珞巴族,Luoba ethnic group
1)Luoba ethnic group珞巴族
1.Study of polymorphism on 15 STR loci of Luoba ethnic group from Tibet;西藏珞巴族15个STR位点遗传多态性研究
2.Determination of HLA-DRB1 gene polymorphism in Luoba ethnic group of Tibet;西藏珞巴族HLA-DRB1基因多态性
3.Analysis on genetic polymorphism of ABO system in Luoba Ethnic Group;珞巴族ABO血型系统遗传多态性分析

1.A Statistic Analysis on the Published Papers on Menba and Loba Minirity Nationalities关于“门巴族、珞巴族”载文的统计分析
2.The Significance of Supporting Menba and Lhoba Minorities in Tibet;论大力扶持西藏门巴族、珞巴族发展的意义
3.Discussion on Comprehensive Construction of the Well-off Society of Menba and Luoba;西藏门巴、珞巴族全面建设小康社会探讨
4.Menba and Lorba Minority Taking Opportunities to Construct Affluent Society;抓住门巴、珞巴族发展新契机,建设全面小康社会
5.And even the Loba, Hezhe and Monba nationalities, with only several thousand people, are represented in the NPC.只有几千人的珞巴族、赫哲族、门巴族,在全国人大也都有其代表。
6.Anthropology Investigation on Social Changes of Luoba Nationality in Milin County in Modern Tibet;当代西藏米林珞巴族社会变迁的人类学考察
7.Research on the Economy of Minorities with Small Population--Taking Menba and Luoba Nationalities of Tibet as Examples;人口较少民族特色经济初探——以西藏门巴、珞巴族为例
8.The Lhoba people who live on the Tibetan plateau have their own unique customs and amorous feelings which have been so frequently described in their folklores.居住在西藏高原上的珞巴族具有独特的民族风情,在他们源远流长的民间传说中,有着大量的描述。
9.Though the Moinba, Lhoba and other ethnic minorities in Tibet have small populations, each of them has its own deputies to the National People's Congress as well as to the people's congresses at all levels in Tibet.西藏的门巴、珞巴等少数民族虽然人口极少,在全国人大及西藏各级人大中也均有自己
10.The Reconstruction and Variation of the Cultural Tradition in Minority and Small Ethnics──The Scrutiny and Thought of the New Village s Launching Ceremony Which Held in the Caiba Lhoba Milin Tibet;少小民族文化传统的复兴与变异——西藏米林才召珞巴民族新村落成仪式的考察与思考
11."The chief of Oholibamah, the chief of Elah, the chief of Pinon,"亚何利巴玛族长,以拉族长,比嫩族长,
12."Oholibamah, Elah, Pinon,"阿何利巴玛族长,以拉族长,比嫩族长,
13.Celluloid is highly combustible.赛璐珞是极易着火的。
14.Zimbabwe African National Union津巴布韦非洲民族联盟
15.National Aquarium in Baltimore, The巴尔的摩国立水族馆
16.Palestine National Liberation Movement(AL Fatah)巴勒斯坦民族解放运动
17.The Spartans were a warlike people.斯巴达人是尚武的民族.
18.A member of an ancient Semitic people who ruled in Babylonia.(古)巴比伦人统治巴比伦的闪族人成员

Luoba nationality珞巴族
1.Determination of HLA-A,-B allele polymorphism in the Luoba nationality living in Tibet Autonomous Region in China;西藏珞巴族HLA-A,-B基因多态性研究
2.This paper focuses on the five Luoba villagers who represent social and cultural changes of modern Tibetan Luoba nationality.社会进入转型时期,西藏珞巴族的社会文化发生了巨大变化。
3.Since the reform and opening-up policy of China, there has been amount of changes in the society and culture structure of the Luoba nationality in Milin county of Tibet.改革开放以来,西藏米林珞巴族的社会文化发生了巨大变化,这是我国实行民族区域自治制度下珞巴族与藏族及其他民族密切交流的结果。
4)Luobɑzu wenxue珞巴族文学
5)Ba Nation巴族
1.Study on Development and Diffusion of the Culture of Ba Nation from Typical Implements Found by Archaeologizing;从巴族典型器物的考古发现看巴文化的发展与传播
6)Menba ethnic group门巴族
1.To study the genetic polymorphism of Menba ethnic group in China about ABO system and the genetic relation among Menba and other 17 ethnic groups.本文研究的是中国门巴族人群ABO血型系统遗传多态性与其他17个族群间的遗传关系。
2.Based on the comparison of Tibetan and Menba ethnic group marriage customs by the way of searching textual materials,investigation,interview and questionnaire etc,the paper displays the cultural characteristics of marriage customs of Menba ethnic group and its relationship with Tibetan marriage customs through the narration and analysis of marriage customs.文章通过查找文本资料、调研、访谈、问卷调查等形式对藏族与门巴族婚礼习俗、婚礼庆典礼仪、婚配形式、婚姻关系等方面进行探寻,力求通过对婚俗文化的阐述,展现门巴族婚俗文化特点及其与藏族婚俗的联系。
