变化轨迹,trajectories of change
1)trajectories of change变化轨迹
1.2) The endpoint of the trajectories of change of water is developed land,and the changing process from water to developed land impose the trend of fragmentation and shrinking.2)水体的变化轨迹以建设用地为主要终点,水体向建设用地的转化驱动水体破碎化及萎缩过程,其中人为推平及填埋水体是主要变化因素。

1.Era of Post-imperial Examination:History of Change of Educational Role;后科举时代:教育身份功能的变化轨迹
2.Vegetation change trajectory and the reasons in Shanghai City上海城市植被变化轨迹及其成因分析
3.Industry Changes Track and Enterprise Strategy Adjustment: International Perspective;行业变化轨迹下企业战略调整:国际化视角
4.Changing of China s Regional Difference and an Analysis of the Regional Difference Network;中国区域差异变化轨迹及区域差异系统分析
5.From Worship to Negation:On the Changing Track of Mao Zedong s Assessment of Chen Duxiu;从崇拜到否定:毛泽东对陈独秀评价的变化轨迹
6.Difference and Time-space-road of Competitive Power of Competitive-group in National Games;我国全运会竞技集团实力差异及时空变化轨迹
7.The Changing of Female Education in Victorian Age;维多利亚时期英国女子教育的变化轨迹
8.For 15 Years Urumqi Natural Resource Change Path and Environment Supporting Capacity Dynamic Change Research15年来乌鲁木齐市自然资源变化轨迹与环境承载力动态变化研究
9.Study on the Resources Variety Track and Ecological Carrying Capacity on Lan Tian Area in the Last 30 Years;蓝田地区30年来资源变化轨迹与生态承载力评估
10.The Study of the Changing Orbit of Natural Resources in the Northern Foot of Qinling Mountains over the Past 50 Years;五十年来秦岭北麓(西安段)自然资源变化轨迹研究
11.The Artistic Mature Accompanied by Life Warmth--Chi Zijian’s Change in Her Creative Style;带着生命的温馨走向艺术的成熟——迟子建创作变化轨迹初探
12.Seeing Evaluative Orbit of Western Cultural Mentality through the Development of Scientific History;从科学史看西方文化心态的演变轨迹
13.To Discuss the Process of Zuo Si s Thoughts Changing from His Yong Shi;从左思《咏史》诗看其思想变化之轨迹
14.Research on High Speed Milling Forces and Cutter Path Optimizing;高速铣削切削力变化及刀具轨迹优化研究
15.Historical Form and Evolutionary Path of Chinese Film Creation Culture;中国电影创作文化的历史形态与嬗变轨迹
16.Analysis of the Transmutation Orbit of Cultural Attitude of Youth since the Reform and Opening-up Policy;改革开放以来青年文化态度的嬗变轨迹剖析
17.The Historical Locus and Fundamental Character of Chinese Modern Times Culture Transform;中国近代文化变革的历史轨迹及基本特征
18.From a Slut to a Paragon of Chastity--on the changes of Jin Zhong-er s soul tolerance and motive;从妓女到烈女——试述金钟儿心路变化的轨迹

trail change轨迹变化
1.\;There are many factors affecting the trail change of impacting mole.影响可控冲击矛轨迹变化的因素很多,由于目前没有成形冲击矛,因此,制做可控冲击矛的模型来进行模拟试验。
3)change of phase trace相轨迹变化
4)Vegetation Change Trajectory植被变化轨迹
5)track industry changes行业变化轨迹
6)locus of KG重心变化轨迹

气候要素日变化和年变化气候要素日变化和年变化diurnal variation and annual variation of climatic elements  q ihou yaosu ribianhua hen一anb一anhua气候要素日变化和年变化(diurnal varia-tion and annual variation of elimatieelements)由地球自转和公转所引起的以l」、年为周期的气候要素变化。 日变化以气温为例,其日变化与地面加热状况直接有关,最高值在14一15时出现,最低值在日出前后测点的纬度、海拔高度、下垫面条件、季节以及人气干湿状况都可影响气温日变化,但不改变其主要性质)干旱地区夏季的气温日变化最显著,日较差(最高温度与最低温度之差)最大。气温日较差人小对农作物生长有收要意义,是农业气候分析的项目之一水汽压的日变化决定于地面加热条件、地面湿润状沉和湍流交换强弱。在充分湿润的地区和季节.水汽压最高值是午后最大,玄青晨最小,在其它地区,水汽压日变化曲线人多旱双峰型,两个高值分别出现在9时和「1落前后,两个低值发生在日出前和午后〔如图所示、风速日变化上要取决于近地层中湍流交换的日变化,11间因湍流加强,地面风速也增大,午后风速达最大值,夜间风速最小。沿海的海陆风现象及山区山谷风现象也属风的日变化,它们的速度和方向均有周日变化。 年变化气候要素年变化与太阳辐射年变化有关最明显的是气温年变化,在北回归线以北的北半球大陆上,l月气温最低,7月最高,气温年变曲线比之天文辐射年变曲线约有一个月的位相落后。在海洋l比日︸1 一一 。dq\汉俐田仁书5言 1 2 16时间/h20 24水气压的日变化上气温年变曲线的位相落后更多。从各地气温年变化特点就可看出海陆影响的程度(见大陆度)。降水的年变化也很明显,中国东部地区因受季风影响,夏季6一8月降水最多,冬季最少,干湿季竹交替明显地中海沿岸降水年变化具有冬季降水充沛,夏季少雨的特点,形成特殊的地中海气候。在英lfil各地,全年各月降水墩分配相当均匀,年变化较小,反映出典型的海洋性气候相对湿度的年变化与气温年变化相反,一般是夏季小冬季人。气温、降水、相对湿度等要素年变曲线的配置特点,可反映出各地气候的特点 (翁笃鸣)