1.Investigation of Mosquito Species from Three Provinces of Northeast China;我国东北三省的蚊虫种类调查
2.Study on species and geographic distribution of small-flowered taxa of Epimedium L. in China;中国淫羊藿小花类群的种类与地理分布
3.Species and Geographic Distribution of Large-flowered Taxa of Epimedium in China;中国淫羊藿大花类群的种类与地理分布

1.Humans have two types of memory.人类有两种类型的记忆:
2.a category in some early taxonomies.一些早期分类学的种类
3.There are more than two hundred and fifty species of shark.鲨鱼种类达250种以上。
4.6 species belong to Palaearctic realm, 3 species belong to Oriental, and 7 species belong to widespread between two realm.在这些种类中古北界种6种,东洋界种3种,广布种类7种。
5.Of or relating to a category or categories.分类的属于或有关分类或种类
6.a fungus of the genus Verticillium.属于黄萎病种类的一种菌类。
7.Belonging to the same class or kind.相似的,同类的属于同种属或同种类
8.2 species belong to palearctic affinity (3.4%);树栖种类繁多,有26种,近于总种数之半.
9.The Heterosis Analysis of Two Types Castors两种类型蓖麻杂交种杂种优势的分析
10.He is covering huge areas with new kinds of plants,他正在用新的植物种类
11.includes many pathogenic species.包括许多病原体种类
12.There are many types of microcomputers.微型计算机种类繁多。
13.376 kinds of reptiles, 284 kinds of amphibians;爬行类376种,两栖类284种;
14.34 species for viewing,65 insectivorous Aves,and 23 mouse-eaten Aves.观赏鸟类34种,食虫鸟类65种,食鼠鸟类23种;
15.demersal stocks底(层)鱼(类)(种群)
16.Some of the species of birds are extinct.有几种鸟类已经绝种了。
17.Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Migratory Fish Stocks跨界鱼类种群和洄游鱼类种群会议
18.12 species of oriental region,2 of Palaearctic region and 29 of widespread.东洋界鸟类 12种 ,古北界鸟类 2种 ,广布性鸟类 2 9种。

1.Effect of Culture Condition on the Kinds and Activities of Degrading Enzyme of Cell Wall;培养条件对病原物胞壁降解酶种类和活性的影响
2.Investigation on Kinds of Coccidia and Infection Situation of Chicken;鸡球虫种类和感染状况探讨
3.The Kinds and Geographical Distribution of Viviparous Plants in China;中国胎生植物的种类和地理分布
1.Penile Implants--Types and Current Indications;阴茎假体的种类及适应证
2.Type and Utilization of Cultivated Beet;栽培甜菜的种类及利用价值
3.The paper introduces the concept and types of environmental hormone,probes the harm to animals and human beings as well as the preventive measures.该文介绍了环境激素的概念、种类、对动物和人体的危害及其预防对策。
1.A classification into kinds and variety departments of Guizhou small leaf Kuding tea and make tea mechanism;贵州小叶苦丁茶多种类品系分类及其制茶机理
2.Study on the Kinds and Distribution of Rodents in Plague Natural Foci of Hebei Province;河北省鼠疫自然疫源地内啮齿动物种类及其分布的调查
3.An analysis on the kinds of crimes of infringing copyrights in western countries—— Also talking about the perfection of legislation of infringing copyrights in China;西方主要国家侵犯著作权犯罪种类论析——兼谈我国侵犯著作权犯罪的立法完善
1.Study on Category and Allowed Additive of Kudingcha and the Affects on Quality during Storage Period;苦丁茶允许添加物的种类和用量以及对产品贮藏期质量影响的研究
2.Large-Fungus Category and Its Exploitation in Luyashan Nature Reserve;芦芽山保护区大型真菌种类及其利用
1.The investigation and study on colourful leaf plant variety and application in Changchun City;长春市园林常见彩叶植物种类及应用的调查研究
2.Main Variety of Exotic Weeds in Liangshan and Their Harmfulness;凉山州主要外来杂草种类及危害
3.The Variety of Special Tourism and Its Feature;特种旅游的种类及特点初探

种类种类species  种类【,cies;B“八],逻辑中的 在直觉主义中相当于集合的概念;一个精确地形成的用以从一个已经定义了的事物的群体中分离出某些事物的判断法则.要特别注意,定义种类的条件要放在直觉主义的意义上来理解,所以,例如一个条件的双重否定不一定等价于原来的条件.种类上定义的运算自然地类似于集合上定义的运算,譬如并、交和其他运算,但由于它们被理解为是在直觉主义的意义上的(见直觉主义(intuitionism)),所以这些运算的性质往往与相应的古典的性质有所不同.因此论断余种类的余种类等同于原来的种类是不适用于直觉主义的种类理论的. 在构造种类的理论时,通常的悖论可以由规定种类的成员的定义独立于种类本身的定义来避免.直觉主义的理论诸如直觉主义算术或直觉主义数学分析可以一点也不涉及种类的概念地构造出来,但在更为抽象的数学领域中(直觉主义的证明论,语义学,泛函分析)开发种类的理论是一个根本的理论部分.