宗教现象,religious phenomenon
1)religious phenomenon宗教现象
1.The decline of romanticism and the rise of religious phenomenon;浪漫主义的衰落与“宗教现象”的兴起——关于当代中国浪漫主义文学症结的反思
2.Zuozhuan includes religious phenomenon and activities adoring nature and agricultural god,spirit and sign,unusual being,heralding,divining etc.《左传》保存了诸如自然、农神、鬼魂崇拜以及征兆、怪异、卜筮、解梦、预言等丰富的宗教现象和活动。

1.A phenomenology of religion must be both existential and hermeneutical.宗教现象学必须既是存在性的又是诠释性的。
2.The Religious Phenomenon's Narrative Function of the First Chapter in the Chong Zhen "Jin Ping Mei"论崇祯本《金瓶梅》第一回宗教现象的叙事功能
3.Shamanistic culture has typicalness and incomparable specific character in all the primitive religions on the world.萨满教文化在世界各地原始宗教现象中都具有典型性和不可比拟的宗教个性。
4.These phenomena prove that human society needs religion.这些现象在证明人类社会需要宗教。
5.This phenomenon proves that human society needs religion.这些现象在在证明人类社会需要宗教。
6.poetry full of religious symbolism用大量象徵手法表现宗教色彩的诗篇.
7.The Historical Analysis on the Religious Cultural Phenomenon of Witchcraft in Zuozhuan;《左传》巫术宗教文化现象的历史性探析
8.Study on the Phenomenon of College Students Absence of Psychology Religious Psychology;大学生心理缺失与宗教心理现象浅探
9.The Flag of Faith;信仰的旗幡——新时期宗教文学现象浅析
10.An Analysis On The Religion Rising In Present China From Social Ethics;当代中国宗教兴起现象社会伦理分析
11.“Hidden Phenomenon”and“Religious without Religion”--Review of“Spectres of Marx”by Derrida;“看不见的现象”暨“没有宗教的宗教”——再读德里达《马克思的幽灵们》
12.A Seasch for Meaning and Religious Belief;意义求索与宗教信仰──对当今宗教热现象的一种注解
13.a system of religion that deifies and worships natural forces and phenomena.自然力量或现象被神话的一种宗教制度。
14.One and Many: the Approach, Presupposition and Time Spirit of Phenomenology of "Religiosity"一与多:“宗教性”的现象学的进路、预设与时代精神
15.Causationism of the Religious Culture of the Mixture of Buddhism,Confucianism,Taoism,and Sorcery in Guizhou Province;贵州佛道儒巫混杂的宗教文化现象因果论
16.The religious explaination to the “sex turns” phenomena of bonze and nun、Taoist priest in the sexual novel;对艳情小说中僧尼、道士“性化”现象的宗教阐释
17.Analysis and Thinking on "Belief Crisis" as well as "Religion Boom;对“信仰危机”和“宗教热”现象的分析和思考
18.A Preliminary Study on the Religious Diversification in 17th Century China;17世纪前后中国北方宗教多元现象初论

phenomenology of religion宗教现象学
3)pre-religious phenomenon前宗教现象
4)religious worship宗教膜拜现象
5)An Elementary Investigation of Phenomenology of Religion初探宗教现象学
6)Religious Image宗教意象

前宗教现象  见宗教演化史。