1.A communicative perspective of the Japanese culture of the otaku (race of yuzhai)从交际角度看日本“御宅族”文化现象

1.A communicative perspective of the Japanese culture of the otaku (race of yuzhai)从交际角度看日本“御宅族”文化现象
2.Interestingly,“ otaku” is also used in the West to refer to a person8) infatuated with anime.有趣的是,御宅族在西方也用来指称著迷于动漫画的人。
3.If someone in the West is called an otaku, then that person is admired by his peers for being so devoted to the hobby.如果在西方有人被称为御宅族,那这个人是因为对于嗜好鞠躬尽瘁而受到同好者的景仰。
4.Improval Design of High-rise Residential Building on Hot Summer and Cold Winter Zones--Case Study on YuLongWan Residential Building夏热冬冷地区高层住宅节能优化设计——以合肥御龙湾高层住宅为例
5.A Biref Study of Du Fu s Poem "Presented to Censor Cui Chang-zheng to Chang an in Yang Chang-ning sApartment on a Summer Day;《夏日杨长宁宅送崔侍御常正字入京》考略
6.after the meeting of the Royal Council, the peers and officials bowed themselves out御前会议之后,贵族和大臣们躬身退出。
7.The whole nation made concerted efforts, shared bitter hatred against the enemy, and jointly resisted foreign aggression.整个民族团结奋斗,同仇敌忾,共御外侮。
8.It used to be an imperial garden during the period of Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties.这里原为元、明、清三代皇族的皇家御苑。
9.Ethnobotanical Study on Imperial Manchu-Mongolian Combination Document《御制满蒙合璧文鉴》的民族植物学研究
10.Diversity of the RNase A Superfamily and Innate Host DefenseRNase A超家族多样性的产生及宿主防御
11.The castle or house of a medieval monarch or noble.宅邸中世纪王公、贵族的城堡或房宇
12.Rietveld Schroderhuis (Rietveld Schroder House)里特维德设计的施罗德家族住宅
13.the landed estate of a lord (including the house on it).封建贵族拥有的土地财产(包括其宅第)。
14.The borough of Queens offers a great variety of ethnic residential neighborhoods.皇后区则有各个不同种族的住宅区。
15.Pitts, E. "Tlingit Village and House Organization." 2000.特领吉族村庄与住宅组织>,2000.
16.Karl Marx had tried to harness the German will.卡尔·马克思曾试图驾御德意志民族的意志。
17.On the Permeating of Tang Culture to the South Culture In View of Big House Song and Wisdom City Stone;从壮族汉文《大宅颂》与《智城碑》看大唐文化之南渐
18.On the Unity of National Characteristics with Modern Styles in Interior Designing;浅议住宅室内设计中的民族性与时代性的统一

1.Along with the development of ACG industry, a sub-culture phenomenon called Otaku has arisen.伴随着动漫游戏产业的发展,出现了一种被称为御宅的亚文化现象。
3)Dong Nationality's traditional residence侗族住宅
4)dewlling and housing styles族群住宅
5)The Research of Otaku御宅现象研究
6)expansionary nationalism防御性民族主义
