思维取向,thinking orientation
1)thinking orientation思维取向
1.From three aspects of the heaven law and the nature, conformity to changes of the heaven, and integration of the heaven and human beings, this paper studies the thinking orientation of the Confucian ecological concept and presents the three topics, i.本文从天道自然、顺天协变、天人合一三个方面,考察了儒家生态理念的思维取向,展显了作为这一思维取向之内核的"价值内在于自然万物"、"赞天地之化育"以及"性与天道合一存乎诚"三大命题。

1.People-orientated Thought:Thought Orientation and Value Choice of the Reform;以人为本:改革的思维取向和价值选择
2.The Chinese Ways of Thinking and Linguistic Research in China;中国人的思维方式与中国的语言学研究思维取向
3.On China s Traditional Politics and Culture and Its Trends on Thought in International Relations;论中国传统政治文化及其国际关系思维取向
4.The Modern Philosophy, Thinking Direction and Its Principles under the Background of the Modernization现代化背景的发展理念、思维取向及其原则
5.The Convertion and Integration of the Thinking-tendencies in Educational Research--Under the Guide of Scientific Spirit;论教育研究思维取向的转换与整合──以科学精神为引导
6.Chinese Aesthetic Traditions and Western Phenomenological Aesthetics;中国美学的思维取向——中国美学传统与西方现象学美学
7.Human-orientation: one kind of value orientation and thinking mode;以人为本:一种价值取向和思维方式
8.Innovation of Thinking Ways and Taking Multiple Points of View--On the Construction of Advantages of Radio News创新思维 多维取向——构建广播新闻宣传高地
9.From Episteme to Phronesis:The New Trends of Teacher s Professional Development abroad;从实体思维到实践思维:国外教师专业发展新取向
10.Some Characteristics and Its Transforming Orientation of the Chinese Traditional Way of Thinking;中国传统思维方式的若干特点及变革取向
11.Harmonious value orientation of traditional law culture and the integrated mode of thinking;整体思维方式与传统法律文化之和谐价值取向
12.The Thinking Characteristic of Educational Technology Under Design Research Paradigm设计研究取向下教育技术研究的思维特性
13.Thinking the situation as a whole in confucian school in Song Dynasty and value orientation of East Asia in modern society宋代儒学的整体思维与现代东亚社会的价值取向
14.A New Direction for the First Year Experience: Community of Practice Based on Critical Thinking;大学新生经验的新取向:基于批判性思维的实践共同体
15.Reflection on Psychology Chinalization by Comparing Traditional Thinking-Style and Value-Orientation between China and America;从中美传统思维方式及价值取向比较看心理学中国化
16.On the Influence of Confucian Traditional Value Orientation and Mode of Thinking on Modern Education;浅论儒家传统价值取向和思维方式对当代教育的影响
17.Analysis of the Value Preference of Modern Academic Periodical Edition in terms of the Chinese Traditional Mode of Thinking;从中国传统思维方式看当代学术期刊编辑的价值取向
18.The Converse Thought in the Research of English Vocabulary;词汇研究中的逆向思维——以表“取得进展”的四组短语动词为例

trends on thought in international relations国际关系思维取向
3)analogical thinking mode取象思维
1.It manifests in the following two aspects: ① Under guidance of analogical thinking mode,Canon of Medicine established its unique theoretical system.《周易》的取象思维方式对《内经》产生了重要影响,其主要表现为:①以取象思维方式为指导,形成了《内经》独特的理论建构体系;②取象思维方式贯穿于《内经》阴阳五行学说为中心的中医理论论证过程之中。
4)thinking inclination思想取向
1.Seven repeated plot,which was formed from the logic of the number sever,not only suggests the author\'s thinking inclination in the conception of the story"Catching Meng Huo Seven Times"but also enables the reader to perceive the whole thinking inclination in the conception of the novel.数字"七"的数理扎根于传统思想和文化的土壤而蕴涵了华夏民族独特的文学精神和文化心理,依托"七"的数理而形成的"七复情节",不仅含蓄地表现了作者构思收服孟获这一故事的思想倾向,而且通过此故事,读者可以管窥作者建构小说的整体思想取向,并且"七的数理机制"本身所包含的美学意义也大大提升了小说的审美价值。
5)inverse thought逆向思维
1.Educational method of inverse thought in mathematical proof;数学证明中的逆向思维教学法
2.Based on the inverse thought,an approach is presented for the dimension synthesis of a 5-axis parallel machine tool to satisfy the requirements of workspace.基于逆向思维提出了一种满足工作空间要求的五轴并联机床的尺度综合方法。
3.mathematics teaching inside exploitation can the inverse thought educate the student s inverse to face the thought ability,from but educate the vivid of the student s thought with face the thought from to inverse to face the thought s conversion ability.在高等数学教学中利用大量可逆的素材可以培养学生的逆向思维能力,提高学生思维的灵活性和从正向思维到逆向思维的转换能力。
6)converse thinking逆向思维
1.On the training of converse thinking in the teaching of mathematical analysis;谈数学分析教学中逆向思维能力的培养
2.Accurate allocation model of system reliability based on converse thinking基于逆向思维的系统可靠性精确分配模型
3.To suggest that the opportunity of breakthrough in science should be grasped, innovation thinking is needed, especially converse thinking, which can use not only in reverse vaccinology but also in functional genomics.通过论述逆向疫苗学的特点和发展过程,揭示其哲学意义,提示要善于抓住科学突破的机遇,要有创新性思维,尤其是逆向思维,不但可以用于逆向疫苗学,而且可以用于功能基因组学的研究。

关系思维关系思维relation thinking  关系思维(relation thinking)在皮亚杰的认知发展理论中,关系思维是指儿童根据事物的关系来进行推理的思维。这是7一11岁儿童(具体运算阶段)思维发展的特点。其具体表现是,他们的认知活动不再受知觉的支配,己经理解事物的序列关系、类属关系、因果关系以及时间和速度的关系等。例如,他们能按物体的大小、长短或轻重将物体进行排列,看到A