始祖神话,First ancestor's myth
1)First ancestor's myth始祖神话

1.The commentary about the relationship between mythos of Ling king and ancestor of Zhuang-Dong group;廪君神话与壮侗语族始祖神话的渊源关系考释
2.The Role of the Myths of Original Female Leader's in the Evolution of Tujia Ethnic Group论土家族女始祖神话在族群演进中之作用
3.The First Ancestor s Myth Recorded in "Historical Records on the Three Kingdoms" and "The Forepassed Incidents of the Three Kingdoms"--Comparison among ancient Korean, Japanese and Chinese myth;《三国史记》、《三国遗事》的始祖神话——古代朝鲜、日本及中国神话之比较
4.Comparison of Female Ancestral Myths and the Concept of Goddess Worship between Japan and the Ethnic Groups in Southeast China;日本与我国西南少数民族的女性始祖神话及女神崇拜观念比较
5.From Reality to Symbol-The Historical Evolution of Ancient China's Consanguinity Approving and Ancestor Deifying从真实到象征─—中国古代血缘认同与始祖神话的历史演变
6.Knowing Mother not Father and the Myths of “ Gan- Sheng”of Shang- Zhou s Primogenitors;“知母不知父”与商周始祖的感生神话
7.The humane primogenitor is the spirit of ethnic ancestor and culture creator.汉族神话中的人文始祖女娲、伏羲、黄帝、炎帝已历史化。
8.What's the humane primogenitor? The humane primogenitor is the spirit of ethnic ancestor and culture creator.人文始祖是民族的始祖神和文化创造神。
9.The civilization craftsman mythology usually exceeds the originality craftsman mythology, though sometimes with the atavism.文明社会的工匠神话对原始工匠神话多有超越,但有时又出现返祖现象。
10.The Goddess Temple of Niuheliang and the Head Sculpture of the Goddess;中国女始祖神——牛河梁女神头像研究
11.The humane primogenitors described in Han's myth such as creator-goddess Nvwa, Fuxi, Huangdi and Yandi have already been of historic significance.壮族的人文始祖(女米)洛甲、布洛陀仍在民间口传神话、古歌和民间信仰及宗教经典中传承。
12.According to another report, Chinese scientists have temporarily named this type of archaeopteryx fossil "the Divine Land Archaeopteryx".另据悉,中国科学家将这类始祖鸟化石暂定名为“神州始祖鸟”。
13.The earliest ancestor.始祖,祖先最早的祖先
14.The Loss and Drift Apart of the Ancestor Tree Fairy Fale--Read Qu Yuan s Works form Previous Chu Ancestor Tree;祖宗谱系神话的遗失和疏离——从先楚祖宗谱系看屈原的创作
15.Yan Di(Emperor Yan),the Shen Nong(the Immortal Farmer) was the primogenitor of the Chinese nation, founder of agro-farming culture.炎帝神农氏是中华民族的始祖、农耕文化的创始人。
16.Many tell tales and ancient myths from their faraway homelands.许多说故事人会叙说祖国的传说及远古神话。
17.Discussing the Agnation of the Chinese Ethnic Mythology;我国少数民族神话中的同源共祖现象探微
18.Myths about the Sun and the Moon and their Allegorical Meanings--On the Universality of the Primitive Myths;日月神话及其寓意探析——原始神话的世界性透视

Myths of Original Female Leader's女始祖神话
1.The Role of the Myths of Original Female Leader's in the Evolution of Tujia Ethnic Group论土家族女始祖神话在族群演进中之作用
3)female ancestral myths女性始祖神话
4)people's earliest ancestors人祖神话
5)ancestors mythology祖先神话
1.Thus,the development of ancestors mythology in Xianchu by Qu Yuan could be indentified.人们如果还原原始思维的历史,就能揭示出先楚祖先神形体特征的生成根据,看到屈原对先楚祖先神话的继承和超越。
6)Mazu myth妈祖神话
1.Viewed from the interactions of the country and the society as well as the large and the small traditions, the evolution of Mazu myth is studied here, and it is believed that the evolution reflects the destiny of the economic culture of ocean which survives and changes in the crack of economic culture of agriculture.从国家与社会、大传统与小传统互动的角度考察妈祖神话演化过程隐喻的历史,认为妈祖神话演化的过程折射出海洋经济文化在农业经济文化的夹缝中生存变异的命运,是古代福建地方社会与国家力量斗争妥协历史的展演。
