叙事层,narrative level
1)narrative level叙事层
1.Employing the theory of narrative levels and novel rhetoric theory,the writer analyzes the threelevel narrating and the first person unreliable narrator in The Catcher in the Rye.文章应用叙事层理论和小说修辞学理论,探讨了塞林格在《麦田里的守望者》中的叙事技巧,他应用了三层叙事技巧,并巧妙运用了第一人称不可靠叙事者,为当代美国成长小说的理论发展做出了贡献。
2.In accord with theme and plot,discourses in different structures vary in the time span between narrating time and occurring time of narrated acts in different narrative structures,the change in viewpoint of the second narrative level in embedded structures and the sources of the narrated content as well.结构内部涉及叙述时间与被叙述行为发生时间的跨度、套层结构中第二叙事层的视角以及叙述内容信息来源不同等问题,与叙述的主题和内容相配合。

1.Lin Daiyu’s color in the three Narrative levels in Dream of Red Mansion;论《红楼梦》三种叙事层面中林黛玉的色彩形象
2.On the Subjective Similarity of Woman Literature and the Poor People Literature女性叙事与“底层叙事”主体身份的同构性
3.On the surface narration and profound tragedy meaning of the Palace of Eternal Youth;论《长生殿》的表层叙事与深层悲剧意蕴
4.A Simple Story with Profound Concept──On the Narrative Style of "The Town in March" written by Xiao Hong;表层的叙事 深层的理念──论萧红《小城三月》的叙事风格
5.The Study on the Deep Narrative Structure of the Decameron《十日谈》的文学叙事深层结构研究
6.Individual Narration, Documentary Style, and Grassroots Space Presentation;个人化叙事、纪实风格与基层空间书写
7.Inspection of the Narrative Levels in Modern Xia Xie Novels;试论近代前期狭邪小说中的分层叙事
8.Study of Narrative Levels in Wuthering Heights;“观望者”的故事——《呼啸山庄》叙述层次研究
9.On the Structure of The Death Mourning and Its Narrative Strategy;论《伤逝》的结构层次及其叙事策略
10.Narrative of People at the Social Bottom:A Self-Rescue Campaign of Discourse in the Literary Circles底层叙事:文学界的一场话语自救运动
11.On the Duality of Narration in Chronicles of the Jin Dynasty and the Underlying Causes for It唐修《晋书》叙事二重性深层原因详探
12.Disintegration of the Superficial Words:On the Narrative Irony in The Good Soldier表层话语的瓦解——解读《好兵》的叙事反讽
13.Narrative Progression and Multi-dimensional Dynamic Communication:On James Phelan s Rhetorical Narrative Theory;叙事进程与多层次动态交流——评詹姆斯·费伦的修辞叙事理论
14.Double Narrative and Reader s Position--A Comparative Study of the Narrative Structure of Human s Fate And Alive;双层叙事与读者姿态——《一个人的遭遇》与《活着》叙事结构比较研究
15.Levels and Paradigms of Narratological Study --With A Brief Comment on Narratological Study in China;范式与层面:国外叙事学研究综述——兼评国内叙事学研究现状
16.Suffering Narration: Talk about Farmers Flooding into City for Job in the Period of 1980s-1990s城乡两域·底层视角·苦难叙事——论转型期以来的“乡下人进城”叙事
17.The Grassroots Narration in Anecdotes of Eight-li Wilderness and the Discourse Plight of Chen Yingsong;《八里荒轶事》的底层叙事及陈应松的困局
18.The Modernization of Chinese Novels Narrative symbol Layer and Christian Culture;中国小说叙事符号层的现代转型与基督教文化

surface narrative表层叙事
3)"Narrating the Bottom Class"底层叙事
1.On "Narrating the Bottom Class" Based on New Century s Literature Background;新世纪文学背景下的底层叙事空间略论——当代文学前沿问题论衡之一
4)Double narrative双层叙事
5)narrative levels叙事层次
1.The four novels are analyzed in chapters focusing respectively on point of view, narrative time and narrative levels, which aim at locat.本论文共为三章,分别为视角、叙事时间和叙事层次。
6)Narrative Symbol Layer叙事符号层
