依法执政,Ruling by law
1)Ruling by law依法执政
1.Ruling by law is commonly accepted now and the inevitability of ruling by law should be deeply approved.在近60年的执政实践中,我们党不断探索执政兴国规律,历经坎坷曲折,得出了依法执政的科学结论,并把它上升为提高党的执政能力的基本经验和原则之一。
2.China s historical development has its peculiarities, so ruling by law must be based on China s national conditions, and must adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China.依法执政有利于调整生产关系,促进生产力的发展,是中国共产党长期执政经验的积极总结。
3.We should firmly set up the idea ruling by law, perfect the system desiging and system arrangement to strengthen the ruling ability of the Party step by step with Dengxiaoping"s Theory and Three Representations as the guide.依法执政事关党执政的合法性、科学性;依法执政是我们党对执政规律认识的深化;完善党的执政方式,必须以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,牢固树立依法执政理念,完善依法执政制度设计和制度安排,在依法执政的长期实践中不断增强党的执政能力。

1.Exercising the State Power according to the Law Is the Correct Choice for Ruling Party S Scientific Administration;依法执政:执政党执政方式的科学化
2.Be in power with scientific methods、democraticmethods and be in power by laws;解读科学执政、民主执政、依法执政
3.The Study on Being in Power by Law and the Ruling Style of the Party in New Period;新时期依法执政与党的执政方式研究
4.Legal administration: the rational choice of Party s Administrative Way;依法执政:党的执政方式的理性选择
5.Changing the Party s Way of Governance, Promoting the Rule of Law in an All-round Way;转变党的执政方式 全面推进依法执政
6.Upholding the Principle of "Governing the Country According to Law and for the Sake of the People";坚持“依法执政” 实现“执政为民”
7.Governing Scientifically,Democratically and by Law: Dialectical Unify;论科学执政、民主执政和依法执政之辩证统一
8.Connotation and Relation: Scientific Governing and Democratic Governing and Governing by Law;科学执政、民主执政、依法执政的内涵及其关系
9.Understanding The Philosophical Connotation of "Scientific Ruling, Democratic Ruling ,and Ruling by Law";解读“科学执政、民主执政、依法执政”的哲学内涵
10.The Law on Administrative Licenses and the Government s Law -Based Administration;科学执政、民主执政中的依法执政基本途径
11.Increasing the Ability to Rule by Law Means Increasing the Ability to Rule by Constitution;提高依法执政能力实质是提高依宪执政能力
12.Perfecting the Ruling Mode by Ruling Scientifically, Democratically and Legally;坚持科学执政民主执政依法执政完善党的执政方式
13.Control Political Power according to Law with Transition of the Style of Leadership and Ruling of the Party;依法执政与党的领导方式和执政方式的转变
14.The Inevitable Choice:Ruling by law to Perfect the Ruling Way of the Party;依法执政是完善党的执政方式的必然选择
15.Governing According to Law Is a Fundamental Way of the Ruling of the Chinese Communist Party;依法执政是新时期中国共产党执政的基本方式
16.Administration by Law is Important in Strengthening Our Party s Administrative Ability Construction;依法执政是加强党的执政能力建设的重要方面
17.Persisting in being in Power According to Law,Reforming and Improving the Party s Means of Leadership and Governance;坚持依法执政 改革和完善党的领导与执政方式
18.Interpretation of the Concept of Capability of a Governing Party to Run the State by Law and its Significance;执政党依法执政能力的概念解析及其意义

administration by law依法执政
1.Only through administration by law can the communist party fulfill the formal and substantial value of constitutionalism.依法执政是中国共产党建设社会主义宪政道路的有益探索,有利于中国共产党执政的程序化与法律化,从而推动我国宪政制度的建设与完善,依法执政是我国宪政发展的必然要求,中国共产党只有依法执政,才能实现宪政的的形式价值与实质价值。
2.To improve legislative power is a solid foundation for overall administration by law,to create a sound environment is the guarantee for its perfection,to cultivate legal consciousness of self-governing by law is an important support for its enforcement.随着“政治文明”、“人权保障”等新的宪政思想及执政理念逐步确立,民族自治地方依法执政的要求也不断提高,但实践中民族自治地方的依法执政的能力还相对较低。
3.Administration by law is important in the construction of our Party s administrative ability.依法执政是党的执政能力建设的重要方面,要加强党对立法工作的领导,使立法工作贯彻党的主张,把党的主张通过立法成为国家意志;在全国全党学习法律理论,增强法制观念,为依法执政提供广泛的群众基础;依法执政还要使党的政策规范化,为使之法律化创造条件。
3)governing by law依法执政
1.Thought on the theory of governing by law;关于依法执政的理论思考
2.On history necessity of governing by law;试论依法执政的历史必然性
3.Under new historical circumstances, governing by law should be a basic executive way by the CCP.依法执政是新的历史条件下党执政的基本方式,从法哲学的视角看,这一理念体现政治民主化的必然要求,其逻辑起点是民主政治的完善。
4)exercising state power according to law依法执政
1.Our Party adheres to exercising state power according to law, which is an important guarantee for socialist democracy and the legal system in China, helps formulate the social mechanism that respects and safeguards human rights.依法执政是新的历史条件下党执政的一个基本方式。
2.In his opinions,a ruling party should gradually implement the overall strategy of the rule of law by exercising state power according to law.他认为执政党要通过依法执政的方式,逐步实现依法治国的方略。
5)legal administration依法执政
1.The legal administration has been clearly stated in the report of the Party s Seventeenth Congress as the basic content to strengthen the Party s ruling ability.党的执政能力建设关系党的建设和中国特色社会主义事业的全局,党的十七大报告明确将依法执政作为加强党的执政能力建设的一个基本内容。
2.The history of the party to carry on legal administration started from early administration of establishing state.党坚持依法执政的历史始于建国执政之初。
6)On Ruling According to Law论依法执政
