1.This thesis is intended to discuss the meanings of the book s name,the pattern of mythology and the archetypal images through myth-archetype criticism and to reveal Welty s concern about modern society and the future of human race.以神话-原型理论为基础,对《金苹果》的书名寓意、神话模式和原型意象进行深入的探索,以揭示韦尔蒂对现实社会和人类前途的关怀。

1.Another Myth-Archetypal Criticism Of Melville s Moby Dick;对《白鲸》的另种神话-原型批评分析
2.On Northrop Frye s Myth-Archetypal Criticism;借型传神:论弗莱的神话——原型批评
3.A Mythic Analysis on Mythic Characters and Symbols in The Waste Land;神话原型批评分析《荒原》中的神话人物和意象
4.Tragic Gods--Prototypes of "Sacrifice" in Chinese Myths悲情的神衹——中国神话中的“献祭”原型
5.The tragic archetype of myth evolves into the contemporary tragedy.神话中的悲剧原型演变为现代悲剧。
6.An Analysis of Archetypes in W.B. Yeats Late Poems;W.B.叶芝后期诗歌中的神话原型
7.The Biblical Myth Archetypes in "Great Expectations";《远大前程》中的圣经创世神话原型
8.Myth and Archetype in Iris Murdoch s Novel The Bell;艾丽丝·默多克小说《钟》的神话原型模式
9.The Cultural Origin of the Myth of Ehuang and Nüying and the Meaning as Models;娥皇、女英神话的文化渊源及原型意义
10.Mythic and Archetypal Explanation of "Peacock" in the "Peacocks Fly to the Southeast";《孔雀东南飞》中“孔雀”的神话原型阐释
11.Eternal Myth: An Interpretation of Toni Morrison s Beloved;解读托尼莫里森《宠儿》中的神话原型
12.An analysis of the mythological prototype in the epic poetry Meige of the Yi people;对彝族史诗《梅葛》神话原型的分析
13.The Mythological Prototype s Explanation of the Queen Mother of the West and Folklore Meaning;“西王母”神话的原型解读及民俗学意义
14.The mythology and father s prototype in "Oedipus Rex";《俄狄浦斯王》中的神话和父亲原型
15.Performances of Actors and Actresses: Mythical Archetypes of Theatrical Performances;演员的表演——戏剧表演的神话原型
16.From Mythical to Modern,the Original Shape of Nüwa in Chinese Literature;从神话到现代——中国文学中的女娲原型
17.Mythological Stereotype of JIA Ping-ao s Novel Strategy;禅月诗魂:贾平凹小说的神话原型建构
18.The Displacement in Modern Times and the Interpretation by Archetypal Criticism of the Myth of Chang e s Flying Toward the Moon;嫦娥奔月神话的现代变形与原型解码

