舌运动类型,tongue moving types
1)tongue moving types舌运动类型
1.Study on tongue moving types in han nationality in the western part of Guangdong;粤西汉族舌运动类型的研究
2.As the important index in the study of human population genetics, tongue moving types and behavioral traits of lateral functional dominance are correlative with genomic factors.舌运动类型特征和一侧优势功能特征与遗传因素有关,是人类群体遗传学研究的重要指标之一,目前多数特征的遗传方式尚未确定。
3.291 middle school students(142 males,149 females)of Waxiang people of Hunan Province were investigated for their 5 tongue moving types including rolling,folding,twisting,pointed and clover-leaf tongues.调查了湖南苗族瓦乡人291例中学生(男142例,女149例)的舌运动类型(卷舌、叠舌、翻舌、尖舌、三叶舌)。

1.A Study on Gene Frequencies of Tongue Movement in Dong and Miao Nationalities;侗族、苗族舌运动类型基因频率的分析
2.Genetic Studies of Tongue Moving Types in Waxiang People of Hunan Province湖南瓦乡人舌运动类型的遗传学研究
3.Genetic Study on Tongue Moving Types in Three Nationalities of Inner Mongolia内蒙古三个民族舌运动类型的遗传学研究
4.having or provided with a visor or a visor of a particular kind.有或者装有帽舌或者特定类型的帽舌。
5.Relationship between craniofacial morphology and deglutitive tongue movement in adult skeletal Class Ⅲ malocclusion成人骨性Ⅲ类错颅面形态与吞咽舌运动相关性的初步研究
6.Articulated with the tip of the tongue turned back and up toward the roof of the mouth;retroflex.卷舌音的舌尖在嘴中前后上下运动而发出清晰的声音;卷舌音的
7.Interruption of the wind stream through an instrument by movement of the tongue in order to articulate notes.运舌法通过运动舌头阻断空气在乐器中的运行,从而发出声音
8.There are two basic types of needles, latch and beard.针的基本类型有两种:舌针和钩针。
9.Discussion on Relation of Blood-type and Nerve-type and Sport-Profession;血型、神经类型与运动专项关系的研究
10.A Study of Blood Types and Temperaments of Grade-2 Athletes二级运动员血型与气质类型特征研究
11.Research on Computerized Classification of Tongue Color in Traditional Chinese Medicine;中医舌色苔色的计算机自动分类研究
12.Bronx cheer对运动员发出咂舌声(表示嘲笑)
13.She was a professional athlete-of the tongue.她过去是一个职业运动员——舌头的。
14.A low-cut sports shoe with fringed laces.低帮无舌运动鞋有流苏饰带的一种低帮运动鞋
15.Research on Basketball Players Temperament Type of College Student;对大学生篮球运动员气质类型的研究
16.The Human body between athletics sport special and athlete injures the type turns with gives relief the research of the mechanism;运动员人身损害类型和救济机制研究
17.Type analysis of alienation in modern sport;现代竞技运动中异化现象的类型分析
18.Research on Characters of Nerve Pattern of Basketball Players;篮球运动员神经类型特征的初步研究

hyoid motion舌骨运动
1.ObjectiveTo explore effects of food viscosity and sex on hyoid motion during swallowing in normal elder.目的探讨食物黏稠度、性别对正常老年人吞咽时舌骨运动功能的影响。
3)tongue movement舌运动
1.Gene frequencies of 5 tongue movement were studied on Dong and Miao nationalities in Hunan province.对湖南侗族和苗族的5种舌运动类型的基因频率进行了分析,结果表明,叠舌的显性基因频率侗族明显高于苗族,而翻舌的显性基因频率苗族明显高于侗族。
4)campaign-specific genres运动类型片
5)motion classification运动类型划分
6)types of sport and fatigue运动类型与疲劳

血液有形成分各种类型的血细胞虚线指示中间类型的细胞。 李瑞端绘[图]