勃脉力A,Plasmalyte A
1)Plasmalyte A勃脉力A
1.Methods:Twenty(ASAⅠ~Ⅱ) patients without cardiac and pulmonary disease of both sexes aged 22-65 years undergoing elective gastrointestinal surgery were randomly divided into two groups:Voluven group(group A,n=10)and Plasmalyte A group(group B,n=10).方法:选择胃肠道手术病人20例,随机分为A组(万汶组)和B组(勃脉力A组)各10例。

1.The Influence of Plasma Lyte A on Glycometabolism in Type 2 Diabetic Patients during the Operation勃脉力A对2型糖尿病患者糖代谢的影响
2.Hemodynamic changes of carotid and ophthalmic arteries in menopausal women using tibolone替勃龙对绝经期妇女颈动脉、眼动脉血流动力学的影响
3.Be full of vigour, infinite in charm生机勃勃,魅力无穷
4.He was full of colour and animation.他充满魅力,生气勃勃。
5.Bosentan would be the first drug of its kind to treat arterial hypertension orally.勃森坦会成为第一种治疗动脉压力过高的口服药。
6.Favourite gazed tenderly at Blachevelle and said:--宠儿脉脉含情地望着勃拉什维尔说道:
7.In modern times, finance already is the life line of economic system and the flourish development of finance engineering continually enhances the vitality of finance.金融则早已成为现代社会经济系统的命脉,而金融工程的蓬勃发展则不断增强了金融的生命力。
8.A good book is the precious life-blood of master spirit.好书是一个生气勃勃者的活力来源。
9.The freedom movement will be strong and vital and vigorous.自由运动也会强健有力,生气勃勃。
10.For all his years, he was none the less active and energetic.他虽年事已高,但仍生气勃勃,精力旺盛。
11.If dressed in this suit of Western style clothes, you will appear vigorous and glamorous.穿上这套西服,显得生机勃勃,魅力无穷。
12.This plaque will cause an obstruction that interferes with the man's ability to get an erection.影响男性的勃起能力。
13.When the arteries of the penis fill with blood, the penis becomes erect.当血液充满阴茎动脉时,阴茎则会勃起。
14.He had always been so vital, so full of life and energy.他总是那样生气勃勃,充满着活力和精力。
15.Full of productivity or vitality; exuberantly creative.生气勃勃的充满活力的或多产的;创造力旺盛的
16.a lively person is full of life and is always doing things.一个生气勃勃的人,总是充满活力并且总在做事。
17.This wonderful remedy can make a man vigorous and glamorous.这种回春药,能使男子生机勃勃,魅力无穷。
18.The vital spark in him makes him an artist.他的生气勃勃的活力使他成为一个艺术家。

Multiple Electrolytes Injection勃脉力-A
1.Using Multiple Electrolytes Injection as priming solution in group A,and Lactated Ringer′s solution in group B during CPB,and balance ultrafiltration performed in both groups.A组在体外循环中预充勃脉力-A同时施行平衡超滤;B组在体外循环中预充乳酸钠林格注射液亦施行平衡超滤。
3)con brio生气勃勃地,有活力地
6)full of vitality; thriving; exuberant勃勃

脉力寿药物名称:糖酐酯英文名:Dextran Sulfate Sodium别名: 脉力寿;舒脉;右旋糖酐硫酸酯钠,糖酐酯 外文名:Dextran Sulfate Sodium 适应症: 临床上用于高血脂症(Ⅱa及Ⅱb型)、动脉粥样硬化,对由于各种动脉硬化症引起的头痛、头重、眩晕、耳鸣、肩肌僵硬、气喘、心悸、胸闷、手颤等症状有明显改善。此外,亦可用于急慢性肝炎、糖尿病性视网膜症等。 用量用法: 口服:1次服150~450mg,1日3次,饭前服。重症病人每日量可增至1350mg,连服4周后停药2周,再按此继续服药。 注意事项: 有出血倾向者慎用。 规格: 片剂:每片150mg。 类别:调节血脂及抗动脉硬化药