戏中戏,the drama in the drama
1)the drama in the drama戏中戏

1.The Research on the Development of Play-within-a-play in Chinese Classical Dramas;中国古典戏曲中“戏中戏”的发展研究
2.The Moral of Sishengyuan;戏中戏的寓意——徐渭《四声猿》别解
3.Opera, Drama and Traditional Chinese Drama-Second Analysis of Wang Guowei s “Opera” Theory;戏曲·戏剧·中国民族戏剧——王国维“戏曲”理论的再解读
4.One of the Easter egg games is the Easter Egg Hunt.其中一个游戏就是寻彩蛋的游戏。
5.The Drama courses concentrate on the study of plays in performance.戏剧课的重点在于在表演中学戏剧。
6.Preference of Histrionics over Literature in the Aesthetics of Chinese Traditional Theatre;论“重演轻戏”的中国古典戏曲审美主张
7.Recreational Literature--Take HAN Yu s “Xi” as the Center;游戏的文学——以韩愈的“戏”为中心
8.Jiarong Tibetan Drama-the Living Fossil in the Opera world;嘉绒藏戏——戏曲百花苑中的活化石
9.Spread of Five Southern Opera Plays in Modern Local Dramas宋元五大南戏在近代地方戏中的流传
10.China Drama's Development Prospect from Drama Development History从戏曲发展史看中国戏曲的发展前景
11.adult centre [amusement game centre]成人中心〔游戏机中心〕
12.children centre [amusement game centre]儿童中心〔游戏机中心〕
13.A Summary of The 3rd Central Academy of Drama International Theatre Showcase相聚在中戏——中央戏剧学院第三届国际戏剧邀请展综述
14.Maitrisimit and Chinese Plays--Ancient Uyghur Plays and Chinese Plays;《弥勒会见记》与中国戏曲——古代维吾尔族戏剧与中国戏剧之刍议
15.Reconsiderations of the Features of Traditional Opera;戏曲特征再认识——质疑《中国大百科全书·戏曲·曲艺》卷概论《中国戏曲》
16.Initial Researches on the Comparison between Chinese Drama and Western Opera;戏中曲与歌中剧——中国戏曲与西方歌剧比较初探
17.Opera in the Han Dynasty was not the source of Chinese traditional opera. it only contained some of the elements of traditional opera.汉代百戏并不是中国戏曲的源头, 它只是有一些戏曲的元素。
18."Theater in China is divided, not into tragedy, and comedy, but into military and civil plays."中国传统戏剧不是分为悲剧和喜剧,而是分为武戏和文戏。

1.Xi-The secret recipe prevailing during Qinhan period;戏——流行于秦汉时期的方术
2.The System of Form and Meaning of Chinese Character XI and JU and Aesthetics Structure of China s Play;汉字“戏”、“剧”的形义系统和戏剧文体的美学建构
3)Shakespeare's play-within-a-play莎士比亚"戏中戏"
4)Chinese drama中国戏曲
1.And Chinese dramas bring Brecht to his brilliance in his literature wiritings.布莱希特的创作深受中国文学影响,中国哲学推动着布莱希特的创作灵感,中国戏曲成就布莱希特的创作辉煌。
2.The comprehensive methods used in Chinese drama are in accordance to the Chinese aesthetic thinking;its enjoyable feature are formed in the long process of its development;its procedures is the result of the filtering of other art and culture element.关于中国戏曲表演体系的艺术特征,专家学者有不同的见解。
3.Chinese drama is a kind of stage art for explaining poetic imagery,which can condense boundless and rich lives into a limited stage image.论述了写意性的美学原则贯穿于中国传统戏曲始终,使中国戏曲跨上了艺术美的高度,中国传统戏曲也使写意这种艺术风格得到了淋漓尽致的展现。
5)Chinese traditional opera中国戏曲
1.Chinese Traditional Opera and Haining——On Wang Guowei s Contribution to the Opera Theory and Its Meaning;中国戏曲与海宁——兼论王国维对戏剧理论的贡献及意义
2.The Chinese traditional opera can be dated back to as early as the Nan Song Dynasty.中国戏曲最早出现在南宋末年,本文以《牡丹亭》为例,分析了它在中国戏剧史上的地位——它用情来战胜封建礼教;它在中国戏曲史、文学史上所产生的影响——它不但影响了戏剧本身的发展,还影响了其他体裁文学的发展。
3.All of the exist or development of the Chinese traditional operas had the process of impart and inherit.中国戏曲的存在或发展,都必然经历“传承”这样一个过程。
6)Chinese drama中国戏剧
1.There is an interactive relationship between Bertolt Brecht and Chinese drama.布莱希特与中国戏剧是一种"双向互动"的关系。
2.Through a comparison between Chinese drama and European drama as a continuation of Greek drama, this paper attempts to explore the distintive differences and characteristics in the process of their formation.中国戏剧和以古希腊为代表的西方戏剧在形成过程中有着鲜明的差异和特征。
3.Allegory, language distinction, artistic atmosphere are the three core categories of Chinese drama.寓言、本色、意境是中国戏剧的三大核心范畴。

白字戏  戏曲剧种。正字戏传入闽南、粤东后,与当地的潮调、泉调及民间艺术相结合,并用方言演唱而逐渐形成。当地称中州官话为"正字",称本地方言为"白字",故名白字戏。白字戏原有老白字(闽南地方戏)、潮州白字(今称潮剧)和南下白字(海陆丰白字)之分,现为海陆丰白字的专称。流行于广东海丰、陆丰两县及惠东、惠来、紫金等县的部分地区。早年白字戏如与正字戏同地演出,正字戏必居正棚,白字戏居偏棚;如同台演出,则正字戏在前半夜,白字戏在后半夜,称为"半夜反";民间并有"正字母生白字仔"的谚语。它与梨园戏在剧目、唱腔、语言上颇多相似之处,特别是潮剧,两者除方言略有差异外,几乎相同,可见白字戏与正字戏、梨园戏和潮剧都有密切的历史渊源关系。    明末白字戏已经流行。1925年10月,在中国共产党人彭湃的领导下,艺人曾成立梨园工会,并作出改良戏剧的决议,编演了《彭素娥》等反封建反压迫的戏和宣传革命的歌谣。现有专业演出团体海丰白字剧团。传统剧目有200余种,文戏多,"全连戏"(整本戏)多。有大锣戏、小锣戏、民歌戏、反线戏、科白戏之分。主要剧目大锣戏有《英台连》(《同窗记》)、《高文举连》(《珍珠记》)、《教子连》(《三元记》)、《蒋兴哥连》(《珍珠衫》);小锣戏有《陈三连》(《荔镜记》)、《苏六娘》;民歌戏有《闹花灯》、《骑驴探亲》;反线戏有《剪月容》、《李唔直》;科白戏有《天门阵》、《双白燕》等。经过整理较有影响的剧目为《白鹤寺》、《访友》等,并改编上演了《金菊花》等现代戏。    脚色行当分生、旦、占(贴)、末、婆、丑、净。唱腔曲调结构以曲牌联套体为主,也有部分板式唱腔。分重六、轻六、活五、反线等,与正字戏和潮剧颇多相同。有帮腔,一个角色唱曲时,其他角色可随意接唱。其拖腔和帮腔,末句必续以"嗳咿嗳"或"啰嗹哩嗹柳嗹"的有声无字拉腔。这种腔调来自南曲,后又吸收当地的"师公歌"、渔歌,使唱腔富有地方特色。