1.My Interpretation of Sifeng s Tragedy in "Thunderstorm";期待甜蜜爱情的天真女仆——我看四凤的悲剧
2.Comparative Analysis of the Miserable Destiny of Coonardoo and Sifeng殊途同归的悲剧女性——库娜图与四凤的比较研究

1.Disscussion again on MingFeng and SiFeng s Death;“天使”的命运——再议鸣凤、四凤之死
2.The Comparison of Sifeng and Mingfeng: A Romantic Tragedy;化若秋天的枯叶——四凤和鸣凤爱情悲剧比较论
3.My Interpretation of Sifeng s Tragedy in "Thunderstorm";期待甜蜜爱情的天真女仆——我看四凤的悲剧
4.Comparative Analysis of the Miserable Destiny of Coonardoo and Sifeng殊途同归的悲剧女性——库娜图与四凤的比较研究
5.The Cultural Connotation of the Four Holly Animals in Chinese and the Comparison between Chinese and English Concerned;汉语“四灵”文化与英语龙凤龟之比较
6.The Pollination Biology of Four Species of Impatiens L.四种凤仙花属(Impatiens L.)植物的传粉生物学研究
7."Xifeng warned the servants, "Anyone late again tomorrow will get forty strokes, and sixty the day after that. So those who want a beating, just come late."""凤姐道:""明日再有误的,打四十,后日的六十,有要挨打的,只管误!"
8.RP-HPLC determination of two hosenkosides in seeds of Impatiens balsamina L.RP-HPLC法测定急性子中2种凤仙萜四醇苷类成分的含量
9.Kylin, a quadruped, is an auspicious symbol. Therefore, the words concerned with these three animals are commendatory,麒麟是一种四足动物,它是吉祥的象征。所以和龙、凤、麒麟有关的词语都是褒义词。
10.The girl raised her head, and looked around. Seeing nothing, she sighed again. "I must have been dreaming.鸣凤在屋里抬起头吃惊地向四面张望,她看不见什么,便叹息道:“刚刚睡着就做起梦来了。
11.Meanwhile, graduate students Qian Zhang, Xiaowei Chen, Lina He, and Yongfeng Bai were present at this conference as well.同时,我中心的张倩、陈孝伟、何丽娜、白永凤四位硕士研究生也参加了这次会议。
12.On the Literati Subject and Social View in Four Dramas of Essayist Read Heart (《 红心词客四种》) by Shen Qifeng (沈起凤)泥傀儡逢场作戏,也只与人同善──论沈起凤《红心词客四种》中之文人主体与社会视野
13."Ming-feng, who are the guests?"“鸣凤,什么客?”
14.Investigation in Zhejiang Shes Phoenix Coronet,Veins-of-Phoenix and Phoenix Cultural;浙江畲族凤冠凤纹及其凤凰文化探讨
15.Phoenix Traffic Network and Phoenix Investment Network are in no way associated with Phoenixsurf.凤凰流量项目和凤凰投资项目和老凤凰无关!
16."You suffer too much, Ming-feng !“鸣凤,真苦了你了。
17.Dragon born dragon, chicken born chicken, mouse son can make hole!!龙胜龙,凤生凤,老鼠的儿子回打洞。
18.Like beget like.龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠生儿打地洞。

Fengtuoliang Sihai Area凤鸵梁-四海地区
1.RP-HPLC determination of two hosenkosides in seeds of Impatiens balsamina L.RP-HPLC法测定急性子中2种凤仙萜四醇苷类成分的含量
1.dragon and phoenix are Chinese totems.龙凤是中国图腾,但在岭南的表现有所差别。
2.Dealing with graded image of phoenix reflected ancient Chinese people culture from Shanhaijing to Shuowen-Jiezi,based on the theory of Chinese character and culture.以《山海经》到《说文解字》中"凤"的形象流变为研究对象,从汉字文化学的角度,从中发现"凤"的形象历经从单一走向杂糅,趋于多元,并蕴涵丰富的伦理美德的流变过程,最终上升为中华民族共同的图腾象征。
3.By analyzing the historical background, this article reveals that"Galloping Horse Tready on a Flying Swallow" is a specific expression of dragon worship in Han dynasty, and also a portrayal of the coordinated dragon and phoenix culture in that time.通过分析其历史背景,揭示出它是汉代崇龙文化的具体表现,也是汉代龙凤文化进入和谐的时代写照。
1.In vitro culture of pineapple (a review);凤梨科植物的离体培养(综述)
2.Control and Cultivation Measures on Heart Rot,Root Rot of Ornamental Pineapple观赏凤梨心腐病、根腐病的栽培防治措施

凤吹笙曲 ( 一作凤笙篇 送别 )【诗文】:仙人十五爱吹笙,学得昆丘彩凤鸣。始闻炼气餐金液,复道朝天赴玉京。玉京迢迢几千里,凤笙去去无穷已。欲叹离声发绛唇,更嗟别调流纤指。此时惜别讵堪闻,此地相看未忍分。重吟真曲和清吹,却奏仙歌响绿云。绿云紫气向函关,访道应寻缑氏山。莫学吹笙王子晋,一遇浮丘断不还。【注释】:【出处】:全唐诗:卷21_86全唐诗:卷164_6