新批评派,new criticism
1)new criticism新批评派
1.The Influence of New Criticism on Western Literary Theory and Criticism新批评派对于西方文学理论与批评的影响
2.The Introspection on Some Issues of Chinese Literary Theory in the Post-Theoretical Era from the Perspective of New Criticism从新批评派反观后理论时代中国文学理论的诸种问题
3.The paper discusses the relationship between the new criticism and the research of American scholars on Chinese literature.本文对新批评派与美国汉学界的相关研究之间所存在的诸种关联作梳理与阐释。

1.The New Criticism and the Criticism and the Use of Text of Wen-hsin Tiao-lung;新批评派与《文心雕龙》批评方法略论及文本运用
2.The Influence of New Criticism on Western Literary Theory and Criticism新批评派对于西方文学理论与批评的影响
3.A Brief Analysis fo Li terary Form Ontology of the New Critics;简论新批评派的“文学形式本体论”
4.The Poetic Theory of T.S.Eliot s "Non-individuality" and the New Criticism;T.S.艾略特的“非个性化”诗歌理论与新批评派
5.The influence of Neo-Criticism on McLuhan’ communication studies文学新批评派对麦克卢汉传播研究的影响
6.New Criticism and American Research on Modern Chinese Literature新批评派与美国汉学界的中国现当代文学研究
7.Some Paradoxes between the Theory and Practice of New Criticism新批评派的理论与实践之间的诸种悖论
8.New Criticism and Chinese Literary Research of American Chinese Study新批评派与美国汉学界的中国文学研究
9.On the paradox of co-existence of literary beauty and greatness--Commentary essays by T.S. Eliot and neo-critics;美与伟大的依存悖论——T.S.艾略特与新批评派的文论异趣
10.The Introspection on Some Issues of Chinese Literary Theory in the Post-Theoretical Era from the Perspective of New Criticism从新批评派反观后理论时代中国文学理论的诸种问题
11.Rethinking the criticism of Xueheng School on May 4~(th) New Culture Movement;重评学衡派对五四新文化运动的批评
12.Surpassing and inheriting the criticism of Jingpai--on Li Guangtian s criticism of the modern poems in the 1940s;对京派批评的超越与继承——论李广田20世纪40年代的新诗批评
13.The chapter of criticism studies the relationship and poetry criticism between the modernists and the western new criticism.批评篇研究现代派与西方新批评的关系和诗评,资料篇研究本文发现的现代派诗刊。
14.On the Contemporary Significance of Formalism and New Criticism;试论形式主义与新批评学派的当代性渊源
15.Freudian criticism弗洛伊德派批评理论
16.The Study of Criticism of Consciousness from "Critical Consciousness"从《批评意识》看日内瓦学派的意识批评
17.The critics came down hard on the new play.批评家批评这个新剧作。
18.The Metaphysical Poetry in the View of New Criticism;新批评视野中的玄学派诗歌——以《致他的娇羞的女友》为例

new criticism school新批评派
1.On the basis of listing and analyzing several main ideas on what nature of literature is, this paper thinks that new criticism school, started from in the 19th century, has special opinions on this problem.而兴起于19世纪的新批评派在这个问题上有着独到的见解,它摒弃了前人观点的不足,将文学看成是一个以文本为中心的独立自足的世界,为推进文学本质研究起到了重要作用。
2.New Criticism School is one of the most important literary criticism schools at the 20th century and has made remarkable theoretical and practical achievements.新批评派作为20世纪最重要的文学批评流派之一,在理论建构与实践操作等层面都贡献颇丰。
3)American New Criticism School美国新批评派
4)style and school criticism体派批评
5)the criticism of Jingpai京派批评
1.Surpassing and inheriting the criticism of Jingpai——on Li Guangtian s criticism of the modern poems in the 1940s;对京派批评的超越与继承——论李广田20世纪40年代的新诗批评
6)school criticism学派批评
1.Aesthetic study on school criticism;关于学派批评的美学检视
