内脏牵拉反应,Visceral traction response
1)Visceral traction response内脏牵拉反应
1.Effects of epidural anesthesia combined with sufentanii plus midazolam on visceral traction response, sedation and amnesia;舒芬太尼-咪达唑仑辅助硬膜外麻醉对内脏牵拉反应及镇静遗忘的影响
2)viscera traction内脏牵拉
1.The effects of assisted epidural anesthesia with continuous infusions of remifentanil and midazolam on viscera traction and oblivion in abdomen operation;记录HR、MAP、SpO2的变化,OAA/S评分和内脏牵拉反应

1.Effect of Emulation Acupuncture Pretreatment on the Behavior of Rats with Visceral Traction Pain and Its Mechanism Research仿真针刺预处理对内脏牵拉痛大鼠行为学的影响及机制研究
2.To pull or drag with short jerks.用力拉猛力地拉或牵曳
3.Treatment of Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injury of Knee Joint with Steel Wire Traction (15cases)钢丝牵拉修复重建股骨内髁撕脱性后交叉韧带损伤(附15例病例)
4.Analysis of the relationship between the block levels of intravertebral anesthesia and the traction reactions during right hemicolectomy右半结肠切除术中椎管内麻醉阻滞平面与牵拉反应关系分析
5.Hydrolysis of abalone′s viscera using HCl and analysis of the Maillard reaction products鲍鱼内脏的酸水解及其梅拉德反应产物分析
6.A tractor pulls plows or wagons.牵引机可拉犁或货车。
7.exerting traction and serving to pull.产生牵引力和用来拉的。
8.drawbar pull - weight ratio牵引杆拉力-重量比
9.Within the heart.心脏内的在心脏内部的
10.Relating to, situated in, or affecting the viscera.内脏的,位于内脏的与内脏有关的、位于内脏的或影响内脏的
11.Then he put his knife down and gutted him with his right hand, scooping him clean and pulling the gills clear.然后他放下刀子,用右手掏出内脏,掏干净了,把鳃也干脆拉下了。
12.Pulling power, as of a draft animal or an engine.牵引力拖拉的力量,如牵引的动物或机车的
13.engine ,piston, internal combustion, for tractors牵引车用活塞内燃机
14.He led the horses into the yard.他把马牵入围栏内。
15.There's a woman in it.此事必有女人牵连在内。
16.An animal's viscera or internal organs, especially the heart, liver, and lungs.内脏尤指心脏、肝脏和肺等动物的内脏或内部器官
17.draw-off roller牵引辊,送出罗拉,引出辊,出布辊
18.he grabbed the pull and opened the drawer.她抢过来牵引装置拉开了抽屉。

viscera traction内脏牵拉
1.The effects of assisted epidural anesthesia with continuous infusions of remifentanil and midazolam on viscera traction and oblivion in abdomen operation;记录HR、MAP、SpO2的变化,OAA/S评分和内脏牵拉反应
3)Visceral traction pain内脏牵拉痛
4)Traction reaction牵拉反应
1.Investigation of the relationship between block levels of spinal anesthesia and traction reactions during appendectomy;腰麻阻滞平面与阑尾切除术中牵拉反应关系的探讨
2.Analysis of the relationship between the block levels of intravertebral anesthesia and the traction reactions during right hemicolectomy右半结肠切除术中椎管内麻醉阻滞平面与牵拉反应关系分析
5)visceral reactions内脏反应
1.Objective To study the clinical features of post-herpetic neuralgia(PHN)associated visceral reactions.目的探讨带状疱疹后遗神经痛(PHN)伴发内脏反应的临床特点。
6)viscero-depressor response内脏-减压反应
1.Effect of L-NAME microinjection into ventrolateral medulla on viscero-depressor response;延髓腹外侧区微量注射L-NAME对内脏-减压反应的影响
2.Objective: To observe the effect of intravenous injectionand microinjection into ventrolateral medulla (including rostraland caudal) of L-NAME on the viscero-depressor response andto probe into the central mechanism of the reversion of theresponse induced by the intravenous injection of L-NAME.目的:观察静脉注射及延髓腹外侧区(包括头端和尾端)微量注射 NO 合酶抑制剂 L-NAME(N-硝基-L-精氨酸甲酯)对内脏-减压反应的影响,探讨静脉注射 L-NAME 使该反应产生翻转的中枢机制,并试图揭示内脏疼痛引起休克的机理,从而为临床防治由内脏-减压反应引起的并发症提供参考。
