环境法学,environmental law
1)environmental law环境法学
1.The innovation and adjustment to the environmental law science theory——A perspective of ecologicalization of law science methodology;环境法学理论的创新和调整——以法学方法论的生态化为视角
2.This paper analyzes the basic conception concerning "environmental law methodology", which includes the differences among law, rule and laws, the differences among legal science and legality theory, the differences awong method, the science of method and methodology, and the differences between environment and habitat.对"环境法学方法论"这一名称涉及的基本概念进行了解析,包括:法、律、法律的区别;法学、律学的区别;方法、方法学、方法论的区别;学、论的区别;环境、生态的区别。

1.On the Unsuitability of Making the Chinese Environment Law the Statute Book--From the Perspective of Environment Law;中国环境法不适合法典化——从环境法学的视角
2.Morass and Solution on the Theoretics of Environmental Law Studying;环境法学基础理论研究的困境及出路
3.A Study of the Basis of Environmental Law──Environment, Technology, Economy;论环境法学的三大基础──环境、科技与经济
4.Environmental Order and Environmental Efficiency--the Fourth Comment on the Basic Idea of Legal Science of Environment and Resources Law;环境秩序与环境效率——四论环境资源法学的基本理念
5.Environmental Fairness and Environmental Democracy-the Third Comment on the Basic Idea of Legal Science of Environment and Resources Law;环境公平与环境民主——三论环境资源法学的基本理念
6.Environmental Justice and Environmental Safety--Restatement of the Basic Idea of Legal Science of Environment and Resources Law;环境正义与环境安全——二论环境资源法学的基本理念
7.Environmental Conflict and Its Practical Approaches on the Vision of Environmental Ethics;论环境伦理学视域下的环境冲突及解决方法
8.Buffalo Environmental Law Journal---巴法罗环境法期刊,纽约州立大学主办.
9.Harvard Environmental Law Review---哈佛环境法评论,哈佛法学院主办.
10.The Necessity and Approaches of Environment Education in Vocational School;中专化学教学开展环境教育的方法论
11.Exploration of Teaching Reform in Environmental Microbiology《环境微生物学》课程教学方法改革初探
12.Application of Case Teaching Method in the Course of Environmental Chemistry案例教学法在环境化学课程中的应用
13.The environmental monitoring work is the scientific basis for implementing the environmental lawes and the ordinances of environmental management.环境监测工作是贯彻环保法规和环境管理制度的科学依据。
14.Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation---环境法和诉讼期刊,俄勒岗大学主办.
15.Stanford Environmental Law Journal---斯坦福环境法期刊,斯坦福大学主办.
16.Pace Environmental Law Review---佩斯环境法评论,佩斯大学主办,全文.
17.Methodology on Environmental Zoning- A Case Study of Beijing Environmental Zoning.环境区划方法学研究——以北京市为例
18.The Vermont Journal of the Environment---维蒙特环境期刊,维蒙特法学院主办.

environmental law education环境法教学
3)environment and resources law环境资源法学
1.Environment and Resources Law Research in Contemporary China;当代中国的环境资源法学研究
4)legal science of environment and resources law环境资源法学
1.The basic idea of legal science of environment and resources law refer to those which conform with ecological law, social economic law and environment rules.环境资源法学的基本理念是指合乎自然生态规律、社会经济规律和环境规律的基本观念。
2.Environmental justice is the basic idea which not only links the environment and resources law with the whole legal science, but also organically links with the ideas of legal science of environment and resources law,such as environmental safety, environmental fairness, environmental order, environmental efficiency and sustainable development.环境正义既是将环境资源法学与整个法学联系起来的基本理念,也是将环境安全、环境公平、环境秩序、环境民主、环境效率和可持续发展等各种环境资源法学理念有机联系起来的基本理念。
5)doctrine of environment law interest环境法益学说
6)Introduction to Environmental Law环境法学概论
