母女关系,mother-daughter relationship
1)mother-daughter relationship母女关系
1.Cultural analysis of mother-daughter relationship at Amy Tan s The Kitchen God s Wife;《灶神之妻》中母女关系的文化解析
2.Ever since its publication,Amy Tan s The Joy Luck Club has received scholars constant attention to its ingenious revelation of mother-daughter relationships.谭恩美在《喜福会》中对母女关系主题巧妙且深入的刻画,使该书自出版以来获得了学者的广泛关注。
3.In the meantime,with the analysis of the heroine s self-identity quest,the paper points out the significance of mother-daughter relationship in the construction of female identity.萨默斯的日记》中女主角作为女儿和母亲的双重感受,体现莱辛运用双重视角完整地再现母女关系这一创作思想。

1.a fraught mother-daughter relationship.令人忧虑的母女关系
2.The Reproduction of Mothering: Interpretation to the Mother-daughter Pattern in Novels of Simone De Beauvoir;母性的再造:波伏瓦小说中的母女关系模式阐释
3.Stepping Down the Altar:Mother-daughter relationship in The Kitchen God's Wife走下祭坛的母亲——浅析《灶王之妻》中的母女关系
4.Mother-Daughter Representation in the Diaries of Jane Somers by Doris Lessing: A Feminist Psychoanalytic Reading;莱辛《简·萨默斯的日记》中的母女关系
5.Amy Tan and the Mother-Daughter Relationship in the Joy Luck Club;谭恩美及其作品《喜福会》中的母女关系
6.On“Mother-daughter”Relationship and Identity Acknowledgement in The Kitchen God's Wife论《灶神娘娘》中的母女关系与身份认同
7.The Study of Mother-daughter Relationship Written by Woman Writer during 20th Century;二十世纪女性作家笔下的母女关系研究
8.From Resistance to Identification: An Interpretation of the Mother-Daughter Relationship in the Woman Warrior;从反抗到认同:对《女勇士》中母女关系的解读
9.Political Narrative of Relations Between Mother and Daughter in Modern Chinese Female Literature;论中国现代女性文学中母女关系的政治叙述
10.Interpretation of Emily Dickinson s Mother-Daughter Relationship through the View of Feminism;爱米莉·狄金森母女关系的女性主义阐释
11.On the Mother-Daughter Relationship in Amy Tan s New Novel The Bonesetter s Daughter;论谭恩美新作《接骨师的女儿》中的母女关系
12.The Loss and Alienation of Materal Instincts--Analysis of Both Mother Images and Relationship between Mothers and Daughters in Novels of Eileen Chang母性的沦丧与异化——张爱玲小说中的母亲形象及母女关系探析
13.The Love between Mother and Daughter The Communication between Cultures--An Analysis on The Joy Luck Club from the Perspective of Mother-Daughter Relationship;母女的至爱亲情 文化的交流变迁——从母女关系的角度解读《喜福会》
14.The eternal mother/daughter love:Short story cycle and mother/daughter relationship in The Joy Luck Club;母女情深——论《喜福会》的故事环结构与母女关系主题
15.An Analysis of Mother-daughter Relationships in the Prose by Chinese Female Writers--Taking Analytical Affection and I Have Such a Mother as an Example女性散文中的母女关系解析——以《亲情解析》《我有这样一个母亲》为例
16.The scene shows a rather difficult mother-daughter relationship.这个场景展现了一段相当困难的母女关系
17.the kinship relation between an offspring and the mother.子女与母亲之间的亲密关系。
18.An Analysis and Retrospect on Legal Relationship between Step-parents and Stepchildren;继父母子女法律关系检讨与完善思考

the mother-daughter relationship母女关系
1.Amy Tan,a Chinese-American writer,describes in her novel the Joy Lock Club the mother-daughter relationship with a unique narrative skill,reflecting the conflict and the final acculturation of the Chinese and American cultures.华裔美国作家谭恩美以独特的叙事技巧,在其小说《喜福会》中,通过母女关系反映了中美文化之间的相互差异冲突与最后的融合。
2.It is a feminist contention that the mother-daughter relationship is “the most formative relationship” in the life of everyone.女性主义者指出,母女关系对女性的成长影响最大。
3.The women writers think the mother-daughter relationship compassionately and seriously in these texts.女性儿童小说作家以“女儿的经验”和母性的悲悯对母女关系投去了关注的目光与冷静的反思。
3)the mother-daughter relationship of new tyle新型母女关系
4)the relationship between step parents and step children继父母子女关系
1.In the family, the relationship between step parents and step children must be adjusted by law if necessary because it is special, complex and uncertain in rights and liability.在家庭关系中 ,继父母子女关系由于产生的特殊性、关系的复杂性、权利义务的不确定性和关系维持的艰难性与长期性的特点 ,而必须重视对其的法律调适问题。
5)the relationship between the parents and children父母子女关系
1.The legislation adjustment of the relationship between the parents and children has gone through a long historical process, the rights of the children have developed from indifference to respection and.父母子女关系的法律调整,经历了一个历史发展过程,其中对子女权益从漠视发展到尊重和维护。
6)intimate mother-daughter relationship亲密母女关系

经济关系(见生产关系)经济关系(见生产关系)economical relation  1 ingji gU口nxj经济关系(eeonomieal relation)系。见生产关