儒家生态理念,Confucian ecological concept
1)Confucian ecological concept儒家生态理念
1.From three aspects of the heaven law and the nature, conformity to changes of the heaven, and integration of the heaven and human beings, this paper studies the thinking orientation of the Confucian ecological concept and presents the three topics, i.本文从天道自然、顺天协变、天人合一三个方面,考察了儒家生态理念的思维取向,展显了作为这一思维取向之内核的"价值内在于自然万物"、"赞天地之化育"以及"性与天道合一存乎诚"三大命题。
2)Confucian view儒家理念

1.The Destructing Manner to Confucian Ideas of Zhuang zi and Literary Expression;《庄子》对儒家理念的解构方式及其文学表现
2.On the Confucian Governing Conception and Construction Service-oriented Government;儒家“为政”理念与服务型政府建设刍议
3.Discussing the Problem of Learning Happiness--The Study Principle of Confucianism in Pre-Qin Dynasty;学习快乐论——先秦儒家的学习理念
4.Criticism of Confucian Idea on Political Design;政治设计架构中的儒家政治理念批判
5.An Interpretation of Confucian's Ethics of Cultivating One's Morality by Yi·DaXiang《易·大象》对儒家修身理念的阐释
6.Golden mean in Confucianism is the ideology of fathering and managing enterprise.儒家的中庸之道是我治理和经营企业的理念。
7.Enlightenment of Harmony in Confucian Culture for University Mental Health Education儒家和谐理念对高校心理健康教育工作的启示
8.Confucian Concept for Governing Country and Modern Public Governance--Lessons for China from Governing the State by Confucianism in Singapore;儒家治国理念与现代公共治理——新加坡政府领导借鉴儒家治国理念对中国的启示
9.An Exploration on the Impact of Confucianism on Traditional Idea of Marriage and Child-bearing, and Ethnic Related to Family儒家学说对传统婚育观念和家庭伦理关系影响探讨——兼论对儒学几个观念的理解和再释
10.Genealogical Self and Confucian Demonstration Ethics系谱学的自我观念与儒家的示范伦理学
11.To Orient the Confucianism Culture on the Basis of the Advanced Culture从先进文化理念来看儒家文化的现代定位
12.The Harmonious Theories and Present Menanings from Confucianism;论儒家思想中的和谐理念及其现实意义
13.Confucian as Educational Ideas and Its Enlightenment to Modern Education;儒家的教育理念及其对现代教育的启示
14.Confucian Idea on Rule of Man:Logical Assumption & Realistic Predicament;儒家人治理念的价值预设及其现实困境
15.The Idea of Harmony Embodied in the Confucian Thought of Governing A Country by "Rites,Music,Law and Administration";试论儒家“礼乐刑政”治国方略中的和谐理念
16.Multi-level structures of "People s Olympics" as seen from Confucian philosophy;从儒家哲学视阈论“人文奥运”理念的多层级结构
17.The Comparison between Confucianism and Ancient Greek Philosophical Educational Concept;儒家思想和古希腊哲学中教育理念的比较
18.Abstract or Substantial : The Idea of Confucianism in Preaching;本虚而实——儒家教化理念的立身之所李景林

Confucian view儒家理念
3)ecological ethic of Confucianism儒家生态伦理
4)the value of the Confucian ideas ecological ethics儒家生态伦理思想价值
5)Thought of ecological ethics in Confucian school儒家生态伦理思想
6)ethical ideas of Confucianism儒家伦理观念

善的理念(见理念)善的理念(见理念)idea of good  s卜an deljnian善的理念(idea of good)见理念。