亿比措湿地,Yibicuo Swamp-wetland
1)Yibicuo Swamp-wetland亿比措湿地
1.Study on the Phytogeography of Yibicuo Swamp-wetland in Sichuan:Spermatophyte Floristic Geography;四川亿比措湿地植物地理研究—种子植物区系地理

1.Study on the Bio-geographic Characteristic and Protecting Value for Yibicuo Wetland in Sichuan四川亿比措湿地生物地理特征与保护价值研究
2.Exports from local enterprises reached US$ 4.87 billion, up by 5.3 percent over the previous year.地方企业出口48.7亿美元,比上年增长5.3%。
3.The local tax revenue was RMB $452.7 billion,11.5% more than the previous year, and increased amount reached RMB $45.8 billion.地方级税收收入4527亿元,比上年增长11.5%,增收458亿元。
4.The local tax revenue was RMB ¥452.7 billion,11.5% more than the previous year, and increased amount reached RMB ¥45.8 billion.地方级税收收入4527亿元, 比上年增长11.5%, 增收458亿元。
5.Two sites were sold at a government land auction yesterday for a combined$706 million, well below market expectations of$800 million to$1 billion.政府昨日拍卖两幅地皮,成交价合共7.06亿,比市场预期的8亿至10亿为低。
6.Present Situation of Wetland Ecosystem in Dongting Lake and its Regulation Management Measures.洞庭湖湿地生态系统现状及整治管理措施
7.Investigation of Sandification Influences on the Wetland Function in Xianghai and Management Measures;沙化对向海湿地功能的影响及治理措施研究
8.An Analysis of the Changes of Water Quality in Hengshui Lake Wetland and Some Protection Measures;衡水湖湿地水质状况变化分析及保护措施
9.Eco-functional District Planning and Guarantee Measures of Baiyun Lake s Wetland;白云湖湿地生态功能区规划及保障措施
10.Talk about Zalong wetly ecosystem environmental protection measure and measurements;谈扎龙湿地生态环境保护措施及其对策
11.Protection of the Buffer Zone Wetland of Miyun Water Reservoir in Beijing北京市密云水库调节池湿地保护措施探讨
12.Wetland Problems of Water Environment and Its Protection Research湿地水环境存在问题及其保护措施研究
13.Discussion on Block Prevention Design and Running Measures of Undercurrent Wetland System潜流湿地系统防堵塞设计及运行措施探讨
14.Study on Eutrophication of Water Body and Control Measures in Zhalong Wetland扎龙湿地水体富营养化与治理措施研究
15.Wetland Water Quality Assessment Study and Control Measures湿地水环境质量评价方法研究与治理措施
16.long-legged centipede common in damp places as e.g. cellars.潮湿地方比如地窑里常见的蜈蚣。
17.Analysis of Field Temperature on Subgrade in Permafrost Swamp冻土沼泽化湿地地温场试验对比分析
18.Estimates for the losses in the earthquake range as high as $2 billion; Interest rates run from 5 to 10 percent; The instruments ranged from tuba to cymbals; My students range from very bright to dull.估计这次地震的损失达到$20亿;兴趣比率由5%。

manage-ment countermeasure湿地管理措施
3)The Compensation Method of Wetland湿地补偿措施
4)Ebinur lake wetland艾比湖湿地
1.Study of the National Nature Reserve Flora in Ebinur Lake Wetland;艾比湖湿地国家级自然保护区植物区系研究
2.By calculating the annual evaporation and transpiration of the Ebinur lake wetland, the annual cost of ecological service of climatic buffering was estimate.通过计算艾比湖湿地年水汽蒸发、蒸腾量,得出其每年调节气候的生态服务价值为97788。
3.The Ebinur lake wetland is located in the northwest of XinJiang,it is the most representative of the temperate zone wetlands in arid desert ecosystems,it has the function of regulation climate、environmental protection and regional ecology recovery etc, in a ward the ebinur lake wetland plays an important role in XinJiang.艾比湖湿地位于新疆最西端的博尔塔拉蒙古自治州境内,是我国最具有代表性的温带干旱区湿地荒漠生态系统,在调节气候、环境保护及区域生态恢复方面具有重要作用。
5)hundred million亿
6)Pinus elliottii E. × Pinus caribaea M湿地松×加勒比松
1.Metal Elements Analysis during Hybrid Seed Development with Zygotic Embryo and Female Gametophyte Tissue from Pinus elliottii E. × Pinus caribaea M.;湿地松×加勒比松的杂种合子胚和雌配子体组织不同发育时期的金属元素分析

杨亿Yang Yi杨亿(974~1020)北宋文学家,“西体”诗歌主要作家。字大年。建州浦城(今属福建浦城县)人。年十一,太宗闻其名,诏送阙下试诗赋,授秘书省正字。淳化中赐进士,曾为翰林学士兼史馆修撰,官至工部侍郎。性耿介,尚气节,在政治上支持丞相寇抵抗辽兵入侵。又反对宋真宗大兴土木,求仙祀神的迷信活动。卒谥文,人称杨文公。 杨亿博览强记,尤长于典章制度。曾参预修《太宗实录》,主修《册府元龟》。他在史馆修书时,曾与钱惟演、刘筠等人唱和。他将唱和诗编为《西酬唱集》。集内诗歌重雕琢用典,铺陈词藻,讲究声律,被称为“西体”,在宋初诗坛上影响颇大。在西诗人中,杨亿是比较突出的一个,朱熹评之为“巧中犹有混成底意思,便巧得来不觉”(《朱子语类》卷一百三十九)。如《因人话建溪旧居》:“听话吾庐忆翠微,石层悬瀑溅岩扉。风和林籁披襟久,月射溪光击浪归。露畹荒凉迷草带,雨墙阴湿长苔衣。终年已结南枝恋,更羡高鸿避弋飞。”就与朱熹的评价符合。他又以骈文名世。 著作多佚,今存《武夷新集》20卷,有《浦城遗书》本,《藻堂四库全书萃要》本。又有《杨文公谈苑》15卷,记述平生见闻,原书已佚。《宋朝事实类苑》及《说郛》等书中尚存100多条;《类说》也引60多条,但有删节。《谈苑》涉及文人轶事、民情风俗、里巷琐事,有文学史料价值。                 乔象钟