农村水电,Rural hydropower
1)Rural hydropower农村水电
1.Ecological and environmental issues and countermeasures in rural hydropower development;农村水电开发中的生态和环境问题及其对策
2.Solutions to ecological and environmental issues in rural hydropower development;解决农村水电生态与环境问题的若干对策及措施
3.Developing rural hydropower for enhancing livelihood of people living in poor and remote areas;开发农村水电 改善偏远贫困地区无电人口民生状况

1.The Role of the Small Hydropower Guild in the Rural Hydropower Construction;小水电协会在农村水电建设中的作用
2.Rural electrification practice in new countryside construction in Zhejiang Province;农村水电服务浙江新农村建设的实践与探索
3.The role and status of rural water power in building new rural areas of mountain areas农村水电在山区新农村建设中的作用与地位
4.Reflection on Developing "Green Hydropower Attestation" in Rural Hydropower Sector;关于在农村水电行业开展“绿色水电认证”的思考
5.A Cointegration Study of the Construction Investment of Rural Hydropowers in China;我国农村水电建设投资的协整性研究
6.Construction practice and development research of hydro-power in rural area of Zhejiang Province;浙江省农村水电建设实践与发展研究
7.Discussions on developing modes and policies for rural hydropower development in the new age;新时期农村水电开发模式与政策探讨
8.The Role and status of rural hydropower and electrification are reviewed, and the situation and tasks are put forward simultaneously.阐述了农村水电及电气化的作用和地位,同时指出了农村水电及电气化面临的形势和任务.
9.Taking Chance of Building up New Countryside to Promote Rural Hydropower Development in Jingning;以新农村建设为契机扎实推进景宁农村水电发展
10.Problem Existed of Rural Hydropower Development and its Countermeasure in QianXi County;黔西县农村水电发展存在的问题和对策
11.Research and Exploration of External Incentives System for Rural Hydropower Stations Upgrading in Zhejiang Province农村水电站更新改造外部激励机制体系的研究
12.Innovative Research of "Three Major Compensation Mechanisms" for Rural Hydropower Station Renovation in Zhejiang Province浙江省农村水电站更新改造三大补偿机制研究
14.Research on Current Situation and Countermeasure of Hunan Rural Small Hydro Power湖南农村小水电发展现状及对策研究
15.Improve Agricultural TV Programs and Raise Science and Education Level of Country Women;改善农业电视节目 提高农村留守妇女科教水平
16.Discussion on Non-agricultural Placements Way of Rural Resettlement in Hydropower Engineering;水电工程农村移民非农业安置方式的探讨
17.Article48 The State advocates the exploitation of rural hydropower resources, the construction of medium and small size hydropower stations to promote rural electrification.第四十八条国家提倡农村开发水能资源,建设中、型水电站,促进农村电气化。
18.Article 48 The State advocates the exploitation of rural hydropower resources, the construction of medium and small size hydropower stations to promote rural electrification.第四十八条国家提倡农村开发水能资源,建设中、小型水电站,促进农村电气化。

rural small hydropower农村小水电
1.A brief introduction to the present situation and the existing problems of rural small hydropower development is given; meanwhile, some suggestions on developing small hydropower in an orderly way from now on are proposed.简要介绍了中国湖北省农村小水电开发的现状和存在的问题。
3)rural hydropower plant农村水电站
1.Establishment of renovation and reconstruction investment frame system for rural hydropower plants in Zhejiang Province浙江省农村水电站更新改造投资框架体系的构建
4)water power countryside electrification水电农村电气化
5)rural hydro-power construction农村水电建设
6)rural hydropower generation农村水力发电

农村小水电农村小水电rurul small hydroelectric power 用小时数低,中国小水电发电设备年平均利用小时见表。游河段坡降较大,宜于修建引水道集中落差时,这种开发方式是经济的。 发展概况及展望世界上中国小水电历年装机容,、发电t和设备利用状况┌────────────┬───┬───┬───┬───┬────┬────┐│年份 │1949 │1960 │1970 │1980 │1 990 │1999 │├────────────┼───┼───┼───┼───┼────┼────┤│小水电座数(座) │26 │8983 │29181 │88555 │58096 │35894 │├────────────┼───┼───┼───┼───┼────┼────┤│装机容量(万kw) │0 .28 │23.83 │101.91│692.95│1318.03 │2188.37 │├────────────┼───┼───┼───┼───┼────┼────┤│年发电量(亿kw·h) │ │ │ │127.19│392.8 │683.73 │├────────────┼───┼───┼───┼───┼────┼────┤│发电设备年均利用小时(h) │ │ │ │1835 │2980 │3 124 │└────────────┴───┴───┴───┴───┴────┴────┘最早的小水电站始建于19世纪末。1878年法国建造了世界第一个小型水轮机水电站。美国的第一座小水电站为1882年建于威斯康星洲福克斯河上的10.5kw水电站。随后在2。世纪初,不少国家先后建了一批小水电 开发方式集中落差进行发电的形式。由于天然水能的状况不同,小水电的开发利用方式分为堤坝式、引水式和混合式三种。根据有无水库和水库库容的大小,可把水电站分为无调节水电站、日调节水电站、年调节水电站和多年调节水电站。在上游未形成调节水库的水电站称为无调节电站,也叫径流式电站。这种电站的出力决定于河流的天然流量。在坝的上游形成调节水库的电站,根据库容大小,能把一日之内的来水量进行储存再分配的称为日调节水电站;能把一年之内的丰、枯水期来水量进行储存再分配的称为年调节水电站;有多年调节能力的则称为多年调节水电站。中国的小水电中无调节能力的占多数。 堤坝式水电站在河道上建筑坝、闸,集中落差并形成水库,再用压力水管或隧洞将水引人厂房,水流带动水轮发电机组发电的水电站。由于形成了水库,可进行径流调节和综合利用,引进水道也较短。堤坝式水电站根据厂房位置不同又分为坝后式水电站和河床式水电站两类。坝后式水电站的特点是厂房位于坝后,一般与坝分开建筑,厂房不承受上下游水位差所形成的压力。