《天路历程》,The Pilgrim's Progress
1)The Pilgrim's Progress《天路历程》
1.William Chalmers Burns and His Translation of The Pilgrim's Progress Into Chinese宾为霖与《天路历程》的汉译

1.The Pilgrim s Progress and the Pilgrimage West: A Histori-Typological Interpretation;《天路历程》与《西游记》:历史类型学阐释
2.On the Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan, Progress of Salvation论约翰·班扬小说《天路历程》心灵拯救的历程
3.In Pilgrim's Progress, a bundle of myrrh was used to keep Mercy from fainting.在《天路历程》,一捆没药被用作保持仁慈。
4.The Study on English Missionary William Chalmers Burns and the Pilgrim s Progress;英国传教士宾为霖与《天路历程》之研究
5.Parallel Comparison between Pilgrimage to The West and The Pilgrim’s Progress;《天路历程》与《西游记》之平行比较
6.From Domestication to Foreignization--Comparison between the Chinese Translation Versions of The Pilgrim s Progress;从归化到异化——《天路历程》汉译本比较
7.The land of peace described in John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress.约翰·班扬作品《天路历程》中描绘的安乐地。
8.John Bunyan was imprisoned for debt, and wrote Pilgrim's Progress while in prison.约翰·班扬因债务下狱,在狱中他写出了 《天路历程》
9.Religious or Secular--Exploration of Values and Status of The Pilgrim’s Progress宗教与世俗之间——《天路历程》价值地位初探
10.A Comparative Translation Study of the Religious Key Words in the Two Chinese Versions of the Pilgrim s Progress;试析《天路历程》两个汉译本中宗教关键词的不同翻译策略
11.Spiritual Sympathy of Pilgrim s Progress and Journey to the West--A comparison in religious features and critical spirit between two novels;《天路历程》与《西游记》的精神共鸣——两部小说宗教特征和批判精神比较
12." The planned route will last130 days and travel137,000 kilometers.”整个计划路线将历时130天,全程137,000公里。
13.The Constructed Manner and Application for "Pilgrim s Progress" Thought in Chinese Famous Mountains;中国名山“天路历程”思想的营造手法及其应用
14.Gatsby's Pursuit of Dream:Towards a New Appreciations with Jesus从梦的寻求与失落中看盖茨比的天路历程
15.Poetic Soul of Spring;春天的诗魂——浅析海子抒情短诗中展现的“天路历程”
16.The Seeking and Disillusion of “the American Dream”;“美国梦”的寻求与破灭──从菲茨杰拉德的作品看其天路历程
17.Psychological Interpretation of Mental Journeys in Kate's Dreams in the Summer before the Dark从精神方面阐释《黑暗前的夏天》凯特之梦的心路历程
18.A Pilgrimage: Shi Tiesheng's Emotional Process Embodied in His Works朝圣者之路——史铁生创作的心路历程

the pilgrim's progress天路历程
3)Pilgrim's progress thought"天路历程"思想
4)short-circuit experience短路历程
1.The influence of short-circuit experience on the welding process stability,process behavior and welding quality in short-circuit CO_2 welding was anatomized.在剖析短路历程对短路过渡CO2焊接的焊接过程稳定性、焊接工艺性能和焊接质量影响的基础上,首先对短路历程不同阶段熔滴液桥的受力分析可知,短路初期较大的焊接电流将阻碍熔滴在熔池中的顺利铺展,而短路中后期的脉冲大电流将强化电磁力对液桥缩颈的形成;进而在依据短路期间电源输出回路电阻变化曲线对短路进程进行判断的基础上,采用在短路初期施加小电流、在中后期施加脉冲大电流、在缩颈破断前降低焊接电流的短路电流控制方法,对短路历程的控制进行了实验研究。
5)psychological growth心路历程
1.This thesis aims to use the "hierarchy of needs" theory, which was put forward by Abraham Harold Maslow, a famous humanitarianism psychologist, to explore Jane Eyre’s psychological growth.本文意在用著名的人本主义心理学家亚伯拉罕·哈洛德·马斯洛提出的需要层次理论来阐述简·爱的心路历程。
6)course of mind心路历程
1.From these works we can read Li Qingzhao s bold and unconstrained course of mind and apprieciate her artistic styles such as graceful mood, elegant style, common la.李清照的三首词《如梦令》(常记溪亭日暮),《一剪梅》(红藕香残玉簟秋),《声声 慢》(寻寻觅觅),是其不同阶段的代表作,这些词作又是当时社会现实的反映,从词作中可见其跌宕 的心路历程,也可以领略其表现出来的艺术风格:意境美、格调高,寻常语、细腻情,用语工、韵律 美。

天路1.天上的路。 2.指高远的路。 3.上天的法则。犹天道。 4.指日月星辰等天体运行的规律。 5.指京都。 6.喻及第﹑出仕等。