1.The paper analyzed three levels of situations of the elderly,adult children s numbers and intergenerational support between the elderly and their children,which affected the transitions in children s coresidence with older adults.利用“安徽省老人生活福利状况”的跟踪调查数据,采用Logistic回归模型,结合中国农村劳动力外流背景下的老人状况、子女提供支持的可能性及双向代际支持的三个层面,考察老人与子女同住变动的影响因素。

1.Do you live with your family?你和家人同住吗??
2.Living somewhere else will be like living in hell!住在其它地方将如同住在地狱中一般!
3.a person with whom you share a bed.和你同住一张床的人。
4.a warm invitation to stay with sb热情邀请与某人同住
5.The officers had to muck in with their men.军官须与士兵同住.
6.Come and live with us.过来跟我们同住嘛,
7.I share a room with my friend.我跟朋友同住一个房间。
8.You will be chummed on somebody tomorrow.你明天要与别人同住了。
9.They roomed together in the dormitory.他们同住在一个宿舍里。
10.Come, Live With Me and Be My Love来与我同住,作我的情人
11.I share this room with my brother.我和我哥哥同住这间房。
12."Not only in the same hotel, but on the same floor."“不但同住在一家旅馆,而且同住在一层楼上。”
13.I am sorry, I can not share a flat wit Dane .对不起,我不能同戴恩同住一套房间。
14.When we worked in the countryside, we ate and lived with the peasants.我们在农村劳动时,跟农民同吃同住
15.room or live together; usually said of two people who are not married.同住或者住在一起;通常指两个没有结婚的人。
16.Quarter oneself upon sb.同某人住在一起(指较长时间的居住)
17.Keep at him till he agrees.缠住他直到他同意为止。
18.Oh, we live on the same floor.噢,咱们住在同一楼层。

live under the same roof and eat at the same table同吃同住
3)common domicile共同住所
5)house mate同住人
