1.Why Han Ju is welcomed in China?Why so many people like it? Firstly,Han Ju selects materials from people s daily lives which are familiar with Chinese audiences.韩剧之所以在中国迅速走红主要源于三方面的原因:一是韩剧从日常生活中取材,这对于中国观众来说具有极大的亲和力;二是韩剧对真情的执著表达满足了观众对于终极价值寻找的渴望;三是韩剧最大限度地保持了本民族的文化特色,能够做到和而不同和文化自觉。

1.The actor is having a good run now.那演员现在正走红
2.If you've something to declare, please go through the red channel.你如果有物品需要报关,请走红色通道。
3.A Red Chamber Dream to the World and the World to A Red Chamber Dream;《红楼梦》走向世界与世界走向《红楼梦》
4.Yes, she just walked down the red carpet.到了,她刚走完了红地毯。
5.The Knave of Hearts, he stole those tarts,红心武士偷走了馅饼,
6.Go straight to the traffic lights.沿着红绿灯一直走。
7.Turn round and turn right at the traffic light.回头走,到红绿灯右转弯。
8.Go straight on this street to the traffic lights.一直往前走到红绿灯处。
9.Little Red Riding Hood entered the cottage.小红帽走进小屋里。
10.Red and yellow, here we go.红色的黄色,我们走了。
11.The red flag was gone.那面小红旗飘走了。
12.Then walk two blocks to the traffic light.再走两条街到红绿灯处
13.When turning ripe, you must redden, for red is the true colour of life.走向成熟,就必须变红;红,是生命的本色。
14.Yes. Go straight ahead till you come to the traffic lights,一直往前走,走到红绿灯处,
15.You carry on up Bromley Street till you get to the traffic lights.顺着Bromley街继续往前走,走到红绿灯。
16.Get off and walk back till you come to some traffic lights.下车后往回走,直到你走到红绿灯为止。
17.The Price From Young-adult Years to Mature Years--Interpretation of Wang Xiaoshuai's film Shanghai Dreams从青涩走向红熟的代价——解读王小帅电影《青红》
18.Xu Huabei's face had gone bright red, and he was pacing back and forth agitatedly.徐华北满脸涨得通红,在地板上急促地走来走去。

stage a comeBack再度走红
3)spurt into popularity突然走红
4)have one's moment走红;得意
5)have good luck; in luck走红运
6)Braised deep-fried pork in brown sauce红烧走油肉