1.Desire Under the Elms is one of the American dramatist Eugene O Neill s masterpieces of tragedy in which the main idea relates closely to the intercontextual implicature of the trace of the archetypes,the impact of Puritan culture and the penetration of Freud s theory.详细探讨了该剧的人物神话原型踪迹、清教文化指涉以及弗洛伊德学说的渗透等三方面的关联涵义特征。
2.The essay discusses the application of the archetype of Noah s Ark in three American novels, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Farewell to Arms and The Grapes of Wrath.通过分析《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》、《永别了,武器》、《愤怒的葡萄》三部美国文学作品,讨论了《圣经》中的挪亚方舟作为神话原型在这三部现代文学作品中的运用,三部作品在上帝缺失的情况下暗示的人类重生之途。
1.The Analysis of Myth-Archetype in TV ads;电视广告的神话原型分析
2.However,through the analysis of the female images in his works,it can be seen that many myth-archetypes have been embodied in them.王朔一向是以反传统的文化姿态出现的,但是深入考察王朔笔下的女性形象,不难发现其小说内部蕴含着丰富的神话原型,由此可见,一向以反传统的文化姿态出现的王朔不可能割断传统,那些照搬现代、后现代理论的批评无疑是对王朔的误读。
3.Myth-archetype can show the source of all writers\' imagination and their creation intentions.但是还没有学者和研究人员运用神话原型理论从《圣经》角度进行分析。
4)mythological Archetype神话原型
1.Its modernistic narrative approaches such as metonymy, irony and mythological archetype as well as its unconventional artistry woven from memory, myth and fact are both interesting and controversial to most American readers.小说中隐喻、反讽、神话原型等现代主义创作技巧和非传统的艺术形式,既引起了读者的浓厚兴趣,也引发了众多争议,尤其是其中偏重中国传统题材的短小章节。
2.Second, it abundantly employs mythological archetypes, including western myths and African folklores, which endow the words with fabulous meaning.第二,大量运用神话原型,包括西方神话及非洲民间传说,赋予了小说文字魔幻的神奇色彩。
3.James Joyce\'s novel Ulysses,however,takes Odyssey as its mythological archetype in order to attach tragic depth to the seemingly trifle modern urban life and elevate the work to a fable which represents universal human exprience.乔伊斯的长篇小说《尤利西斯》以《奥德赛》为神话原型,意在赋予看似平庸琐碎的现代城市生活以悲剧的深度,使之升华为一篇代表人类普遍经验的寓言。
5)myth prototype神话原型
1.The tactic of historical narration,myth prototype with profound implied meaning,the Solitude clan s unique magic consciousness all shows the author s awareness of the colony s deconstruction and reconstruction to the constrained and distorted cultural identity.在作品中,历史叙述策略、寓意深刻的神话原型、马孔多人独特的魔幻意识等都体现了作者对被压抑被扭曲的民族文化身份的解构与重建的迫切意识。
6)myth archetype神话原型
1.The paper was about the Chinese American writer-Maxine Hong Kingston,whose novels have the character of rewriting the myth archetype and her conception of "global novel",studied the post-modernist property and non-post-modernist property,revealed the character of reconstructing new mode of Chinese American literature in Kingston s novels,which were under the post-modernist context.针对华裔美国作家汤亭亭小说中神话原型重述的特点,以及汤亭亭提出的"世界小说"概念,对其后现代性和非后现代性进行研究,揭示汤亭亭小说在后现代语境之下,具有重构华裔文学新模式的特征。
2.The myth archetype theory is generally introduced as theoretical tool analysing Canadian Chinese writer Yu Zhaochang s short novel "The Ghost Train".文章概述了神话原型理论,并且分析了该理论在加拿大华裔作家余兆昌短篇小说《鬼魂列车》中的运用。
3.The legend of "Woodcutter Liu Hai" is a reproduction of the ancient myth archetype of "fox spirit" and restores the ancient national memory to some extent.环洞庭湖刘海砍樵传说是"狐精"这一古老神话原型的复现,在一定程度上还原了古老的民族记忆。

地下建筑物原型观测地下建筑物原型观测prototype observation for underground structure 简单可靠的仪器设备进行变形和位移、应力和应变、渗透压力等项目的观测。地下建筑物原型观测始于20世纪30年代,中国始于60年代初,目前已在水利水电工程的地下洞室中较普遍地开展。 施工期观测亦称临时观测,其作用是:①安全监测,较早地提供围岩失稳的警报,以便及时采取补救措施。②提供第一性资料,减少在设计假定中的未确定因素,取得反馈信息作反分析用,校核原设计,并在必要时修改原设计。③保证施工技术措施能符合实际情况,既安全、又经济。总之,是利用施工期所提供的信息,反馈到设计和施工中去。60年代发展起来的隧洞施工的新奥法,施工期观测就是重要组成部分。 施工期观测的项目,一般有位移、应力(应变)、渗压和温度等项,有时观测项目随施工进展而变更。 (1)位移观测中常用的仪器有收敛计、多点位移计(伸长计)、钻孔倾斜仪、挠度计、测缝计和水准测量(如正倒锤)。 (2)应力观测的常用仪器为锚杆测力计、钢筋计和应变计。 (3)渗透压力观测的仪器有渗压计、压力计、测压管等。 (4)温度观测仪器为温度计。 对地下建筑物原型观测仪器的要求,原则上应性能稳定、使用简单可靠、节省人力,且尽可能地自动化、遥测化。 运行期观测亦称长期观测.其作用是:通过一些主要建筑部位的典型断面埋设的仪器,对地下建筑物的岩体和衬砌进行长期观测,以了解建筑物在运行过程中受力状态及周围环境条件(温度、地下水)的变化,以保证地下建筑物的安全运行,或在必要时采取补强措施。此类观测资料还可作为反分析的依据,以进一步检验原设计的正确性,为今后改进地下建筑物设计理论积累数据,供其他工程设计借鉴。 运行期观测的项目和所用仪器,基本上和施工期观测相同,只是在仪器性能的稳定性上要求更高些、应确保长期正常使用。 通常工程上对施工期观测与运行期观测的项目和仪器进行统一规划设计,使施工期埋设的仪器也留作运行期观测使用。 观测间隔时间施工期观测的历时较短,一般在洞室开挖或支护后的半个月内,每天应观测1~2次;当掌子面推进到距观测断面大于2倍洞室的跨度后,每2天观测1次;当变形稳定后,一般每月观测1一3次。运行期观测的历时较长,通常初期每日或隔日观测一次,随观测值变化减缓,逐步改为每周、每旬观测一次,最后可每月观测一次。