性暗示,sex implication
1)sex implication性暗示
1.with flower-vase-like female or good-mother-and-wife-like female images,sex implication and wulitou style in them which caused many controversies between profit and cultural duty.近年来在广告的商业利益和文化责任的问题上有几类广告争议很多:女性以花瓶或贤妻良母等形象出现的广告,有性暗示的广告,无厘头风格的广告。

1.The Present Situation and Trend of China Natural Suggestion Advertisement Survival;中国性暗示广告的生存现状及发展趋势
2.hypnotic rigidity催眠术与暗示感受性
3.heteroactive hyper suggestibility异作用超易受暗示性
4.homoactive hyper suggestibility等作用超易受暗示性
5.The evidence suggests a need for more clarification.这些证据暗示着进一步澄清的必要性。
6.allusive speech is characterized by allusions.影射性的讲话是以暗示为特点的。
7.SEXUAL allure is often hinted as being the prize for buying this or that.性诱惑常常被暗示成买东买西的嘉赏。
8.Use cursor hinting to indicate pliancy.运用光标暗示来表达受范性。
9.conveyed the message with a few suggestive words.用几个带有暗示性的词传递了信息
10.The most important factor in hypnosis is suggestibility.催眠术中最重要的因素是暗示感应性。
11.Development and testing of reliability and validity of movement suggestibility scale;运动暗示性量表的编制及信效度检验
12.Implicit Function of Symbolism Poetry论法、中象征主义诗歌的暗示性功能
13.To Analyze the Implication of Flowers Images in Subtle Poetry论婉约词中“花”意象的暗示性特征
14.This correspondence is a strong sign that neutralinos are indeed dark matter.此种一致性强烈显示中性伴子就是暗物质。
15.Jeffery suggested George was gentle, not dangerous.杰弗里暗示说,乔治个性温和,没有危险性。
16.A slight hint or indication.暗示,隐喻轻微地暗示或指示
17.Blue: coolness, spirituality, freedom, patience, loyalty, peace, trustworthiness; can also imply sadness, depression.蓝色:冷静、性、由、心、诚、平、任;同样也暗示着悲伤、丧。
18.Echo [shouting in ecstasy, well aware of the sexual innuendo]: "Come with me!"厄科感觉到他性的暗示,极度喜悦叫到:“过来!”

positive hints正性暗示
1.The application and experience of positive hints in nursing quality control;正性暗示在护理质量控制中的应用与体会
1.It is widely used in female poetry and has characteristics such as suggestibility,freedom of combination and being specific in expression and so on.在当代的女性诗歌作品中,"意象"的种类以及使用方法有很多种,也体现出了意义的暗示性、组合的自由性、表达的特定性等几个特点。
2.When it exercise in right way,there are three characters which is suggestibility,exaggerate and aptness follows it,but if can not be used in correct direction,it will bring the ineffable scare to mass.当恐惧情感诉求广告正确运用时它具备了暗示性、夸张性和适度性三个特征,但是在它使用不当的时候也将给受众带来不可言喻的恐慌。
3.The expectancy effect has characteristics of suggestibility,level,centripetal and emotion.期望效应具有暗示性、层次性、向心性、情感性。
1.Research on suggestibility of children s memory is a rising field of study.儿童记忆受暗示性影响的研究是一个80年代后兴起的研究领域。
2.In addition,the researchers investigated the relationship of suggestibility with social desirability,self-esteem,focus of control,and visual v.并进一步研究该情境下受暗示性与社会期望、自尊、心理控制源以及视觉想象生动性的关系。
3.Try to study the influence of Difference leading questions on suggestibility and find their relationship in this article.试图就不同引导语对受暗示性的影响情况进行研究以找到它们的关系。

暗示性暗示性suggestibility  暗示性(suggestibility)亦称为“被暗示性”或“受暗示性”。系指个体接受暗示的能力。接受暗示是客观存在的一种心理现象,但是在这种正常的心理活动中,由于个体差异的存在,即使在相同的暗示条件下,每个人接受暗示后的感受可表现出明显的不同。一般地说,暗示性一与个体的气质、性格、文化水平、社会环境、智力水平、思维类型,以及年龄、性别、暗示实施者在接受者心理中的权威、影响等许多原因有关。通常把容易接受暗示称为暗示性强,反之,把难于接受暗小称为暗示性弱。而对少数接受暗示后,出现与暗示相反的行为反应情况,称之为负性暗示性,当然这是一种特殊情况。 (丁宝冲撰李鸣果审)