1.This paper discusses its bad effects in six aspects,initially probing into,in terms of management of officials,the erosion of political life by the red-tapism and trivial working style,the likelihood of artificial peace and tranquility and seeking temporary ease,the frequent rises of political .除了指出造成对外懦弱、外战外行等人们熟知的恶果外,首次从治官的角度论述了文牍主义和繁琐作风对政治生活的侵蚀,容易粉饰太平苟且偷安,推动了权相政治迭出,治官活动与外交活动严重错位等。

1.the straitjacket of bureaucratic paperwork.官僚文牍主义的束缚
2.Every newly-elected Town Councillor swears that he will cut through the red tape of the local burequcracy, but no one ever succeeds.每届新当选的地方议会议员发誓他们将免除文牍主义,但无人成功。
3.The newly-appointed official swore he would cut through the red tape of the local bureaucracy新任命的官员坚决表示要克服当地政府机构中的文牍主义
4.Strict, literal adherence to the law or to a particular code, as of religion or morality.墨守陈规,条文主义,文牍主义死板、生硬地坚持法律或某一特定的宗教或道德准则
5.pages and pages of mandarin prose长篇累牍的晦涩文章.
6.The Japanese imperialists have never dared utter a single word to persuade the Communist Party to capitulate, but they have no hesitation in directing an endless stream of words to persuade the Kuomintang to do so.日本帝国主义不敢向共产党说出半句诱降的话,对于国民党则敢于连篇累牍,呶呶不休,劝其降顺。
7.Their showy intercourse characteristic and assuming function of epistle has new signification as to recognize "write poetry by means of prose" newly.唱和诗鲜明的交际性及承担尺牍的功能,对于重新认识“以文为诗”具有新的意义。
8.Supplementary Explanation to Documents in Museum of Historical Relics in Chinese University of Hong Kong;《香港中文大学文物馆藏简牍》补释
9.The Chief Sources of "Yinguan" in the Qin and Han Dynasties Revealed from the Unearthed Bamboo and Wooden Slips;从出土简牍看秦汉“隐官”的主要来源
10.They slandered us at great length in their articles.他们在文章中连篇累牍地攻击我们。
11.The Confiscation of Books Practiced in the Qing Dynasty as Reflected in JIANGNAN ZHENGSHU WENDU;从《江南征书文牍》看清朝国史馆征书
12.Discuss on the esthetics characteristic of Liang Shi- qiu sprose from 《Style guide for letter writing in Elegant shed》;从《雅舍尺牍》看梁实秋散文的美学特征
13.Humanism:an Explanation on Its Ambiguity;Humanism:人文主义或人道主义
14.The Number-classifier phrase of "Hong Kong Chinese University Cultural relic Collection Jan Slip ofwood";《香港中文大学文物馆藏简牍》中的数量词
15.A Supplement and Correct about Classifiers in Hanyu Dictionary;从先秦简牍看《汉语大字典》量词释义的阙失
16.Literature-cosmopolitanism,Multiculturalism and Cultural-unification;文学世界主义·文化多元主义·文化融合
17.An Original Writing for the Development History of Official Documents--On <The History of Official Document> by Xu Tongzi et al;公文发展史的开山之作——论许同莘《公牍学史》
18.Research and Utilization of Three Dimensional Exhibitions for Bamboo Relics;简牍文物三维虚拟展示平台的研究与实现

break down [cut] the red tape破除文牍主义
3)the bamboo and wooden slips characters简牍文字
1.The inscriptions on oracle bones,inscriptions on bronze and inscriptions on pottery are characterized by writing with soft brush pens and regarded as the changed style of the bamboo and wooden slips characters written on different c.在商代汉字的三种字体中,简牍文字是核心字体,其风格面貌决定了汉字形体的基本特征;甲骨文、金文、陶文是软笔书写为特征的简牍文字在不同书写载体上的特殊形态。
4)bamboo and wood slip documents简牍文书
5)letters of correspondence尺牍文
6)Epistolary Essays尺牍文学
