1.Banjun:Transformation from Drilling Troops to Artisans——A Sideways Approach on the Changing of Defensive Strategies of the Capital Area in Ming Dynasty;班军:从操练之师到职业工匠——明代北京城防御战略转变的一个侧面

1.A Study on the Banjun ( Defending Army in Rotation ) System of Guangxi Province in the Ming Dynasty明代广西班军制度研究——兼论班军的非军事移民性质
2.The officer on duty was told to keep sight of the enemy值班军官被吩咐察看敌人的动静。
3.At this conference most "squad leader" probably felt they were being "put on the spot".这次会上“将军”,大概多半是“将”“班长”的“军”。
4.British Sappers have their health individually increased by 5.英军工兵班每个班兵的生命由55增加为60。
5.There are quite a few leading military bodies that are lax or lazy, and probably even more that are weak.军队有相当多的散班子,也有相当多的懒班子,恐怕软班子占得更多。
6.a squad formed to fire volleys at a military funeral or to carry out a military execution.举行军人葬礼时的鸣枪队或执行军事枪决的班。
7.Every day he has begged to be allowed to go with the army to Spain.他每天央求让他随军去西班牙。
8.Humanitarian Demining Action Officers' Workshop人道主义排雷行动军官讲习班
9.A round fired by the enemy soldier has hit the squad leader.敌军士兵射出的子弹已经击中了班长。
10.A squad is the smallest unit in an army.班是军队的最小构成单位。
11.The boss operated like a general in charge of field forces.领班行动起来象指挥野战部队的将军。
12.The officer in charge of money matters on board a ship or commercial aircraft.(轮船或班机等的)军需官,出纳员在轮船或商业性班机上管钱的官员
13.US troops moved into the Afghan mountains in an offensive to stop Taliban insurgence.美军日前进军阿富汗山区阻止塔利班组织的一次暴动。
14."The third captain of the army for the third month was Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada the priest; and in his division were twenty-four thousand."三月第三班的班长(原文作军长下同)是祭司耶何耶大的儿子比拿雅。他班内有二万四千人。
15.The third commander of the army for the third month was Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada the priest, as chief; and in his division were24,000.代上27:5三月第三班的班长〔文作军长下同〕祭司耶何耶大的儿子比拿雅.班内有二万四千人。
16.The officer, his face as red as a turkey-cock, was abusing the squad at the top of his voice.那个军官脸红脖子粗,正高声叫骂那个班的士兵。
17.THEY may be Taliban, they may be warlords, who cares?他们也许是塔利班,也许是军阀,谁会在乎?
18.Spain Warns Morocco not to Station Troops in Disputed Mediterranean Island西班牙警告摩洛哥莫在具争议地中海小岛驻军

the Banjun System班军制度
3)troop relief军队换班
4)orderly officer值班军官
5)disarmament training courses裁军训练班
6)officer of the watch舰上值班军官

班军1.回师,撤军。 2.轮班留守或上调京师执勤的军队。