悲剧情感,tragic emotion
1)tragic emotion悲剧情感
1.Feeling melancholy and ferrible in front of the turbulent reality,poets thought calmly about the sadness and happiness,which suggested their tragic emotion and consciousness.在动荡现实面前的忧郁与恐惧、静思后的悲哀与欢乐是诗中的悲剧情感,已经隐含着诗人的悲剧意识,醇酒与音乐带来的疯狂、民歌与神话引发的冲动展现了诗人的悲剧性格,形成了敢于直面人生的悲剧精神;险恶的环境、神秘的气氛与阔大的境界融合成诗中的悲剧情境,使诗歌充满了悲剧的情调,赋予了建安诗歌深刻的悲剧意蕴。

1.The second part: Define the tragic purpose of affective education.第二章:明确悲剧情感教育的目的。
2.An Interpretation of Modern Tragedy in American Movie:Cast Away;美国电影《漂流》的现代悲剧情感解读
3.The fourth part: Probe the way of the tragic affective education.第四章:探讨悲剧情感教育的方式与途径。
4.The Keenly Feel and the Large Charge of Tragedy: an Analysis of the Regularities of the Emotional Activities of the Aesthetic Subjects of Tragedy;论悲剧痛感和快感——对悲剧审美主体情感活动规律的分析
5.On the Production of Tragic Titillations;论悲剧快感的产生——对悲剧审美主体情感活动的动态分析
6.Analysis of expressive forms and emotional patterns of tragic collisions in Mourning Becomes Electra;《悲悼》悲剧冲突的表现形态与情感模式探析
7.A Sad Melody, A Deep Lament --On the Tragedy Complex Emotion of Nine songs;凄婉的悲歌 悠深的感喟——论《九歌》的悲剧情结
8.THE TRAGEDY OF LIFE, EMOTION AND HUMAN NATURE--On the Family Implication of the Dramas by Cao Yu;生命、情感与人性的悲剧——论曹禺剧作的家族意蕴
9.Comedy of Sense and Tragedy of Sensibility;理智的喜剧 情感的悲剧——试析简·奥斯汀《理智与情感》
10.A Love Tragedy Caused by Male Chauvinist Thinking--Interpreting the Teledrama Chinese-style Divorce;男权观念下的感情悲剧——解读《中国式离婚》
11.Discussion on Display and Impact of Love as the Main Motif of Shakespeare s Comedies and Tragedies;浅论爱情主题在莎士比亚悲剧和喜剧中的表现及感染力
12.A Study on “High Tragedy” and “Low Tragedy”;浅论“高调悲剧”“低调悲剧”审美感受
13.His tragedies are unique because he has incorporated the philosophy of religion in his narration.他的小说的悲剧不同于一般悲剧,还有个重要原因,即他将宗教的哲学和情感引进了小说。
14.a moving account of the tragedy.对这场悲剧感人的描述
15.He best can pity who has felt the worse. --John Gay, British dramatist and poet感受过悲伤的人最富有同情心。英国剧作家、诗人盖伊
16.He best can pity who has felt the worse. (John Gay, British dramstist and poet)感受过悲伤的人最富有同情心。(英国剧作家、诗人盖伊)
17.Style,the Thought:The Combination of Humor Language and Tragedy Theme--The Religion Emotion of Laoshe s Spirit Consideration;风格即思想:幽默语言与悲剧主题的结合——老舍灵魂关怀的宗教情感
18.True Emotion and Tragic Consciousness on Li Yang s“Sorrowful Works"and His Art Style;真挚情感与悲剧意识——从《怆怆文集》看里扬作品的艺术风格

emotion tragidy情感悲剧
3)affective tragedy情感型悲剧
1.From the perspective of formation cause and aesthetic experience, Lu Xun s tragedies can be classified into two forming categories of "social tragedy" and "personal tragedy" and two receiving categories of "affective tragedy" and "reasoning tragedy".从悲剧的冲突成因和审美感受两个角度 ,鲁迅的悲剧小说可划分为“社会悲剧”与“个性悲剧”两种构成形态 ,以及“情感型悲剧”与“理智型悲剧”两种接受形态。
4)tragedy emotion悲剧性情感
5)sad feeling tragedy悲情悲剧
6)love tragedy爱情悲剧
1.A comparison of love tragedy between Madia and Carmen;两朵不谢的“恶之花”——美狄亚与卡门爱情悲剧比较
2.Discussion about aesthetic value of love tragedy of emperor and imperial concubines in aicent China;浅议我国古代帝、妃爱情悲剧的审美价值
3.This paper discusses woman Du s love tragedy from the sexual perspective.本文从性别视角对杜十娘的爱情悲剧加以论述。
