女性自我意识,female self-awareness
1)female self-awareness女性自我意识

1.The Evolution of DingLing s Female Self-awareness in Modern Novels;丁玲现代小说中女性自我意识的嬗变
2.Social and Cultural Value of Women Translation;从女性翻译理论看女性自我意识的觉醒
3.The Female Sense of Self Reflected in A Respectable Woman by Kate Chopin论凯特·肖邦《一个正派的女人》的女性自我意识
4.On the Two Western Female Images of Self-Consciousness Created by Dreiser评德莱赛塑造的西方两种女性自我意识形象
5.An Analysis of the Female Self-consciousness Reflected in Henry James Early Works;亨利·詹姆斯早期作品中女性自我意识之分析
6.Arousal Of Self-Consciousness For Females In Wei and Jin Dynasties In New Anecdotes of Social Talk;从《世说新语》看魏晋女性自我意识的觉醒
7.On the Development of the Female Self Consciousness in Rainbow and the Author s Artistic Technique of Expression;析《虹》女性自我意识的发展及其艺术表现手法
8.On the Female Self Awareness--the perspective of female image in mass media;呼唤女性自我意识的觉醒——大众传媒中的女性形象透视
9.The Feminine World and Awakening Feminine Self-awareness in Zhu Shuzhen s Poems;朱淑真诗词中的女性世界及其女性自我意识的觉醒
10.Awakening" and "Sinking" of Females Self-awareness--Perspective of Female Characters in Home and Dream of the Red Chamber;女性自我意识的“觉醒”与“沉沦”——《红楼梦》与《家》中的女性形象透视
11.Finding the Lost Self--Image of three women in Everyday Use;女性自我意识的觉醒——艾丽斯·沃克《日常使用》中的女性形象
12.The Awakening of Women’s Self-consciousness --the connotation and characteristics of Ding Ling’s novels;展示女性自我意识的觉醒——丁玲小说的意蕴和特点
13.The Narrative Texts of Female Consciousness Awakening--Ling Shuhua s Novel Summary;女性自我意识觉醒的叙事性文本——凌叔华小说综论
14.Women s self- ancient tomb --Analyze image of women in Jin Yong s novel from women s consciousness;女性自我的古墓——从女性意识分析金庸小说中的女性形象
15.Xiao Hong and San Mao: An Interpretation of Their “Women Awareness” and“Freedom Awareness”;萧红与三毛“女性意识”与“自由意识”解读
16.A Penetrating Analysis of Female Sex Self - consciousness in Female Literature;从女性文学透视女性性别意识的自觉
17.Lost Homestead and Split Identity;失落的家园 分裂的自我——评托尼·莫里森《秀拉》种族意识和女性意识
18.Intelligence,Self-concept and Behavior Problem of Girls with Precocious Puberty;性早熟女童智力、自我意识和行为问题分析

female self consciousness女性自我意识
1.By analyzing the life of the three female characters in Rainbow, this paper shows the development of the female self consciousness in modern society and Lawrence s exploration on human life.从《虹》三位女性的不同的生活道路 ,可见现代女性自我意识的发展的轨迹和劳伦斯对人生奥秘的探索 ;作者在艺术形式上也非常注重作品的写实和写意的完美结
3)female self-consciousness女性自我意识
1.An Analysis of the Female Self-consciousness Reflected in Henry James Early Works;亨利·詹姆斯早期作品中女性自我意识之分析
2.However,if taking the whole precess of her creation,the depiction of pure female,the description of female self-consciousness,and the criticism against male from the female world,it could be more appropriate that the current novel was written at the transition stage.《没有纽扣的红衬衫》一直被人们视为铁凝早期创作的代表作;然而若从铁凝的整个创作过程来思考,从纯洁女性的刻画,女性自我意识的描述,以及对女性世界中男性的批判等角度来分析,把《没有纽扣的红衬衫》定位在铁凝创作过程中的过渡阶段更为恰当。
4)female consciousness of expressing selves女性自我表达意识
5)girl's self-consciousness女童自我意识
6)consciousness of female liberty女性自由意识

自我意识的发展自我意识的发展development of self-consciousness  自我意识的发展(development of self-consciousness)从无到有,而后达到成熟的一个漫长的发展过程。自我意识是意识的一种,它包括自我观察、自我监督、自我评价、自我体验、自我教育和自我控制等内容。衡量自我意识发展是否成熟的标准有:(1)能意识到自己的身体特征和生理状况。(2)能认识并体验到内心进行的心理活动。(3)能认识并感受到自己在社会和集体中的地位和作用。人生的第1年无自我意识可言,在1岁末时开始有自我感觉。2一3岁的儿童开始把自己当作主体来认识,口语中出现了“我”。学前儿童的自我评价有三大特点:(l)表面性。(2)易受暗示性。(3)带有明显的情绪性。学龄初期儿童的自我意识有一个加速期,自我评价从具体、个别的评价向抽象的、全面的评价过渡。青少年自我意识的发展出现质变,特点:(l)成人感和独立感进一步发展。(2)自我分化中表现出青少年不仅在观察评定现实的自我,并且还在积极追求和实现理想的自我。(3)自我意识的强度和深度在不断增加。(4)自我评价逐渐趋于成熟,表现为评价的独立性日益增强,自我评价从片面性向全面性发展,对自己的评价从身体特征和具体行为向个性品质方面转化。 (白学军撰林索德市)