赤道原则,equator principles
1)equator principles赤道原则
1.Environmental and Social Standard in International Financing: Equator Principles;金融机构的企业社会责任基准:赤道原则
2.Equator Principles:Commercial Bank of Sustainable Development Boosters赤道原则:商业银行可持续发展的助推器
3.So China s commercial banks should accept the equator principles and follow the trend of world banks development.中国商业银行对企业应负的社会责任认识上不够,行动上迟缓,这将大大阻滞其融入世界经济的步伐,对此,中国商业银行应尽快接受赤道原则,跟上世界银行业发展的潮流。

1.Equator principle--international finance company policy s extension;赤道原则-国际金融公司政策的延伸
2.Environmental and Social Standard in International Financing: Equator Principles;金融机构的企业社会责任基准:赤道原则
3.The Environment and Social Code in International Financing: The Equator Principle;国际融资中的环境与社会标准:赤道原则
4.Equator Principles:Commercial Bank of Sustainable Development Boosters赤道原则:商业银行可持续发展的助推器
5.The principle for the Red Army is concentration, and that for the Red Guards dispersion.红军以集中为原则,赤卫队以分散为原则。
6.The equator. Used with the.赤道赤道。和the连用
7.An Analysis of Financial Institution Social Responsibility Benchmark:Equator Principles;金融机构的社会责任基准:赤道准则
8.The reason for this is that the magnetic lines near the poles are steeply dipped, while this dip is almost absent near the equator.原因在于接近两极的磁力线的倾角急剧增大,而在赤道附近则几乎没有这种倾角存在。
9.Equatorial Customs Union赤道关税同盟(赤道税盟)
10.an advocate of the principles of humanism.人道主义原则的倡导者。
11.lacking principles or moral scruples.缺乏原则或道德顾忌的。
12.a morality founded on religious principles基于宗教原则的道德.
13.An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation道德和立法原则概论
14.the principle that conduct should be moral.举止行为道德的原则。
15.(Taoism) the ultimate principle of the universe.(道教)宇宙的根本原则。
16.morally bad in principle or practice.道德原则或实践上坏的。
17.a woman of high principle有崇高道德原则的女子.
18."Tao" as the Ontology and "Classics" as the Origin:The Principle of Wirkungsgeschichte and Liu Xie s Doctrine of "Tao" and Ontology;“道本原”和“经本源”——效果历史原则与刘勰的原道观

equator principle赤道原则
1.The Legal Analysis of the Equator Principles in the International Financing;法律分析国际融资中的赤道原则
2.In China, only the Industrial Bank has publicly adopted and implemented the equator principles, while China’s "green-credit policy" is far from perfect.虽然赤道原则2003年才产生,但是已经成为国际项目融资领域不可或缺的行业惯例。
3)the Equator Principles赤道原则
4)moral principle道德原则
1.On the Moral Principle and Moral Insurance of the Government Regulative Behavior in the Market Economy;论政府制度行为的道德原则和道德保障
2.Benefit to the masses of people:the foundamental moral principle in development of socialist economy;利群:社会主义经济发展的基本道德原则
3.Absolutism see moral principle unchangeable dogma while relativism ignore it in the process of searching general moral principle.在追求普遍适用道德原则的过程中 ,绝对主义把这种原则看成亘古不变的教条 ,而相对主义则否定这种原则的存在。
5)moral principles道德原则
1.On Moral Principles of Employment of Human Resources;论人力资源使用的道德原则
2.They annotate the deathbed solicitude from the essence, service patterns and moral principles in order to avoid going wrong and promote its healthy development.深刻认识临终关怀的本质 ,全面了解临终关怀的服务模式和道德原则 ,才能避免将临终关怀引入误区 ,才能推动临终关怀事业的健康发
3.Moral defense not only follows general moral principles,namely the principle of people s aims,the principle of truth and the principle of harmony,but also follows the socialist moral principles,namely the principle of collectivism.道德辩护既要遵循一般的道德原则,即人为目的原则、真理性原则、和谐性原则,也要遵循社会主义的道德原则,即集体主义原则。
6)morality principle道德原则
