朴齐家,Piao Qijia
1)Piao Qijia朴齐家
1.The Influence of the Poems of a Qing Dynasty Poet Wang Shizhen On Korean Writer Piao Qijia;试论清代王士祯的诗歌对朝鲜文人朴齐家的影响
2.There was a relationship between Ruan Yuan and Jin Zhengxi, Liu Degong, Piao Qijia, the Chinese scholars who produced best impact to the academic circles of Korea in the Qing dynasty.清代大学者阮元与金正喜、柳得恭和朴齐家等朝鲜著名学者均有交往,堪称清代对朝鲜学术界影响最大的中国学者之一。
3.This thesis aimed at finding the relations between the late 18th century Korean literature and Chinese literature by the study of Korean writer Piao Qijia.本论文的宗旨在于,通过朝鲜后期文人朴齐家全面考察18世纪朝鲜朝后期文学与中国文学之间的关联。

1.Pak Che-Ga′s "Poetic Flavor" Concept vs Chinese Poetics朴齐家的“味”学观与中国诗学的关系
2.The Influence of the Poems of a Qing Dynasty Poet Wang Shizhen On Korean Writer Piao Qijia;试论清代王士祯的诗歌对朝鲜文人朴齐家的影响
3.The Vision outside the Country:Korean Poet Pak Che-Ga s Views on the Qing Culture-An Analysis of “A Miscellany of Poems in Yanjing(Yenching Chapkak)”;域外视觉:论朝鲜诗人朴齐家的清代文化观——以《燕京杂绝》的分析为中心
4.So clean, well-arranged, solemn a mansion pleased him;看来这幢房子整齐、清洁、庄严、朴素,而且非常舒适方便。
5.playing the violin in his simple home.在自己简朴的家中拉小提琴。
6.Hard work and plain living is a cherished heritage of the Chinese people.艰苦朴素的作风是中国人民的传家宝。
7.I relished that simple family life.我欣赏 [喜好] 那种简朴的家庭生活。
8.He entertained himself with his violin in his simple home.他在简朴的家里拉小提琴消遣。
9.Ordinary Swiss dress and live simply.普通人家都衣着朴素、生活简单。
10.The Influence of Chinese Literature on Pak Chi-won s "A Tiger s Rebuke";朝鲜文学家朴趾源《虎叱》创作研究
11.Simplicity and Unadornedness with Intelligence and Beauty--On the creative style of Zhaotong writers;朴拙与灵秀——昭通作家创作风格论
12.Variation of Seed Characters of Magnolia officinalis From Different Provenances and Families厚朴不同种源及家系种子性状的变异
13.homely truths; letters to his son full of homely advice; simple (or homely) fare.朴素的真理;在给儿子的信中充满了朴实的忠告;简易(或家常)食物。
14.This shop has a satisfactory variety of goods.这家商店货物齐全。
15.There is a big choice in this shop.这家商店品种齐全。
16.He ranges with great writers.他与大著作家并驾齐驱。
17.The traveller was wellequipped.这位旅行家装备齐全。
18.Let a hundred flowers blossom, let a hundred school+[ 1 ] s of thought contend.百花齐放, 百家争鸣。

Pak Che-ga朴齐家
1.Pak Che-ga,the representative of Korea s Northern Learning school in practical learning,has been to Yenching four times.朝鲜北学派实学代表人物朴齐家曾先后4次出访燕京,他冲破了夷夏之辨和小中华的传统狭隘观念,系统地总结了北学论思想,提出了从器物利用到思想文化对外开放的主张,以实现正德利用厚生之道,同时提出了发展工商、富民强国的具体措施。
2.In his “A Miscellany of Poems in Yanjing(Yenching Chapkak)”,Korean poet Pak Che-ga expressed his awareness of cultural diffusion and represented the requirements of the then Korean society.当时诗人朴齐家在《燕京杂绝》里充分体现了文化传播意识和文化接受意识 ,表现了彻底的现实改革意识与进取的精神。
3)poet Pak Che-ga诗人朴齐家
4)To establish competency by Being simple and frugal朴俭成家
5)homely furniture粗朴的家具
6)On Daoist Plainness论道家之"朴"
