
1.The Relation between the Art Form Zhangha and the Popularity of Peacock Princess Legend in Daile Area;章哈与孔雀公主故事在滇南傣泐人区域流传的关系
2.Imagined Community,Sexual Politics and Power Correspondence--Goddess and Male Religious Practitioners in Mandi Dai Society想象的社区、性的政治与权力对应——曼底傣泐人的信仰女神与男性宗教实践者
3.Matrilocal Marriage Is not the Remainder of Matriarchy--Restudy on Matrilocal Marriage in Xishuangbanna从妻居并非母权制的遗孓——西双版纳傣泐从妻居再研究
4.Master Le"in Wumengtangji:Textual Research on the Relationship between Jin Shengtan and Wu Jiang s Ye Family in Late Ming Dynasty;《午梦堂集》中“泐大师”其人——金圣叹与晚明吴江叶氏交游考
5.Flower Waist Belt Dai call themsleves Daiyaluo which means the migrating outdated.花腰傣人自称“傣雅洛”,意思是“迁徙中的落伍者”。
6.In the mind of the Dai ethnic group, it stands for auspiciousness and beauty.在傣族人民心中是祥瑞与美丽的象征,
7.The original song is Tai-Dam from Sip-song-chao-tai in Vietnam.原曲来自越南的“西双朝泰”的黑傣人。
8.Explanation on Differentiation of Zhuang & Dai Nationalities During the Period of Southern Yue Kingdom壮、傣二群体越人分化于南越时期索隐
9.On the Formation of Dai Traditional Sports from the Perspective of Human Geography;人文地理视野中的傣族体育成因探析
10.On the Birthdays, Names and Personhood of the Daides at Mengding of Yunnan;有时间的人——云南孟定傣德的生日、人名与人观
11.During the Water-Sprinkling Festival, Dai people sprinkle water to each other to celebrate the New Year.在泼水节期间,傣族人民相互泼水,以示庆贺。
12.Guangxi Longzhou Jinlong the Phu Thays Multi-dimensional Approval and Vicissitude;广西龙州县金龙布傣人的多元认同及变迁
13.Study of Eco-Anthropology on Collecting Edible Wild Vegetablesin Yunnan Xinping County;云南新平花腰傣野菜采集的生态人类学研究
14.The Westward Immigration of Dai People from Dehong and the Coming-into-Being of the Ahoms in Northeastern India;德宏傣族的西迁与印度阿洪姆人的形成
15.The ethnic nationalism and ethnic reviving movement of the Tai-Ahoms in India;印度傣族阿洪姆人的民族主义与民族复兴运动
16.Ahom:A Descendant Group of Dai Immgrants to India and Their Historical and Cultural Changes移居印度的傣族后裔阿洪姆人的历史文化变迁
17.Study on genotypes and subgenotypes of hepatitis B virus among Dai Nationality in Xishuangbanna,Yunnan Province云南西双版纳傣族人群HBV基因型及亚型分布(in English)
18.To some extent, Hinayana Buddhism has become the spiritual pillar of Tai people.在一定程度上小乘佛教已经成为傣族人民的主要精神支柱。

1.The Relation between the Art Form Zhangha and the Popularity of Peacock Princess Legend in Daile Area;章哈与孔雀公主故事在滇南傣泐人区域流传的关系
2.Daile ethnic people practise matrilocal marriage.傣泐是实行从妻居的民族,傣泐男子婚后暂时或永久地从妻方居住的模式,至今仍然盛行于西双版纳傣族自治州的傣泐村寨中。
3)The Lue in the Neighboring Countries of Yunnan云南境外的傣泐人
4)the Phu Thays布傣人
1.Guangxi Longzhou Jinlong the Phu Thays Multi-dimensional Approval and Vicissitude;广西龙州县金龙布傣人的多元认同及变迁
2.The Phu Thays Life Rituals and Order Construction;布傣人的人生礼仪与秩序建构
3.The Phu Thays in Jinlong, with a population of 17,000, inhabit Jinlong Town along the Sino-Vietnam border.金龙布傣人是个17,000多人口的群体,聚居于中越边境线中方一侧的金龙镇。
5)the Thai-Dai people傣泰人
1.As the Thai-Dai people settled in the rich river valley, they took over the control upon the Lua indigenous people.傣泰人定居于肥沃的河谷低地以后,政治上控制了洛人原住民。
6)Zong Le宗泐
1.This thesis will be centered by Lai Fu, Zong Le,Yao Guangxiao, the three most influential Poet-Monks of that period.本文將以來復、宗泐、姚廣孝這三個有代表性的詩僧為中心,以點帶面,來研究元末明初詩僧群的構成、交遊、從政心態和文學創作情況。

泐季泐《补续高僧传》【泐季泐《补续高僧传》】  宗泐。台之临海人。字季潭。别号全室。八岁从诉笑隐学佛。十四剃落。二十受具。洪武四年。住径山。大祖高皇帝。征江南有道浮屠。师应召称旨。命住天界。  上。丕建广荐法会。于蒋山太平兴国寺。宿斋室。却莲肉不御者一月。服皮弁搢玉圭。上殿面大雄氏。行拜献礼者三。诏集幽爽引入殿。致三佛之礼。命师升座说法。上临幸。赐膳无虚日。每和其诗。称为泐翁。十年冬。诏师笺释心经金刚楞伽三经。制赞佛乐章。丁巳。奉使西域还朝。授右街善世。因命育发。将授以儒职。师姑奉命。至发长。上召而官之。师再辞求免。愿终释门。上嘉叹从之。赐免官说以旌其志。相城道衍。负奇志。摇膝高吟。傍若无人。师每正色责之曰。此岂释子语耶。学士宋公濂。尝赞师像曰。笑隐之子。晦机之孙。具大福德。足以荷担佛法。证大智慧。足以摄伏魔军。悟四喝二玄于弹指。合千经万论于一门。向上关。如涂毒鼓。挝之必死。杀活机。类金刚剑。触之则奔。屡镇名山。教孚遐迩。诏升京刹。名溢朝绅。夙受记于灵山之会。今简知于万乘之尊。云汉昭回。天章锡和于全帙。宠恩优渥。玉音召对于紫宸。屹中流之砥柱。转大地之法轮。信为十方禅林之领袖。崦与古德。同道同伦者耶。后追治胡惟庸党及师。著做散僧。报役建寺。徐察其非辜取还。复领右善世。居无何。以老赐归槎峰。渡江示寂于江浦之石佛寺。师博通古今。凡经书过目辄成诵。善为词章。有全室集。行于世。国初高僧师。与复见心齐名。见心疏放。师谨密。故其得祸为尤轻。噫。亦幸耳