女性叙事,female narrative
1)female narrative女性叙事
1.The ecological implications of the female narratives by Shen Congwen;沈从文女性叙事的生态内蕴
2.Feminine Text of 20~(th) Shanghai school——Based on Chang Ai-ling,Wang Anyi,Weihui's female narrative20世纪海派文学中的女性文本——以张爱玲、王安忆、卫慧的女性叙事为例
3.A comprehensive survey of the development of the 20th centure female literaturereveals the fact that female narrative, which reaches its climax in the 80 s and 90 s, all follows the cycle theory mechanism of idea, desire and existence, but with different stresses on different stages.女性叙事在20世纪八九十年代达到顶峰,而综观20世纪女性文学的发展,其叙事无不是遵循着理念/原欲/存在的循环论机制,只是在各个不同的阶段有不同的侧重点而已。

1.A feminine narrative of the feminine imitation survival of Tie Ning;论铁凝对女性模仿性生存的女性叙事
2.On the Subjective Similarity of Woman Literature and the Poor People Literature女性叙事与“底层叙事”主体身份的同构性
3.Modern Women s Narration and Gender;时代女性的叙事与性别——20世纪二三十年代文学中的新女性叙事
4.The Study on the History-type and Female Narrative of Dongxiangs Folk-story东乡族民间故事类型与女性叙事研究
5.On the Narration of Feminine Identity in Chinese Feminine Narrative Texts Since the 1980 s;我国80年代以来女性叙事文本中的女性身份叙事
6.A Dialogue Between Females and Human Nature--On the Feminine Narration in YAN Ge-ling s Novels;女性与人性的对话——谈严歌苓小说的女性叙事
7.The Growth of Women, Feminist Narration, Feminist Position:The Significance of the Text on the Growth of Women女性成长 女性叙事 女性立场——女性成长文本的意义
8.The Growth of Women, Feminist Narration, Feminist Position:The Significance of the Text on the Growth of Women;女性成长 女性叙事 女性立场——女性成长文本的意义
9.Two Modes of Female Ethical Narrative in the Contemporary Literature;当代文学中的两种女性叙事伦理形态
10.The Way for the Weak--A Primary Analysis on the Female Narration Skill of the Novel Fusang;弱者之道——浅析小说《扶桑》的女性叙事
11.Face to Face with Liberation--On the Feminist Narration in the First Half of East Wind:West Wind;遭遇解放——论《东风·西风》(上篇)的女性叙事
12.The Comparison of the Narrative Structures of the Three Women Characters in A Travel Made by Laocan;《老残游记》的三个女性叙事结构比较
13.Cycle Theory of Female Narrative;理念·原欲·存在——女性叙事的循环论
14.Male otherness in Chinese North-American women English literature北美华人女性英文叙事中的男性他者
15.Empowering the Female Voice: The Madness and Ghost Narratives in Kingston s the Woman Warrior;女性话语权的追寻:解读《女勇士》中的疯子叙事和鬼叙事
16.The Narrative Art of Living Situation of Female Characters in Yan Geling s Fictions about New Immigrants;严歌苓新移民小说中的女性生存叙事
17.On the Camp Style and Narrative Perspectives of Susan Sontag;苏珊桑塔格的女性“坎普”与叙事技巧
18.Simple Dissertation about Feminine Consciousness and Narrative Strategies in “Persuasion”;简论《劝导》中的女性意识与叙事策略

female Narration女性叙事
1.However, female narration and female discourse are getting more and more important in female literature.而对“女性文学”这门学科来说,女性叙事、女性话语越来越体现其重要性。
2.Its female narration especially shows rich connotation of cultural politics in the process of developing from self-colonialism to post-colonialism deconstruction.尤其是新移民文学中的女性叙事,以其从自我殖民到后殖民解构的运行轨迹,生动展示了后殖民语境所赋予的文化政治学方面的丰富含义。
3)feminist narration女性叙事
1.This paper analyses the first half of the novel s feminist narration from the two perspectives of sociology and narratology,pointing.从社会学和叙事学两种视角深入分析上篇的女性叙事,可以看出,中国妇女在现代化进程中所遭遇的解放必须面对传统文化早已内化的压抑和西方化的自我镜像的挑战,还有男性他者的强权。
2.Its quiet,detached feminist narration of the historical winds in The Republic of China and Chinese intellectuals inner world in the 20th century is so loud that we seem to hear the distant yet dense echoing of the historical tragedy of the separation of a society t.该作品文字精致、意蕴幽徊、意境诗性,从其美学价值看,堪称华语小说中的精品;而其清幽淡远的女性叙事之间显示出来的20世纪民国历史风云和中国知识分子的精神世界同样撼人心魂,让我们得以倾听两岸分离的社会历史悲剧沉淀于人心的悠远细密的回响。
4)feminist narratology女性主义叙事学
1.The interpretation of this character from the perspective of feminist narratology in the way of discourse analysis can avoid the idealism and rigid dogma respectively as the result of feminist criticism and pure formalism.拉姆齐夫人是女性主义作品中具有代表意义的人物形象,她身上体现出女性生存的一般状态,从女性主义叙事学的视角,以话语分析为依据解读这一人物形象,可以避免主观主义的唯心倾向和形式主义的僵化教条。
2.Since late 1980s,feminist narratology in the west has refocused its attention to the relations among narrative discourse,gender and identity,including the gendered narrative strategies,gendered interpretation of specific narration and the construction of the reader s gender identity by narrative forms.20世纪80年代后期开始,西方女性主义叙事学主要研究叙事话语与性别及身份的关联,包括各种话语策略的性别差异,具体叙事的性别化阐释,以及叙事形式对读者性别身份的建构等。
5)female desire narrative女性欲望叙事
6)feminine view of narrative女性叙事视角
