Beijing:characteristics and significance.;燕山西段及北京西山晚中生代逆冲构造格局及其地质意义
2.Geochemical Features and Origin of Volcanic Rocks of Tiaojishan Formation in Western Hills of Beijing;北京西山髫髻山组火山岩的地球化学特征与岩浆起源
3.Mineral Chemistry and Genetic Significance of Clinopyroxenes from the Mesozoic Volcanic Rocks in Western Hills of Beijing;北京西山中生代火山岩中单斜辉石矿物化学及成因意义

山地明 ,环孢素,新山地明,环孢素A药物名称:环孢素英文名:Ciclosporin别名: 环孢多肽A;环孢灵;环孢霉素A;赛斯平;山地明 ,环孢素,新山地明,环孢素A外文名:Ciclosporin A ,CsA, Cs-A, CY-A, Sandimmune, Ciclosporin, Cyspin.适应症: 主要用于肝、肾以及心脏移植的抗排异反应,可与肾上腺皮质激素同用,也可用于一些免疫性疾病的治疗。 用量用法: 口服:剂量依病人情况而定,一般器官移植前的首次量为每日每千克体重14~17.5mg,于术前4~12小时1次口服,按此剂量维持到术后1~2周,然后根据肌酐和山地明血药浓度,每周减少5%,直到维持量为每日每千克体重5~10mg止。同时给激素辅助治疗。口服液在服用前一定要用所附的吸管,以牛奶、巧克力或桔子汁等稀释,温度最好为25℃。打开保护盖后,用吸管从容器内吸出所需山地明量(一定要准确),然后放入盛有牛奶、巧克力或桔子汁的玻璃杯中(不可用塑胶杯),药液稀释搅拌后,立即饮用,并再用牛奶等清洗玻璃杯后饮用,确保剂量准确。用过的吸管放回原处前,一定要用清洁干毛巾擦干,不可用水或其他溶液清洗,以免造成山地明药液混浊。 静注法仅用于不能口服的病人,首次静脉注射量应在移植前4~12小时,每日每千克体重5~6mg(相当于口服量的1/3),按此剂量可持续到手术后,直到可以口服山地明为止。使用前应以5%葡萄糖或等渗盐水稀释成1:20至1:100浓度,缓慢地于2~6小时内滴完。 注意事项: 1.肾毒性:肾小球血栓、肾小管受阻、蛋白尿、管型尿。 2.肝毒性:低蛋白血症、高胆红素血症、血清转氨酶升高。 3.神经系统:运动性脊髓综合征,小脑样综合征及精神紊乱、震颤、感觉异常等。 4.胃肠道:厌食、恶心、呕吐。 5.用于骨髓移植虽无禁忌证,但有不良反应。 6.有高血压、多毛症。静脉给药偶可见胸、脸部发红、 呼吸困难、喘息及心悸等过敏反应。一旦发生应立即停药,严重者静注肾上腺素和给氧抢救。 7.1岁以下儿童不宜用。 储存、有效期 规格:口服液:每毫升100mg×50ml 丸剂:25mg、100mg。 静滴剂:每毫升50mg,5ml×10 支.类别:免疫抑制剂