
1.On the Illusion Characteristic of A Dream of the Red Mansions-- From the uncertainty of Jingdu;从京都无确址看《红楼梦》的梦幻性特征
2.Obeserve Dream Characteristic of Dream of Red Chamber According to Jia Bao-yu s Supposition on "Ling-guan drawing Qiang";从贾宝玉臆断“龄官划蔷”看《红楼梦》的梦幻性特征
3.On the Illusion Characteristic of A Dream of Red Mansions--From the Writer s Few Words on Jia Zhu s Death;从贾珠之死的隐然不示看《红楼梦》的梦幻性特征
4.On the Illusion Characteristic of A Dream of Red Mansions;从薛家经年漂泊之荒诞看《红楼梦》的梦幻性特征
5.Analysis on the Illusory Implication of "Lin Dai-yu s First Meeting with the Jia Family";“林黛玉进贾府”的梦幻性特征谠论
6.On the Illusion Characteristic of A Dream of the Red Mansions --From a Sharp Contrast Between Jia Baoyu s Servants Numbers & the Other Masters ;从贾宝玉同其他主子间奴仆数的霄壤之别看《红楼梦》的梦幻性特征
7.On the Dreamlike Characteristics of Dreams in the Red Mansions from JIA Yu-cun Who Confiscated the Ancient Fans;从贾雨村讹抄古扇的荒诞不经看《红楼梦》的梦幻性特征
8.The Exaggeration of the Jias Prosperity for a Century and Its Illusion Originality;贾家谎称百年富贵的夸饰及梦幻性创意
9.Illusion and Transcendence:Comparative Study of Women s Consciousness in Gone with the Wind and A Dream of Red Chamber;梦幻与超越——《飘》和《红楼梦》中的女性意识
10.It was called Dreamy Blues.名为《梦幻布鲁斯》。
11.Sexlessness and Fantasy: Lacanian Psychosexual Analysis of Edgar Allan Poe s Poems;无性与梦幻—对爱伦·坡诗歌的拉康式性心理分析
12.It is believed that habitual daydreaming will distance people from society.人们相信,习惯性的白日梦幻会把人同社会疏远。
13.Illusion,disillusion and rebirth--Sily s awakening of female awareness in The Color Purple;梦想、幻灭、再生——谈《紫色》中茜莉女性意识的觉醒
14.The Romance of Illusion, The Truth of Dreams--On Su Shi and Xin Qiji s Ci of Dreams;幻的浪漫 梦的真实——论苏、辛的梦幻词
15.Dreams Derive from Emotion --A General Exposition of Dreams in A Dream of Red Mansions;梦幻如织缘情深——《红楼梦》梦境描写综论
16.Sexual intercourse was the most common type of sexual dream content, followed by sexual propositions, kissing, fantasies and masturbation.性交是最常见的性梦的内容,其次是性命题,接吻,幻想和手淫.
17.Philadelphia Phantoms费城梦幻队(曲棍球)
18.Sophie lives in a dream.索菲生活在梦幻之中。

1.Had Lin Daiyu never gone to grandmother’s house? Did she never recognize anyone? It was the showing of dream features of the well-known work.究其原因:此既非作者的疏漏,更不能以败笔论,而是宏著梦幻性特征的显现。
2.Therefore, it is the reflection of dream in one s life.由此而论,终归是人生之梦幻性的显现。
3)fantastic spiritualism梦幻灵性
1.Through the description of Howard s unconsciousness and fantasy,and the using of many symbolic images,Welty tries to reveal the truth of Howard s inner world which is more important and more essential than that of the outer world.她试图通过对男主人公霍华德潜意识以及梦幻的描写,并大量运用象征意象,以揭示出比外部世界的真实更重要、更本质的内在真实。
2.The mixture of fantasy and reality unites the life of an ordinary “I” (small event) with the life of an old man named Nakada in the background of WWⅡ(hidden great ev.村上春树的小说《海边的卡夫卡》在叙事上具有典型的现代小说之特点:借用传统文类“神话”构筑一个“互文性”叙事的开放性文本;运用音乐、绘画等形式中段叙事时间的连续性,使小说呈现出跨越时空的叙事结构;梦幻与现实的融合将一个普通的“我”的成长故事(小事件)和潜在着大事件踪迹—“二战”背景下的中田老人一生的故事整合为一体,使文本的叙事实现了对日常生活的关注同整个社会变化相联系的目的。
1.Sentimental and Illusion Appreciation on S. Korean cartoon MyBeautifulGirl,Mar-I;伤感与梦幻——评韩国动画片《美丽密语》
2.This passage is trying to explore the characteristic of the surrealism like humor,illusion and fantastic by discussing the narrative technique,arrangement of the plot,description of the characters and the objects in the text.文本在写作技巧、情节安排、人物摹写和物态素描等方面都体现了超现实主义的幽默、梦幻、荒诞等特质以及它以出离现实的方式关注现实、痛心现实的思想形态。
3.In the long historical river of literature in our country, illusion becomes cultural phenomenon because of the illusion s depiction of long standing by people.在我国悠久的文学历史长河中,人们对梦幻境界的描写源远流长,使梦幻成为一种文化现象。
1.Dreams Derive from Emotion ——A General Exposition of Dreams in A Dream of Red Mansions;梦幻如织缘情深——《红楼梦》梦境描写综论
2.Therefore,it was not a realistic work in a strict sense,but the one full of modern flavor mixed by symbol,metaphor,dreams,absurdness and mythological mode.因此,它不是一部严格意义上的现实主义作品,而是运用象征、隐喻、梦幻、荒诞和神话模式构建出来的一部极富现代意味的作品。
3.Frye regards ceremony as literary narration and dream as literary meaning.他把仪式看作文学具有原型性叙述的形式,把梦幻看作具有原型性意义的内容,把神话看作仪式与梦幻的语辞交流。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-