1.Due to the inappropriate performance of the rites, the educational function of morality has been weakened.仪式操演不当会使仪式的道德教育功能衰减。
2.Non-textual oral performance has merits over written texts in terms of kinesics, expression, intonation, situation, etc.它以特殊的记忆形式进入说唱者的操演并不断加深、重现、重构或重造地方社会记忆。

1.The Korean ruler played a sitting-on-the-fence political game.或者说,操演着两面讨好的政治游戏。
2.a speech full of lofty sentiments充分表达高尚情操的演
3.They held gymnastic displays too.他们还进行了体操表演。
4.The domestically acclaimed actor, Zhang Fengyi, will star as the historic legend Cao Cao.备受称赞的大陆演员张丰毅将在其中饰演曹操。
5.The Study and Comparison of Large-scale Group Calisthenics Literary Style Performance and Stage Performance;大型团体操与文体表演、舞台表演的比较研究
6.Evolution and Developing Tendency of Performance Costumes for Grand Group Calisthenics of Our Country;我国大型团体操表演服装的演变及发展趋势
7.Conduct regular exercises to practise and hone counter-terrorism contingency plans.定期举行演习以操练反恐应变计划。
8.volunteers to run the Christmas show自愿操办圣诞节表演的人
9.Someone just demonstrating who to operating these machines.有人正给他们演示如何操作这些机器。
10.Let me demonstrate to you how this machine works.我来给你演示这台机器是怎样操作的。
11.I 'll show you how to operate the machine .我想给你演示一下怎样操作机器。
12.a performer who uses movements and music to control snakes.用动作和音乐操纵蛇的表演者。
13.He gave a demonstration of the new technique then and there.他当场表演了这种新的操作方法。
14.Having full of lofty sentiments充分表达高尚情操的演讲
15.a gymnast who performs rolls and somersaults and twists etc..表演翻筋斗和扭曲的体操运动员。
16.a club of tumblers or gymnasts.体操运动员或杂技演员的俱乐部。
17.The Developing Software of Boiler Starting up Operation Craft Demonstration锅炉启动操作工艺演示软件的开发
18.A Study on Yan Fu s Translation on Evolution from the Perspective of Manipulation Theory;从操控论角度研究严复《天演论》的翻译

manipulation exercise操作演练
3)under operation反演操作
4)Performance demonstration操作演示
5)drill for operating操作演习
6)network drills网络操演

操演1.依照一定式样和姿势演习。 2.指歌舞排练。