清醒镇静,Conscious sedation
1)Conscious sedation清醒镇静
1.Continuous intravenous infusion of midazolam:A clinical study of conscious sedation for dental phobia;静脉泵入咪达唑仑清醒镇静技术控制牙科恐惧症的临床效果评价
2.Clinical study on conscious sedation with Midozalam for anus surgery;咪唑安定清醒镇静术用于肛门手术的临床研究
3.Conscious sedation/analgesia with target-controlled propofol and remifentani for colonoscopy in elderly;靶控输注丙泊酚-瑞芬太尼清醒镇静镇痛用于老年人结肠镜检查

1.Nursing of Gastric Polyp Electrocision by awak-sedation Gastroscope during Operation清醒镇静胃镜胃息肉电切术的围手术期护理
2.To investigate nursing of gastric polyp electrocision by awak-sedation gastroscope during operation.探讨清醒镇静胃镜胃息肉电切术的围手术期的护理措施。
3.The effects of sedation and analgesia with midazolam and ketamine during extraction gauze咪唑安定、氯胺酮用于鼻腔纱条取出时的清醒镇静
4.The Study of Target-controlled Infusion for Conscious Sedation in Patients Undergoing Spinal Anesthesia;靶控输注系统用于椎管内麻醉病人清醒镇静的可行性研究
5.Propofol Combined Remifentanil for Conscious Sedation in Hysteroscopy丙泊酚联合瑞芬太尼清醒镇静应用于宫腔镜检查术的临床研究
6.Application of Midazolam-Remifentanil Conscious-Sedation and Analgesia in High Intensity Focus Ultrasound Treatment咪达唑仑—瑞芬太尼清醒镇静镇痛用于高强度聚焦超声治疗的可行性
7.Awake craniotomy for resection of gliomas in eloquent cortex under local anesthesia镇静清醒麻醉下手术切除语言功能区脑胶质瘤
8.Characteristically self-composed and sensible.头脑冷静的,清醒的
9.Diminish inflammation. Resume from flu or quinsy. Release and calm down.消炎、痉,帮助恢复喉咙感染,流感,气喘,扁桃腺炎。镇静,使人精神清醒与放松。
10.The high commander must be calm, clear, and determined.高级指挥官必须冷静,清醒,果断。
11.But Kino's face was set, and his mind and his will were set.但基诺神色冷静,头脑清醒,意志坚决。
12.Refresh spirit. Calmness and eliminate melancholy and insomnia.提神醒脑,镇静,消除情绪低落,忧郁、失眠、紧张。
13.Stay calm and maintain clear thinking when trading big positions.交易大宗头寸时,要保持冷静和头脑清醒。
14.Effect of Xingnaojing on the Level of Serum S-100B Protein in Patients with Acute Cerebral Infarction醒脑静对急性脑梗死患者血清S-100B蛋白的影响
15.The cleansing energetic vibrations and circilar tones will heighten conscious awareness for a peaceful state of being.清彻利落的琴声与循环往复的音调缓缓让你在平静中清醒、奋。
16.Study on the main pharmacological effects of xingnaojing emulsions醒脑静乳剂解热镇痛抗炎作用及对中枢神经系统的影响
17.a lucid interval(精神病患者的)神志清醒时候;(暴风雨, 扰乱等的)暂时平静的一段时间
18.Give her some black coffee that'll help to sober her up.给她一些清咖啡--让她清醒清醒.

conscious sedation and ease pain清醒镇静镇痛
1.Objective To study the validity , security and feasibility of conscious sedation and ease pain with propofol and remifentanil given by target-controlled infusion (TCI) on colonoscopy.目的研究靶控输注丙泊酚-瑞芬太尼清醒镇静镇痛用于结肠镜检查的有效性、安全性和可行性。
2.Objective: To study the validity, security and feasibility of conscious sedation and ease pain with propofol and remifentanil given by target-controlled infusion (TCI) on colonoscopy.目的:研究靶控输注丙泊酚-瑞芬太尼清醒镇静镇痛用于结肠镜检查的有效性、安全性和可行性。
3)Awak-sedation gastroscope清醒镇静胃镜
4)Observer's assessment of alertness/sedation(OAA/S) scale清醒镇静评分
5)You should be a clearheaded and calm.你应该清醒冷静。
6)the Heart Clarifying and Mind Calming Method清心镇静法
1.In order to explore the therapeutic effects of the Heart Clarifying and Mind Calming Method in the treatment of seminal emission, 80 cases of seminal emission were randomly divided into the treatment group and control group, 40 cases in each group.探讨清心镇静法治疗遗精的疗效。

清醒清醒  对外界各种刺激有正常的反应,对周围环境有良好的定向力,对事物有正确判断力的状态。