米兰·昆德拉,Milan Kundera
1)Milan Kundera米兰·昆德拉
1.The Admiration for the Being——On Milan Kundera s The Unbearable Lightness of Being;对生存的注视——浅谈米兰·昆德拉《不能承受的生命之轻》
2.The Significance of Polyphonic Technique in Milan Kundera s Fiction;米兰·昆德拉小说复调艺术的具体内涵
3.On Milan Kundera s Thoughts of Humor Fiction;论米兰·昆德拉的幽默小说观

1.Milan Kundera was born in Czechoslovakia in 1929 and since 1975 he has been living in France.米兰·昆德拉,1929年生于捷克,1975移居法国。
2.Analysis of Exile Image in Milan Kundera s Novel;米兰·昆德拉小说中流亡者形象分析
3."Existence" and "Obsequiousness";“存在”与“媚俗”——论米兰·昆德拉
4.The Significance of Polyphonic Technique in Milan Kundera s Fiction;米兰·昆德拉小说复调艺术的具体内涵
5.Politics, Sex and Laughter A Comparison Between Wang Xiaobo and Milan Kwindlar;政治、性、笑:王小波与米兰·昆德拉之比较
6.Exploring the Thought on Being of Milan Kundera from Oblivion从遗忘中透视米兰·昆德拉的存在之思
7.On Adaptation of Jocosity in Milan Kundera's Novels试析米兰·昆德拉小说的戏谑性改编
8."Existential Code":Lingual Interpretation of Literature by Milan Kundera“存在编码”:米兰·昆德拉文学语言观阐释
9.Poetry, Thought, History: Antithesis and Synthesis in Milan Kundera's Poetics on Novels;诗·思·史:冲突与融合——米兰·昆德拉小说诗学引论
10.The Variations of Post-modern Literature about Characteristics of Carnivalizatin in Milan Kundera s Novels;米兰·昆德拉小说狂欢特征的后现代变异
11.A Study on Intellectual Characters of Milan Kundera s Novels;米兰·昆德拉小说中的知识分子形象研究
12.The Fictional Possible Perspectives of Milan Kundera s Researches;论米兰·昆德拉对小说可能性维度的勘探
13.Tertiary World--Analyse the Milan kundera s Immortal in existentialism;三重世界——对米兰·昆德拉《不朽》的存在主义分析
14.On the Relationship between the Experiment of Style of Maqiao Dictionary and Milan Kundera;试论《马桥词典》的文体实验与米兰·昆德拉之关系
15.Milan Kundera: Fiction as Poetic Philosophy of Being;米兰·昆德拉:小说是关于存在的诗性之思
16.The Comparability of Milan Kundrea s Writing and Neo-realistic Novels in China;论米兰·昆德拉小说与中国“新写实”小说的可比性
17.Forgets and Recollection--Discussing the Ideological Nature of Milan Kundera s Works in His Later Period;遗忘与回忆——谈米兰·昆德拉后期作品的思想性
18.The Metaphor of Forgetting in Milan Kundera s Fiction;遗忘与记忆的变奏──米兰·昆德拉小说的题旨隐喻

Milan Kundera米兰.昆德拉
3)Come Near to Milan Kundera走近米兰·昆德拉
4)Milan Kundera昆德拉
1.On the Relationship between the Experiment of Style of Maqiao Dictionary and Milan Kundera;试论《马桥词典》的文体实验与米兰·昆德拉之关系
2.A Study on Milan Kundera s Immortality;“在他人的注视下”——昆德拉《不朽》的存在论解读
3.The Inherent Differences of the Criticism of the Extreme Power ——One More Look at the Inherent Drawback of the Literature of Scar Reconsideration from Milan Kundera s Novels;极权批判的内在差异——从昆德拉小说再看伤痕、反思文学的内在缺陷
1.Forgets and Recollection——Discussing the Ideological Nature of Milan Kundera s Works in His Later Period;遗忘与回忆——谈米兰·昆德拉后期作品的思想性
2.Kundera and Contemporary Chinese “Dictionary-Like” Novel Narration——On the Possibility of Novels;昆德拉和当代中国的“词典”体小说叙事——兼论小说的可能性
6)Milan Kundela昆德拉
1.The Unbearable Lightness of Being, one of Milan Kundela s masterpieces, mainly tellsan erotic story happened between two couples and one part of the story happened in apeople s republic country, the other in a liberalism country.昆德拉的《不能承受的生命之轻》(以下按习惯简称《生》)主要描述了两对分别发生在人民民主国家和自由主义国家的爱欲故事,这两对关系又被托马斯串连起来,托马斯成为现代爱欲意义上将挚爱和欲爱结合起来的一个人物母题。
