1.Gender-Oppression in the Transformation of"Eros" to"Agape";从“爱欲”到“圣爱”观念转化中的性别压迫

1.The relationship of agape and mutual love is dialectic.圣爱和互爱之间存在着辩证关系。
2.Gender-Oppression in the Transformation of"Eros" to"Agape";从“爱欲”到“圣爱”观念转化中的性别压迫
3.they had crossed the river and left Mont-Saint-Eloy behind them.他们过了河,圣爱洛山落在他们后面了。
4.Is the Christmas Father on it lovely?上面的圣诞老人可爱吗?
5.The poem sings the praises of holy love.这首诗歌颂圣洁的爱。
6.Love is stronger than death.爱的力量大于死亡。(《圣经》)  
7.Saint Lucia was a saint because of her kindness and her love.圣露西亚是一个以仁爱闻名的圣徒。
8.Jane Eyre: A Double Projection from Both Biblical and Prebiblical Scenes《简爱》:圣经与前圣经场景的双重投影
9.Love is the light of divinity, it presents the Divine in Man.爱是神圣之光,它代表著人们内的神圣。
10.The Doleful Love Stories in Puzhou(Ⅲ);蒲州爱情圣地萌发的凄美爱情(下)
11.The Doleful Love Stories Sprouted in Puzhou(Ⅱ);蒲州爱情圣地萌发的凄美爱情(中)
12.The Sad Love Stories Sprouted in Puzhou(Ⅰ);蒲州爱情圣地萌发的凄美爱情(上)
13.Why Chinese Love Sacred Place Belongs to Shanxi;华夏爱情圣地与爱情之都何以钟情于山西
14.The idiom ‘one’s ewe lamb’ fell from the Bible. One’s ewe lamb.(最珍爱的东西)这个成语出自《圣经》。
15.And Irish eyes are smiling today on Saint Patrick's Day.今天爱尔兰人笑迎圣巴特里克节。
16.Wimbledon is a shrine for all lovers of tennis.温布尔登是所有网球爱好者的圣地.
17.To connect in Divine Will, love and light with others.与神圣意念连结,并和他人分享爱和光。
18.St. John's Cathedral HIV Education Centre圣约翰座堂爱之家咨询及服务中心

love sacred place爱情圣地
1.During long time,Han population lived together with minorities in Shanxi,their free marriage custom made Shanxi become the Chinese love sacred place and Puzhou become love capital.由于山西在较长时间内为全国的政治中心,华夏族与戎狄杂居、胡汉相融通婚形成兼容并蓄的"自由婚"习俗与模式,使山西成为中华儿女反封建争民主、追求和向往婚姻自主恋爱自由的爱情圣地,使蒲州成为爱情之都。
3)love in Holy Bible《圣经》之爱
4)Saint Marie Eva爱娃·圣玛丽
5)Jane Eyre and the Bible《简·爱》与圣经

奉和圣制登降圣观与宰臣等同望应制【诗文】:凤扆朝碧落。龙图耀金镜。维岳降二臣。戴天临万姓。山川八校满。井邑三农竟。比屋皆可封。谁家不相庆。林疏远村出。野旷寒山静。帝城云里深。渭水天边映。佳气含风景。颂声溢歌咏。端拱能任贤。弥彰圣君圣。【注释】:【注释】:佳(一作喜)气含风景。【出处】:全唐诗(册4 卷125 页1235a)