同身寸,Individualeum length
1)Individualeum length同身寸
1.Correlation of individualeum length with body height in Miao nationality students;苗族中小学生同身寸与身高的关系
2.Objective:To study the correlation between the individualeum length and the stature and limbs length in Zhuang minority juveniles in Guangxi, providing reference data for anthropology, forensic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine.目的:探索广西壮族青少年同身寸与身高、四肢长度的关系,为年龄(发育)解剖学、法医学和针灸取穴提供参考数据。

1.4-finger-breadth measurement横指同身寸(一夫法)
2.The Same Aesthetic Goal of Chinese and Western Dress Adornment Demonstrated by Corset and Bound Feet;从紧身胸衣和三寸金莲看中西服饰审美的殊途同归
3.Her waist measures 20 inches around.她的腰身为20英寸。
4.He stands five eight.他身高5 英尺8 英寸。
5.Taking the body measurement.提供身体测量尺寸。
6.He stands six foot two.他站着时身高6尺2寸。
7.He is 6 ft 2 in (tall).他身高6英尺2英寸.
8.The male is from 22" to 28" in head and body length.雄山魈身高22至28英寸。
9.I am five feet eight inches tall.我身高五英尺八英寸。
10.He be a man of five feet nine .他身高5英尺9英寸。
11.He is five feet and eight inches high .他身高5英尺8英寸。
12.You are 5 feet 10 inches tall,“你身高5英尺10英寸,
13.She is five feet six inches.她身高五英尺六英寸。
14.The structure design itself includes two different tasks, the design of the structure, in which the sizes and locations of the main members are settled结构设计本身包括两项不同的任务:一是结构设计,确定主要构件的尺寸和位置;
15.as a matter of fact, the structural design itself has two different tasks. One is the design of the structure, in which the sizes and locations of the main members are selected.事实上,结构设计本身有两个不同的任务:一是结构设计,也就是确定主要构件尺寸和位置;
16.A clothing size designed for persons of average height.一般的尺寸适合平均身高人穿的衣服尺寸
17.All these jackets have a uniform size.所有这些夹克尺寸相同。
18.Snowflakes come in different sizes.雪花有不同的尺寸,

identical unit or proportional unit of the body同身寸法
3)Finger Cun Measurement手指同身寸
4)middle finger identical unit中指同身寸法
5)thumb identical unit拇指同身寸法
6)body size车身尺寸

同身寸同身寸 以患者本人体表的某些部位折定分寸,量取穴位的长度单位。