1.Along with the development of ACG industry, a sub-culture phenomenon called Otaku has arisen.伴随着动漫游戏产业的发展,出现了一种被称为御宅的亚文化现象。

1.A communicative perspective of the Japanese culture of the otaku (race of yuzhai)从交际角度看日本“御宅族”文化现象
2.Interestingly,“ otaku” is also used in the West to refer to a person8) infatuated with anime.有趣的是,御宅族在西方也用来指称著迷于动漫画的人。
3.If someone in the West is called an otaku, then that person is admired by his peers for being so devoted to the hobby.如果在西方有人被称为御宅族,那这个人是因为对于嗜好鞠躬尽瘁而受到同好者的景仰。
4.Improval Design of High-rise Residential Building on Hot Summer and Cold Winter Zones--Case Study on YuLongWan Residential Building夏热冬冷地区高层住宅节能优化设计——以合肥御龙湾高层住宅为例
5.A Biref Study of Du Fu s Poem "Presented to Censor Cui Chang-zheng to Chang an in Yang Chang-ning sApartment on a Summer Day;《夏日杨长宁宅送崔侍御常正字入京》考略
6.defensive warfare, measures防御战、 防御措施
7.defense against biological warfare.抵御生物战争的防御。
8.This soup will help you to fend off cold for a time.这汤会帮你御御寒。
9.Passive defence is also known as purely defensive defence or pure defence.消极防御,又叫专守防御,又叫单纯防御。
10.The residence of a priest.长老住宅,牧师住宅
11.industrial, residential, etc zones工业、 住宅...区
12.Strategic Defence Initiative战略防御计划(或战略防御倡议)
13.King's Indian Defense(KID)王翼印度防御,古印度防御
14.Caro-Kann defense卡罗-卡恩防御,卡罗康防御
15.A fortified structure, such as a trench or fortress.防御工事防御结构,如壕沟或堡垒
16.Formerly banquests and royal examinations were held here.从前御宴和御试都在这里举行的
18.Interaction between the Defense of Cotton and the Anti-defense of Bemisia Tabaci (Gennadius)棉花防御与烟粉虱反防御的交互作用

1.A communicative perspective of the Japanese culture of the otaku (race of yuzhai)从交际角度看日本“御宅族”文化现象
3)The Research of Otaku御宅现象研究
1.Of the Music, Archery and Riding in the Classical Six Arts:A Study of Physical Training and Aesthetic Cultivation in Ancient Chinese Education;六艺中的乐、射、御与体育、美育
5)The Bride's and groom's family respectively坤宅干宅
6)otaku boy otaku girl宅男宅女
1.As a new and developing noun,"otaku boy otaku girl" also called as "resisting the house race",reflecting the effects to teenagers from new intermediary."宅男宅女"是目前一个新兴的名词,又被称为"御宅族",反映了新媒介对受者特别是对青少年的影响。
